Butler Junior of Munphin and wife Mary’s misfortunes continued, culminating in
a disastrous event in June 1721 which would lead to Walter's premature death, leaving poor Mary with numerous young children to care for.
his father’s death in 1717, Walter Junior was involved in a continual series of
property disputes in the Chancery Courts which deprived him of his inheritance
and income.
Walter Butler Snr of Munphin had died in September 1717. His Will abstract:
(NB. Caesar Colclough [1696-1766] of Duffrey Hall and Tintern Abbey [son of Dudley Colclough of Mohurry and Duffrey Hall], a relative of Col. James Butler of Garryhundon BTR
253- he would continue to have a close relationship with Walter Butler Jnr, leasing him land at Shroughmore- see later. Anne Colclough daughter of Sir Thomas Colclough of Tintern Abbey married Sir Thomas Butler Bart of Cloughgrennan, great grandparents of Col. James Butler. Mary, daughter of John Colclough of the Duffrey and Pouldarrig, third son of Sir Thomas Colclough of Tintern, married James Butler of the Clough brother of Walter Butler of Munphin.)
the death of Walter Butler Senior in September 1717, his son Walter was
embroiled in several suits in the Chancery Courts.[i] In
several of the cases, Walter’s wife Mary and his mother-in-law Mary Long were
also named as defendants, as well as Will executor James Butler of Garryhundon, often represented by Theobald (Sir Toby) Butler, solicitor.
Exchequer Bill Books 1717-1718 Volume 20 p.112
7 Dec
1717- James
Butler Esq, Exec. of Walter Butler (represented by Theobald Butler)
v. William
Exchequer Bill Books 1717-1718 Volume 20 p,137
January 1717/1718
Butler, Executor
of Walter Butler, Complainant
v. Eustace
Power, Edmond
Power, Edward
Kenny, William
Hick, Defendants
Vol 20 1717-1718
P98- 19 Nov 1717
Eustace Power
Walter Butler
James Butler
Theobald Butler (Councillor-at-law and co-executor)
Equity Exchequer Bill Books
1718-1719 Volume 21 page 99 [ii]
14 Feb 1718 BILL:
Eustace Power
James Butler (viz.
of Garryhundon, co-executor of Walter Butler Senior’s Will)
Walter Butler (viz.
Mary his wife
Mary Long
14 February 1718, page 99
Equity Exchequer Bill Books 1717-1718 (LDS film 2262647)
P190- 10 May 1718
William Flower esq.
James Butler
Walter Butler
John Davis
Walter Butler
Mary his wife
John Higginson, Adm. Of his wife Ann Smart his wife
Thomas ffischer
Ann his wife
& Mary Lampbeth Spinster
William Lors Arch-Bishop of Dublin
Alexr Cumin
John Cumin
James Cumin
Thomas Cumin
Mariana King
And, 2 May 1718 v.20 p.181: Eustace Power v. James Butler, Edward Kenny, William Hack, Walter Butler, Mary his wife, Patrick Cogley, John Davy, Ian Brenan, James Cavanagh, Owen Redmond, Garrett Redmond, William Cowming, Owen Connors defts.
(NB. James Cavanagh, Patrick Cogley and Garrett Redmond were all witnesses to Walter Butler Senior’s Will; Edward Kenny was named in several cases due to a transaction between Walter and his neighbour Kenny in the past century. This case is detailed below)
of the suits brought by a neighbour Eustace
Power, over a long standing property dispute, revealed the progeny of
Walter and Mary up until the date of the suit, 19 November 1717, and also named
Walter Butler Senior’s three executors of his will:[v]
Eustace Power of Moyddy (Moyeady) Co Wexford, farmer;
Shows that on 3 Nov 1716 he brought a bill of complaint
against Walter Butler late of Munfin Co Wexford deceased, and others (named)
that Col. Edward Kenny and Frances his wife owned Collatten ( Coolatin,) in
barony of Scarawalsh.
In 1684 Kenny demised lands to Colonel Walter Butler of
Munfin Co Wexford, Senior, for life.
Colonel Butler in June 1710 set all farm of Moyedy to Suplt.
for 31 years but now Col. Butler confederating with (names) contrived to deprive
Suptl. of his Interest. Col. Butler hearing that lease was lost brought action
for trespass and on 1st October 1716 caused his steward to enter
Suplt.’s farm and drive his cattle to Shurlogh and then to Munfin.
Proceedings- Soon after Butler died 28 September 1717
possessing the premises.
Butler (Snr) left issue an only son Walter Butler who had two sons viz. Walter
and Piers Butler and three daughters.
Butler Senior by his will left Walter Butler his heir as one of executors along with Col James Butler of Garryhundon and
Ballintemple and Theobald Butler called Sir Theobald Butler of Dublin
Suplt. Begs writ etc.
Walter and “Mary his wife” were named in several Exchequer Bills following the death of his father, including:
Vol 21, page 97
BILL dated 13 Feb 1718
Walter Butler (of Poulstown)
Coll Walter Butler
And Mary Butler
series of suits involving a Lt. Col. Robert Dixon
and his wife Mary Lambert nee Story over a
dispute concerning Walter’s father’s supposed non-payment of a debt dating back
to 1691, continued from 1719 to late 1722.
was also a counter suit by Walter Butler Snr in 1695:
Court of
Chancery v.11 p.237- 1 June 1695
Walter Butler Esq.
(represented by Theobald Butler solicitor)
v. Robert Dixon & Mary
his wife
23 November 1719, James Butler Esq.
(Walter Butler’s executor) had sued Robert Dixon, Mary his wife, Aran Lambert
(her stepson by a previous marriage to Patrick Lambert as 2nd wife), Thomas Houghton and Richard Murphy [vi]-
Thos Houghton lived at Ballyorrel
1722, Robert Dixon and his wife, filed suit against Walter Butler, and William Bridges who now
owned the Munfin property, on behalf of her stepson by her previous marriage to Patrick Lambert:
Court of Exchequer Bill Books, v.24, p.115
Robert Dixon Esq
Mary Dixon als Lambert his wife Adm. of Pat Lambert
William Bridges
Joseph Merriot
James Butler
Walter Butler
Michael Connor
Sir Walter Butler Bart (of Poolestown?) also sued William Bridges 20 June 1720.
The full transcript of the above:
Equity and
Exchange Bill 23 October 1722 (or 1723) [ix]
Robert Dixon and Mary his wife
Suplt. Robert Dixon and Mary Dixon also Lambert his
wife, of Calverstown Co Kildare adminix of her late husband Patrick Lambert late of Domine Co Wexford (viz. Dunmaine House near Carnagh);
Show that Walter
Butler late of Munfin Co Wexford in 1691 executed a Bond to the said
Patrick Lambert of £800 payment of a loan of £400 lent by him to said Walter
Butler, who neglecting to pay in due course the said Patrick entered judgement
against said Butler in 1691 and died in 1695 intestate with__ (? out?)
receiving any satisfaction. Suplt’s demanded payments from James Butler
executor of said Walter Butler but he insists that Walter Butler (who died 1714
-?) had in his lifetime discharged said debt.
James Butler
(the executor) conveyed all the lands which the said Walter Butler had
possessed to William Bridges who insists against Suplt said action and who says
that Suplt was paid by Walter Butler and that he was given release though such
a thing was never mentioned by James Butler his executor. In 1720 Suplts took out judgement against Walter Butler the heir of the
said Walter Butler Snr.
Begs answer (etc.)
(NB Patrick Lambert of Dunmain House co. Wexford (sth of New Ross), 2nd son of Nicholas Lambert of Carnagh, married 1stly Mary Talbot d.o William Talbot Mayor of Wexford, issue Arran Lambert; m.2.1682 Mary Story who remarried to Lt Col Robert Dixon. Lambert was MP for Taghmon, High Sheriff of Co Wexford in 1683, Escheator of Prov. of Connaught, fought at the Battle of the Boyne as commander of a regiment. ref: Sir Bernard Burke ed, 'Burkes Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Ireland', 3rd Ed. p.381)
The suit dated 23 October 1722 refers to the
fate of Walter Senior’s remaining properties following his death:[x]
Butler (the executor) conveyed all the lands which the said Walter Butler had
possessed to William Bridges.
previously shown in Chapter 12, Walter Butler Senior had sold and mortgaged all
of his considerable lands in the Baronies of Scarawalsh and Bantry to
moneylender Joseph Damer of Dublin in 1708-10.
The year
following Walter’s death, two Deeds were registered in the Registry of Deeds
(Memorials No. 11992, 11993, Vol.22, p.272, vol. 21 p.413) dated 25th
and 26th August 1718, in which several of these lands in Scarawalsh,
including the lands of Munphin were sold to Elizabeth Bridges of London,
spinster, represented by her nephew William Bridges of Dublin, by Jospeh Damer
of one part, executor (Col.) James Butler of Garryhundon of the second part,
Elizabeth Bridges the third part, and Col. Walter Butler Jnr of Munphin, Mary
his wife and Mary Long of Dublin the fourth part, for which Bridges paid the
considerable sums of £2,485, and £3,042. The Deed also recited that Col. Edward
Kenny had leased the lands of Scarawalsh, apart from the house and estate of Munphin
which was a grant, to Walter Butler in several deeds dated between 1692 and
1700. Walter Butler's Will had specified that the lands would have to be sold to pay his debts to Damer and others, leaving his son with whatever remained, which evidently was little.
The following
are the two Memorials transferring the properties to Elizabeth Bridges:
No. 11992
Registered Date 14 October 1718
Damer et al to Bridges
Memorial of Deeds of Lease and Release bearing date respectively 25th
& 26th days of August One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen,
the Lease made between Joseph Damer of the City of Dublin Esq. and James
Butler of Garryhunden in the County of Catherlough Esq. of the First Part
and Elizabeth Bridges of the City of London in Great Britain Spinster of the
Second Part and the Release being Quadripartite and made between the
said Jospeh Damer of the First part the said James Butler of the Second part
Elizabeth Bridges of the Third part and Coll. Walter Butler of Munphin in the
County of Wexford Mary his Wife and Mary Long of the said City of Dublin Widow
of the Fourth Part. The said Release Reciting that Coll Edward Kenny of Cullin in the County of Cork and
Frances his wife Did by their Deed dated the 10th day of
April One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Six Demise and Sett All that those the
Towns and Lands of Tomgarrow and Ballyphillip containing
by estimation Five Hundred and Twenty acres be the same more or less
situate in the Barony of Scarrywalsh and County of Wexford with their
Appurtances unto Coll Walter Butler of Munphin in the said County deceased
Father of the said Walter Butler & his Heirs For
and during the lives of Caesar Colclough Son to Dudley Colclough esq. Anthony
Colclough Son to Caesar Colclough Esq. & Richard Kenny Son to the
said Edward Kenny and the Survivors and Survivor of them with a Covenant for
renewables forever at the yearly rent of twenty Eight Pounds sterling and
reciting that the said Kenny and Frances his Wife did by another Deed dated
the 1st day of October One Thousand Seven Hundred Demise and Set all
that and those the Town and Lands of Coolattin the Two
Lower Moyadges, Killmaedermottroe, Cashellmore, Mullanesmore, and the Third
part of Killanure all containing Six Hundred Acres (be the same more
or less) lying and being in the Barony of Scarrywalsh and County of Wexford
with their Appurtances unto the said Walter Butler and his Hiers for and
during the said Three Lives with a Covenant for renewables forever At the
yearly Rent of Forty Pounds Sterling with a Saving therein for a Lease them in
being for twenty one years which did Commence the 25th March One
Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Two at the yearly Rent of Forty Pounds Sterling and
Reciting that the said Kenny(?) did by One other Deed dated the 27th
day of November One Thousand Seven Hundred Demise and Sett the Townes and Lands
of Ballyturner and Tomnenoule containing Three
Hundred Fifty Two acres plantation measure be the same more or less lying
and being in the said Barony and County with their Appurtances unto the same
Walter Butler and his Heires for and during the said Three Lives at the yearly
rent of Thirteen Pounds Sterling that the said Edward Kenny and Frances
his Wife did as of Trinity(?) Term in the third year of the Reign of our late
Sovereign Queen Ann Levy a Fine of al and singular the said Premises in the
said several recited leases mentioned according to Law and Reciting that the
said Edward Kenny and Frances his Wife did by their Deed bearing date the 1st
day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eight declare that the Fine so levyed
was to be and ensure to the only use and benefit of him the said Walter Butler
Since deceased for and during the life Continuance of his said Estates and
Interests in and to the premises by virtue of the said Several before recited
Leases and Reciting that the said Walter Butler the Father being Seized of the
said Several Lands and Premises in the said Several Recited Leases mentioned by
Deeds of Lease and Release dated the 8th and 9th days of
January One Thousand Seven Hundred and ten did (inter alia) Grant Assign and
make over all those the before mentioned Towns Lands and Premises in and by the
said several recited Leases granted to him the aid Walter Butler as aforesaid
with their and every of their Appurtances as also the said Severall Leases unto
the said Joseph Damer his Heirs and Assigns To have and to hold all and
singular the said premes Together with their and every of their Rights members
and Appurtances as also all his the said Walter Butlers Estate, Interest Tern
and Terms then to come and unexpired Right and benefit of renewal Property
Claim Challenge and Demand whatsoever of in & to all and Singular the said
Premises unto the said Joseph Damer his Heirs Assigns for ever At & under
the several and respective yearly rents fines for Renewall Covenant and
Agreements in the said several recited Leases for Lives reserved and Contained
with and under a proviso or Condition of redemption on payment of a certain sum
in the said Deed of Release mentioned at or upon the 9th day of July
next after the date thereof and reciting that the said Walter Butler the
Father did make his last Will and testament dated in or about the 7th
day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventeen whereby he
constituted and appointed the said James Butler his sole Executor and did
thereby order that the said James Butler should together with the said Joseph
Damer sell and dispose of the aid Severall Leases and with the money arising by
such a sale to pay and satisfy the debts due from him to the said Damer in the
First place and afterwards to Apply the remaining part thereof to such uses and
trusts as in the said will mentioned and also reciting that the said Joseph
Damer and the said James Butler by the said will and not otherwise have by and
with the Consent of the said Coll Walter Butler Mary his wife and Mary Long
testified by their being party to and signing and sealing the said first mentioned
Release Agreed to Sell the said several Leases unto the said Elizabeth Bridges.
The said First mentioned Release witnessed that for & in Consideration
of the Sum of Two Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Five Pounds Four Shillings
Sterling lawfull money of Great Britain by the said Elizabeth Bridges to the
said Joseph Damer in hand paid and of the Sum of Ten shillings of like money by
the said Elizabeth Bridges to the said James Butler in hand likewise paid
before the Execution of the said release the Receipt of which said several Sums
they the said Joseph Damer and James Butler have (by and with the P. Consent
testified as aforesaid) Granted bargained Sold Aliened Released and Confirmed
unto her the said Elizabeth Bridges in her actual Possession being by virtue of
the first before mentioned Bargain and Sale for a Year All that and those the
said Townes Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of Tomgarrow and Ballyphillip
containing by estimation Five Hundred and Twenty Acres (be the same more or
less) The Town and Lands of Coolattin the Two Lower Moyadges,
Killmackdermottroe, Cashellmore, Mullanesmere and the Third part of Killenure
all containing Six Hundred Acres (be the same more of less) The Towns and Lands
of Ballyturner and Tomnenoule containing Three Hundred Fifty Two Acres
plantation measure (be the same more of less) lying and being in the said
Barony and County Together with their and every of their Rights Members &
Appurtances and all the right Title Interest Claim Trust or Demand whatsoever
of them the said Joseph Damer and James Butler either in Law or equity of in or
to all and Singular the aid Premises Together with the said Several Indentures
or Leases and all other writings relating to the premises To have and to hold
all and Singular the said Towns Lands tenements and Hereditaments with their
and every of their Rights Members and Appurtances unto the said Elizabeth
Bridges her Heirs and Assigns To the proper use and behoof of Her Heirs and
Assigns for and during the said Lives in the aid respective Leases or Deeds
mentioned, and for and during Such other Life and Lives as should thereafter be
nominated or Incerted in all and every of the said recited
of Lease or in any new Lease or Leases which should be made by virtue of all or
any the Clauses and Covenants for renewal therein contained subject to and at
and under the several respective rents Reservations Covenants and provisoes n
the said recited Deeds and every of them contained and reserved which said
First mentioned deeds of Lease release are witnessed by Joseph Marriott of the
City of Dublin Gent, John Winstanley of the same Gent and john Bowden (Clerk to
the said Joseph Marriott, Joseph Damer (seale) Signed and Sealed in the
presence of us Joseph Marriott, John Bowden, The above named John Bowden maketh
oath that he saw the first above mentioned Deeds of Lease and Release of which
the above writing is a Memorial duly executed by all the Partys thereto, that
is to say the said Lease by the said Joseph Damer and James Butler and the said
release by the said Joseph Damer, James Butler, Walter Butler and Mary his wife
and Mary Long and by William Bridges of the City of Dublin Esq. who subscribed
the name and Affixed the Seal of the above named Elizabeth Bridges by virtue of
Power from her in the said Deed mentioned and that he also saw the said Joseph
Damer duly sign and Seal the said memorial and that he this Deponent is a
subscribing witness to the said Deeds of lease and Release and Memorial and
Delivered the same to Mr William Parry Deputy Registrar on the 14th
day of October 1718.

Map of Barony of Scarawalsh lands of Walter Butler, marked with *
(Munphin and Sroughmore marked with *)
Memorial No 11993
Registered Date 14 October 1718
Damer to Bridges
A Memorial of Deeds of Lease and Release bearing
date respectively the 25th and 26th days of August One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighteen the Lease made between Joseph Damer
of the City of Dublin Esq. of the one part and Elizabeth Bridges of the City of
London Spinster of the other part and the Release being Quadripartite and made
between the said Joseph Damer of the First part James Butler now of Garryhundon
in the County of Catherlogh Esq of the Second part the said Elizabeth Bridges Spinster
of the Third Part and Mary Long of the said City of Dublin Widow and Coll
Walter Butler of Mumphin in the County of Wexford and Mary his Wife of the
Fourth Part. By which said Release the said Joseph Damer by and with
consent Direction and approbation of the said James Butler Mary Long, Coll
Walter Butler and Mary his Wife testified by their being Partys to and signing
and sealing the said Release for and in Consideration of the Sum of Three Thousand Forty Two Pounds Sterling lawfull money
of Great Britain to him the said Joseph Damer in hand paid before the
perfection of the said Deed by the said Elizabeth Bridges the Receipt of
whereof is thereby acknowledged, Hath granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed
Released and Confirmed unto the said Elizabeth Bridges (in her actual
possession being by virtue of the before mentioned Lease for a year) All that and
those the Towns and Lands herein after mentioned viz. The Town and Lands of Ballymore, Carraghnegree Ballycristall and Cloreagebegg containing by estimation Five Hundred Ninety Six
acres profitable Land plantation measure (be the same more or less) Ballynevorchran and Killenure containing by estimation Two Hundred Eighty Three
acres profitable Land plantation measure (be the same more or less) Carraneroe containing by estimation Eight Hundred
Thirty acres profitable Land plantation measure (be the same more or less) Tomgarroe part of Coolgarry Munphin and Ballyduffe containing
by estimation One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Nine acres profitable Land plantation
measure (be the same more or less) Ballynakill and
Ballymackwilliamroe Thirty Eight Acres Two Roods and Sixteen perches
profitable land plantation measure in Ballyhumbletty
and Knockduffe One Hundred and
Fourteen acres profitable land plantation measure all situate lying and being
in the Barony of Scarrywalsh and County of Wexford aforesaid And also all that
and those the Town Lands of Rathurteen
containing by common estimation Five Hundred acres profitable Land plantation
measure be the same more or less situate lying and being in the Barony of
Bantry in the aid County of Wexford and all and singular the Castles Houses
Edifices Buildings Barnes Gardens Orchards Lands Cottages Meadows Pastures
Common or Pasture Inclosures Wasts Wast Grounds Woods UnderwoodsTtrees Hedges
HedgeRoes Tythes Oblations obventions Ways Waters Watercourses Easements
Profits and Advantages whatsoever unto the said lands and premises or any of
them belonging or appertaining and all the Estate Title Claim Demand of him the
said Joseph Damer in and to the premises either in Law or equity Together with
all Deeds and Writings relating to the premises in the possession of the said
Joseph Damer and James Butler or either of them or which they or either of them
could come at without Suit in Law or Equity To have and to hold all and
singular the said Castle Houses messuages Towns Lands Tenements and premises
with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtences thereunto or unto
every or any part thereof belonging or appertaining unto the said Elizabeth
Bridges her Heires and Assigns for ever Saving and Excepting one yearly Rent
Charge of one hundred Pounds issuing and payable out of the Premises granted by
the said Walter Butler Senior unto Isaac Holroyde of the City of Dublin Merchant
and his Heirs forever by Deed Indented dated the 1st day of July
One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three as also the several Leases and
Demises mentioned in a Schedule to the said Release annexed which said Deeds of
Lease and release are witnessed by Joseph Marriott of the City of Dublin Gent,
John Winstanley of the same, Gent andJjohn Bowden Clerk to the said Joseph
Marriott, Joseph Damer (seal) Signed and Sealed in the presence of us Joseph
Marriott John Bowden. The above named John Bowden maketh oath that he saw the
above mentioned Deeds of Lease and Release of which the above writing is a
Memorial duly Executed by all the partys thereto (that is to say) the said
Lease by the above named Joseph Damer and the said Release by the said Joseph Damer
James Butler Mary Long Walter Butler and Mary his Wife and William Bridges of
the City of Dublin Esq. who subscribed the name and affixed the seal of the
above named Elizabeth Bridges by virtue of a Power from her in the said Deed
mentioned and that this Deponent also saw the above named Joseph Damer duly
sign and seal the said Memorial And is a subscribing witness to the aid Deeds of Lease and Release and Memorial
and Delivered the same to Mr William Barry Deputy Registrar on the 14th
day of October 1718
John Bowden.
Map of NW Barony of Scarawalsh- Walter Butler's lands marked *
Notably, in
the first Memorial, Col. Kenny recites that he had leased all of the listed
lands to Col Walter Butler and his heirs for the unusual term of: “for and
during the lives of Caesar Colclough Son to Dudley Colclough esq. Anthony Colclough
Son to Caesar Colclough Esq, and his own son Richard Kenny.”
again, the close link between the Butlers of Munphin and the Colclough family
is apparent.
The properties were inherited and conveyed to William Bridges included the
family home of Munphin, as a record exists of “
The Lease and Release on Lands in Wexford dated 1st/2nd
July 1762 to William Bridges of Mountfinn Co. Wexford”,
and the later Griffiths Valuation of 1853
lists the owner of the Munphin/Lower Mountfin property (402 acres and house) as
Rev. Henry B. Bridges.
the now impoverished Butler family had lost their family seat of Munphin,
although the family would continue to be recognised as such.
A Bill dated 4 May
1725 indicates that Walter was leasing property a couple of miles west of
Munfin at Sroughmore, near
Templeshanbo, known as Sroughmore House, from Col. Caesar Colcough who
was a witness to Walter Butler Senior’s will. The Chancery suit was brought by
Christopher Devonshire Esq. against Caesar Colclough of Mocurry (Duffrey Hall)
and Tintern, and several of Colclough’s lessees in Scarawalsh including “Walter
Butler of Shramore”, for the recovery of a debt owed by Colclough:
Court of Exchequer Bill Books, v.27 p.19
Transcript of above:
(NB Transcript is
handwritten and difficult to decipher at times)
1725 Exchequer Bill
Devonshire esq. v. Caesar Colclough, Wm Doran, Simon Kavanagh, Henry Grant,
Hugh Redmond, James Barry, Patrick Doran, Adam Colclough, Ignatus Freyng,
Richard Fennelon (or Donovan?), Richard Bayley, James Holmes, James Redmond, Walter Butler, Thos Haughton, Cornel
Donovan, Patrick Doyle, Henry Archer, James Bryne, Richard Wolsley, Robert
Park, Onesipherus Gamble, Elizabeth Gamble als Rogers and Edward Rogers.
May 1725
Devonshire Esq. says that he recovered in the Court of Exchequer a debt of
₤569-10-8 against Caesar Colcough of Tentern Co Wexford Esq. who neglected to
pay your ___ (Viator?) the said debt.
jury (?) found that said Colclough was seized of the following
Schannagh, Moynart, Foyeland (?), Asquition etc……… Your suppliant hoped to get
possession of said lands but Caesar Colclough Sen(?) pretended to have a lease
of the lands of Moherry, Heile(?) and Mossard(?) prior to said judgement and Wm
Doran a lease of Ballybrin and Simon Kavanagh a lease of Scahannagh, Henry
Grant a lease of Knockduff, Hugh Redmond a lease of Clonbrine(?), James Barry a
lease of Kylane(?), Patrick Doran a lease of Whelaghprior(or gower?), Adam
Colclough a lease of Kilfoyley(?), Ignatius ffreyngs(?) a lease of Mangan,
Richard Donovan a lease of Ballyshanane(?), Richard Bayley a lease of Coo__(?),
and James Holmes a lease of Mandoran(?), James Redmond a lease of Ballyloskey, Walter Butler a lease of Shramore, Thos
Haughton a lease of Balleyorrell(?), Cornel Donovan a lease of Garranstackle,
Harry Archer a lease of Ballyhoage(?), Richard Wolsely Robert Parke Onesiphuris
Gamble Elizabeth Gamble als Rogers his wife and Edward Rogers a lease of
Moynart Foyeland(? Forgeland) Asquition etc, so that your suppliant cannot
bring an ejectment for a recovery of a moiety of said lands
May 1725
(A second Bill
brought by the Gambles, Onesiphuris and Elizabeth, in reply, named the lands Colclough possessed as the
following for which he received more than ₤100 rent:
Ballybreen, Scahanagh, Kuodkduffe(?), Glaslacky, Clonebrin, Kylane(?),
Whelagegower(?), Killbeyley, Curraghduffe, Mangan, Ballyruanane, Coolroe,
Kiamdoran (or Mandoran?), Kiainteigue, Ballylosky, Shramore, Ballyorrell, Garronstackle, Gallbally, Kersgat, Keile,
Rosard, Ballyhoge, Junacurry(?), Moynart, Forgeland, Asquition, Ballynewry,
Pullenstown, Clonejordan, Currigrage, Kioyisbegg, Munglass, Came (Caim?)
Killtoagle, Ballybilou, Ballydigon, and Ballintogher
NB Shramore is no
longer spelt that way in modern townland maps/names- it refers to Sroughmore,
which is located in Scarawalsh, about a mile from Templeshanbo, and a couple of
miles West of Munfin. The other lands named above surround Sroughmore.
There are no further Bills
naming Walter Butler.
Interestingly, the
Will of Dudley Colclough of Moyhurry (Mocurry)[xiv],
Additional Notes by Chevalier Grattan Flood, explains that Father Michael FitzHenry was Pastor of Enniscorthy and Templeshanbo
from 1686 to 1715, a student of the Irish College Lisbon and ordained in 1685.
Patrick Colclough evidently gave him a house and land at Shraughmore, and he
registered himself as Parish Priest in 1704, aged 43, residing at Shraughmore,
his sureties being Dudley Colclough and Roger Talbot Castle Talbot. Fr
FitzHenry fled to Santiago in 1705, journeying via London and Lisbon, but he
returned in 1708 when there was a brief lull in the persecution. From this Will, it would seem that he was
labouring in the district round Templeshanbo in 1712, and he was confirmed in
his holding at Shraghmore. I can find no trace of him after the year 1715, and I
presume he resigned or died at that date. This is the more likely inasmuch as
Father Thady Grannell appears as Parish Priest in 1717.
Colcloughs, closely allied through friendship and kinship with the Butlers for
several generations (including Mary Colclough, the wife of Walter’s uncle James
Butler), granted a house and land at ‘Shraughmore’ rent free to Fr. Michael
FitzHenry, Pastor of Enniscorthy and Templeshanbo (near Sroughmore) from 1686
until his death in 1715, and registered as Parish Priest for Templeshanbo in
1704, (albeit in exile in Spain between 1705 and 1708 to avoid persecution).
Sometime after Fr. FitzHenry’s death, Walter may have taken over the lease. Adam
Colclough of “Sroughmore House”, son of Caesar Colcough, signed the articles of
marriage between his sister and her intended on 15 July 1766.
An interesting letter recently discovered in the attic of Wraxall House in Wiltshire reveals that Walter's eldest son Walter continued living at Shroughmore until at least 1766, but in dire poverty (see section on the children of Walter and Mary, below).
(ref: Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: 2943B-2-8-3)
(In the 1853
Griffiths Valuation, Shroughmore was ¾ owned by William Humphries, and the
remainder by Hamilton K.G. Morgan. Most of the land was leased into nine
separate properties.)
two years after Walter was attainted as a youth, and thirteen years after
returning to live in Wexford, he was arrested for treason and imprisoned in
Wexford Gaol for a full year before he was released.
The Evening Post, Thursday July 19, 1722:[xv]
Mr. Walter Butler, who was committed in June 1721 to
Wexford Gaol in Ireland, for Treason against King William and Queen Mary, is
set at Liberty, but to continue in that Kingdom.
Why he should be arrested
after living peacefully in Wexford for so long, is difficult to comprehend. He
may have been reported to the authorities by someone holding a grudge, possibly
due to the property disputes in which he was embroiled following the death of
his father. The reason why he was still being charged with treason following
the Amnesty Act of 1709 is also a mystery. His imprisonment was catastrophic
for his health and the financial circumstances of Walter and his family.
On 23 December 1721,
Walter wrote a Petition to the Lords Justices of Ireland:[xvi]
their Excellencies the Lords Justices of Ireland
Humble Petition of Colonel Walter Butler
your Petitioner was on the 26th day of June last apprehended on a
Warrant from Henry Kenny and Patrick Aylmer Esqs, two of his Majesties Justices
of Peace for the County of Wexford, for high Treason alleadg’d to have been
committed by your Petitioner against their late Majesties King Wm and Queen
Mary, and was thereupon sent to the Common Gaol of the said County where your
Petitioner hath ever since remain’d closely confin’d.
your Petitioner made severall applications
since his said confinement to their late Excellencies the Lords Justices
of Ireland and to his Grace the Duke of Grafton now Lord Lieutenant of this
Kingdom setting forth your Petitioner’s long Service in the Imperial Army under
the Command of Prince Eugene of Savoy in the quality of a Captain of Curasseers
against the late French King, and your Petitioner’s returning into this Kingdom
under the Protection of a Lycence under the Great Seal of Ireland, and praying
to be admitted to Bail until his Majesties pleasure in your Petitioner’s said
Case should be known.
your Petitioner’s said applications have prov’d ineffectual and it hath pleas’d
God Almighty to visit your Petitioner with a Dropsicall Disorder occasion’d as
your Petitioner verily believes by his long confinement and the Loathsomeness
of it and for want of air and exercise and the said disorder which hath
attended your Petitioner for some months past is now come to such a head that
your Petitioner’s life is thereby look’d upon to be in imminent danger as may
appear to your Excellencies by the annexed affidavit and Certificate.
it therefore please your Excellencies to make such an Order in the premesses
for your Petitioner’s releife as your Excellencies in your great wisdom
clemency and compassion shall think proper.
your Petitioner will ever Pray &c.
Wa: Butler
Humble Petition of Colonel Walter Butler
December 1721
Attorney and Solicitor Generall being consulted by My Lord Lieutenant about
Col. Butler’s affair were of opinion that his Grace might recommend to his
Majesty to grant him a Licence under the Great Seal for his enlargement and for
his remaining in the Kingdom.
Walter’s release followed
a recommendation from the Duke of Grafton, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (illegitimate son of Charles II and the Duchess of Cleveland), in a
letter dated 12 July 1722, to Lord Carteret, Secretary of State Southern
Having laid before his Majesty Some Representations which I
have received from the Lords Justices of Ireland and other persons of
Distinction in behalfe of Walter Butler Esq who appears to have been outlawed
in that Kingdom in the year 1689, but to have lived for many years last past
inoffensively towards the Government and without receiving any molestation from
it till about the month of June 1721, at which time he was apprehended on
account of the said Outlawry in 1689, and committed to the Gaol of Wexford,
where he has continued ever since, and is now reduced by his Long Confinement
to a very dangerous state of Health; His Majesty has been graciously pleased to
consent that a Licence be granted under the Great Seal for his Enlargement and
Continuance in Ireland, which the Attorney and Solicitor General of that
Kingdom have given their opinion that His Majesty may Legally grant, I
therefore send your Lordship His Petition &c and desire that you will
please to obtain the proper warrant from his Majesty for granting to him such a
Licence as is before mentioned, and being sensible that this Gentleman’s
circumstances are such that he will not be able to receive the benefit of his
Majesty’s gracious Intention unless it be conveyed to him without Expense, I
must recommend to your Lordship that this Licence be granted to him in forma
“Persons of distinction”
had used their influence to gain his release. It was noted that the licence
should be conveyed without expense due to “this Gentleman’s circumstances”, and
that it be granted in “forma pauperis”, indicating that he was unable to pay
the normal fees for receiving this kind of licence. Walter at this time was 48
years of age and unfortunately his health, which had been reduced to a
dangerous state by his long confinement in gaol, would not fully recover. A
“dropsicall disorder” would suggest he had a stroke, although his signature on his petition looks firm. In today’s world he would
probably be justified in seeking compensation for wrongful imprisonment.
Letter to Catherine O'Brien from the Butlers
year following his release, Walter and his mother-in-law Mary Long responded to
a letter from Mary’s niece Catherine O’Brien nee Keightley (daughter of Thomas Keightley) offering help via
her son Sir Edward O’Brien 2nd Bt. and her mother Lady Frances
(Keightley nee Hyde). The letter from Mary reveals their terrible financial
circumstances and the heartache and depression she was experiencing. This
letter was final proof of the kinship between Walter Butler and Mary Long nee
letter, from Walter Butler was dated 21st May (1723):[xviii]
For Mrs O’Bryin at Dromoland neere Six Mile Bridge In ye
County of Claire.
(On the side of the envelope: M. Long to Sale for England.)
My mother shewed me your very obliging letter, I must owne yt
(that), my sons loss of time, is a great concern to me, but all men are not
equally qualified to perform their just obligations, if Sr Edward should be
inclined to comply with your kind thoughts, I’m both willing and pleased- my
son were in a way of improving- and when I can know where Sr Edward intends to
travel, and when he is tired of my son, I will at their going off recommend him
to any parte in Europe and to persons of distinction and interest that will doe
for him in the army which I looke on to be the easiest way for me to provide
for him, besides he is, inclined yt (that) way I can further say yt (that) I’m
very thankfull to you, and am with much respect
Your most humble Servant
Wa. Butler
heartfelt endorsement on the bottom of Walter’s letter, by Mary Long:
Yours my Deare Nice (niece) I recev’d by yesterdays poste all
I can say is its good like yourself, kind and obliging, sensible of your
friends misforthings (misfortunes) and though I am very sensible you have run
thrugh a burden of hard yousage yet you
have a prospect of surmounting them all & in spite of your Enemeys to end
your days with Ease and plenty. I wish I could say as much but Gods will bee
done and give me patience and resignation to phinish mine to his honner and
glory and my Eternal happiness. When I showd my Sonn Butler your letter he sade
(said) he would take upon himself to oner (honour) ye obligation to you and
when he hears from you an account of Sr Edwards resoloutions and inclinations
of letting his cosen travel with him, will take all ye mesues (measures)
imaginable for putting his sonn in a way of getting his bread and I can assure you your cosen is sensible
beyond what I can say for her of your true conserne for her and hers and I am sure I am so. I am
almost as sure that you will believe me with ought (out) more words.
The next matter is to oner (honour) my obligations to your
mother and only my falt (fault) which has not proceeded from want of Respect to
her but realy my trubbles and misfortunes of late have been ___ ____ upon my
old spirits that it has quite turnd me to all manner of thought but ye prospect
of going ___ upon my numurus family. I am finally resolved to wright to her and
try if she can forgive my long silence having never wright to her but one since
the death of my Deare Brother (Thomas Keightley) what you tell me of her kind
Enquiry after me and mine shows so much goodness in her that I cannot Express
it and as to what you tell mee concerning her inclination of taking one of my children
up when you see her and find it can sute with her surcumstances and
inclinations. I am sure I should with joy and pleasure put your old acquantance
Mrs Maley and my pet into her hands and
I am sure bough (both) her Father and Mother is of my mind; she is, this May,
15 years old, and I have done my
best to give her all the learning this little hole is capable of. Neither time nor paper will give me leave to
add more than that of my being sincerely Yours
(signed) M. Long
Postscript was added:
I beg you my Deare Nice (niece) seale and send ye inclosed.
What I have said for myself is matter of fact and a great truth.
refers to a separate letter written to Catherine’s mother Lady Frances, which
Mary asks her niece to forward on.
Edward O’Brien was 18 years of age in 1723, and Walter and Mary’s eldest son
Walter must have been about 17 years of age (ie. born c.1706) to have required
a travelling companion. Whether young Walter did indeed get his wish to join
the army is unknown, although it is known that he was still living at Shroughmore in Templeshanbo by 1766. Purchasing a commission for him may not have been a
financially viable proposition at that time, given subsequent events.
letter had indicated that Lady Frances had made inquiries about the family, and
had offered to ‘take up’ Mary’s 15 year old granddaughter to live with her in
England and sponsor her. Mary tells Catherine that she has done her best to
give her “all the learning this little hole is capable of”, and that if it
would “suit her circumstances and inclinations”, they would be very grateful.
This also reveals that Walter and Mary’s eldest daughter was born in May 1708.
Whether they accepted Lady Frances’s offer is unknown, but it would seem likely
they would grab the opportunity to further their daughter’s prospects. Maybe Mary took the child with her on her trip to England following the letter.
Long’s attached second letter which was addressed to Lady Frances Keightley,
prompted a quick response, as the following letter from Lady Frances to her
daughter Catherine, dated 22 June 1723 discloses:[xix]
“I am in great concerne for your poor Aunt Long and her
numerous family. I could not read her letter without a real griefe. I wish I
was in a capacity to be any help to her I am here.
Another reference may refer
to Walter Butler: Dated 8 Aug 1719:
Daveran, the O’Brien’s agent wrote to Catherine O’Brien, Sr Edward’s mother:
When I parted Sr Edward he desired me to speake to Mr
Mathew to cant a gray philly of Col
Butlers for him and Mr Mathew being not this day att the ____ McInerhiny pressing me to buy the philly
att any rate I was att last obliged contrary to my own judgement and
inclination to give ₤40 for the philly which I do not think worth 30, but being
guided by McInerhiny bought her to ___
Sr Edward and was obliged to draw a bill on your ___
the same payable att six daies ___
Mr Butler having instructed to have the money paid in
Dublin, etc. (Note: parts illegible).[xx]
The term canted appears elsewhere in the letters
relating to purchase of land, and seems to mean bid, as at an auction.
Whether this is a reference
to Col. Walter Butler, or another Colonel Butler (possibly Col. William Butler)
is unclear.
There are no known records of the death of Walter
Butler Junior or of his wife Mary, however, the following Equity Exchequer
Court Bill Book record reveals that Walter died sometime in 1725, before 19th May, as Walter’s wife
Mary is named as “Administrator of Walter Butler”, and the suit includes Mary’s
mother Mary Long, still living aged 73 yrs:
Court of Exchequer Bill Books, v.27, p.28
19 May 1725 - Bill
Mary Long widow, Mary Butler Adm. of Walter Butler v. William Wilkinson
probably died in May as he was named as a
defendant in another Equity Exchequer Court Bill dated 4 May 1725, along with
Caesar Colclough and a number of others (as shown above), [xxii]
which would indicate that Walter died between the two dates viz. 4th
to 19th May. Walter’s
mother-in-law Mary Long was still living at the time of his death.
Notably, a bill dated 2
March 1716 Walter Butler Esq, (snr) v,
William Wilkinson[xxiii],
and James Butler as executor of Walter Butler Senior, had petitioned William
Wilkinson on 7 Dec. 1717 [xxiv].
William Wilkinson was the witness to a will of a Quaker, William Sparrow of
Coole Co Wexford 9 Sept 1725, Quaker
Records Dublin [xxv].
Whether this indicates that Wilkinson was a Quaker is uncertain. Wilkinson was
also appointed as a Justice of the Peace for the County of Wexford 19 November
are no records yet found of where Walter was buried, although possibly at nearby St Colman's Churchyard in Templeshanbo.
Mary Butler wrote to her paternal grandmother, Lady Dorothy Long in 1708, revealing that she had had four children (Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre Archives: Additional archives of the Long Family of Draycot Cerne, Wiltshire- letters of Lady Dorothy Long from Mary Long- 2943B/1/9- letter No. 10) in just under 4 years, between early 1706 and early 1709:
November 18, 1708
Honoured Madam my long silence to your Ladyship has
not proceeded out of any negligence or insensitivity of the duty I owe to you
but fear my letters might be troublesome to your Ladyship never having heard
from Mrs Gisby to whom I writt very earnestly. Yet she would let me hear some
times of your Ladyships health, for I am certain there is none wishes it more
to you than I do. For which reason I can no longer hold my hand with out
begging your Ladyship’s acceptance of my most humble duty and to assure you Madam
it is no small grief to me that I can not have the satisfaction on hearing of
you for it is a greater favour then I ought to expect to hear from your
ladyship tho there is none in the world can esteem it or value it more than I
As to my own health I have it but very ill for I am so quick and so very sick a breeder
that I am grown very unhealthy. I am now within four months of lyeing in of my
fourth child. My last was a daughter
to whom I gave your ladyship’s name: and I bless God she is a very fine
lusty child as is my boy who now begins to walk and prattle.
This place is so
dull that I hear no news worth troubling your ladyship with so Madam have
nothing more to beg of you than that you will pardon this troublesome and dull
Epistle and believe that Mr Butler and I are with all Duty and respect
(Page torn)
Mr Butler and I join in our service to Mr Chaworth
(Lady Dorothy Long died in 1710)
Issue of Walter and Mary Butler:
1. Walter Butler b.c. 1706 (still living at Shroumore in 1766)
2. Daughter Butler b. 1707
3. Dorothy Butler b. May 1708
4. Pierce Butler born bet. 1709-1717 (died bef. 1766, according to brother Walter)
5. Eleanor/Nelly Butler born bet. 1709-1717
6. Margaret Butler b. March 1718
Others? born between 1719-1725
It is unknown exactly how many children Walter and Mary had together, although described as ‘numerous’. The Equity Exchequer Bill of 19 November 1717 [xxvii] revealed that they had two sons Walter and Piers and three unnamed daughters (although the letters, below, have revealed two were named Nelly and Dorothy). Fourth daughter, Margaret was born in February 1718.[xxviii] As Walter’s wife Mary was only about 31 years of age in 1718, with six children in eleven years, one would assume she could have had other children between 1718 and her husband’s death in May 1725, although a letter written in Paris (below) about the daughters did not indicate any further daughters or younger sons.
The following document from the Betham Genealogical Abstracts/Will Abstracts is rather difficult to decipher and interpret:

Thomas, Honourable Dublin
Butler of Wexford, Wid[ow] the Niece
O’Brien ____?
The testor?
Granted 23 Day April 1730
Thomas Keightley died in 1719, the document appears to suggest that Catherine O'Brien was the 'testor' of her father's estate. It is known that Catherine died sometime in 1730 as a
letter dated 1731 from Councillor Dan O’Grady to Sir Edward O’Brien
commiserated with him on the death of his mother. It would then appear that Catherine may have appointed her cousin Mary to administer her father's estate. Why Mary Butler would be
involved in her cousin’s Will administration when Catherine's son was an adult, is unclear, although,
by 1727, Catherine had moved to France where she died. It is unknown if her
cousin Mary Butler accompanied her, although it is quite likely, as a letter
written in 1732/33 revealed that she was deceased and her daughters were living
in Paris under their uncle Long’s care and expense.
Notably, in 1730, Mary was
still known as Mary Butler, indicating she had not remarried.
It would appear that their mother Mary Butler must have died before 1733, and the daughters were then placed in the care of their mother's Long relations. A letter written by Charles Browne, an associate of Sir Robert Long Bt. in 1733 reveals that the daughters were living in Paris at Sir Robert's expense (Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre Archives Ref:2943B-1-47):
Monsieur le Chevalier Long
Gentlhomme Anglois
A spa
moche Liege
Paris 7ber. 1q5th.1732
I am very sorry I have not yet been able to hear of any ship to send
away Misses Butlers. I begin now to despair of it, before we set out for Italy;
which we shall do next Sunday or Monday. As what is a greater grievance I can’t
well see how you can dispose of them. If you let them live in the manner they
do, it’s true the expense is not great, but there is danger of their reputation
by means of people who may come to visit them, if you put them into a Convent,
their reputation will be safe, but the expense is ten livre per month more
which is not a great deal, considering the approach of Winter and the necessity
they will be then under of having some fire, but then on the other hand, Miss
Nelly has that aversion to a Convent, that she will never go in willingly and
possibly may make herself and the Society uneasy if you direct them to it. They
may live well enough where they are, but it will be advisable, if you will give
me leave to offer my sentiments, to put them entirely under the eldest sister’s
care, and that, I can tell you, will make the 2nd very mutinous. The youngest
is a very tractable young lady (viz. Margaret). You see, I write my sentiments very freely of
their Tempers, which I have discovered to no one else; that you may direct them
as you think most proper. As we go from home so soon, you will please to write
to Miss Butler, what you would have them do. I have sent a Direction for fear
you should have forgot it. Or if I have not expressed myself clear enough, please
to direct to me at Alexanders, tho’ it will be some time before I can receive
your letter. The day you went I carried Miss the ten Louis, as you desired; she
would take but six, as being enough for her immediate use. I since gave her
five more, which she hoped would have been sufficient to have bought each of
them a gown for winter, for those they have by constant wear for want of change
will soon be worn out, and are in truth much too cold for winter, so that I invited
her to do so, but upon trial, she found she could not have three
(p2) gowns for less than two hundred and twenty livres, that is with the
linings, fitting up and making; and she prudently forbore laying out so much of
your money without your leave; you will please to signify whether you consent
or no; I think they cannot do without them. The expense of plumbing [sealing
with lead] your trunk and Porterage to the Customhouse and Mr Alexander’s is
seven Livres, four Louis which with the eleven Louis I intend to receive of
Miss Butler whom I shall wait on to Mr Alexander’s one day this week. I advise
her to take up 20 £ sterling at once, that they may not trouble Mr Alexander
upon every little trifle; and that sum will repay me, and maintain them here
three months, if they do not buy their gowns, and should be obliged to wait too
long for a passage. I have advised her to keep an account how all your money
she had or will receive, since we left you, has been paid out that whenever you
call for it, you may judge whether she acts in the most frugal manner. I can’t
help being impertinent and offering my advice again; that; when you write to
her, you would please to order in the strongest terms, what you would have
done; that either of the youngest may not think ‘tis her Government of them,
but be assured ‘tis yours. Sir Thomas tells me he wrote lately, I shall not
pretend therefore to give you any acct of the State of Affairs at Paris. I hear
we are to be so happy as to have the company of Mr Jones and his family to
Lyons, who intend to make the Tour of France this Winter. I do not remember to
have heard you say they were mad, before you left Paris. I believe Sir Thomas
is gone to Rumbachs to night, for I met the Fellow this morning with great
boots and a very earnest entreaty to Sir M_____ and himself. However I dare say
He desires his compliments and much humble service to yourself and your ladies
at Spa. I beg their and your acceptance of mine, I intend myself the Honour of
writing before I leave this place, a short
(p3) letter to Mrs Price to beg
pardon for two long ones I have troubled her with. I flatter myself with the
hopes of seeing you on your other side to the Alps this winter, as am in the
meantime with great Truth and Esteem
Your most obedient and humble servant
Cha’ Browne
Direct a Mademoiselle Butler
Chez Madame Savouret
Place St. Michel
The fate of one daughter, Margaret, is known.
She wrote a letter to Sir Robert Long in 1755 , revealing that she was living in Dublin and had to give up her [unstated] business due to poor health:
(Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre Archives-Ref: 2943B/2/8-3)
Bulls head, Ushers Quay, Dublin February 4th, 1755
Dear Sir Robert
When the highest necessity presses, there remains little or no apology
for troubling a friend, if any such to be discovered, such I take Dear Sir
Robert to be, therefore by this give you to understand that six years ago, I
went to London to pay you a visit, and give you an exact relation of my state;
I had the misfortune to miss you, and could not on account of my little
support, wait longer; I presumed since to send you the compliments of Xmas, but
never had the honour of an answer; since that time, a complication of Disorders
seized me, they ended in a Dropsy, which continues these three years, and as
the Doctor declares, will soon bring me to my end, if I don’t give up my
business; which after many warnings I’m obliged to do and must be content to
give up house, to secure my health; my oppression is yet heavier by two Borders
from Spain, left in my care, the Parents are reduced and in all probability
will never send me one pound, tho indebted one hundred and thirty; such is my
condition; if my health answered, you never should be troubled by me, till then
I want assistance, and hope it from your wonted [usual] Charity and the
Fatherly care you took of me in my younger days, the great God give you your
reward of it. I’ll detain you no longer, but beg you’ll take this into your
most Serious Consideration, let me have the pleasure of a line from you, if
nothing else, yet I may be Convinced once more that you have not forgot her who
is with all gratitude and respect
Dear Sir Robert
Your most humble and most obedient servant
Margt. Butler
My duty to Lady Long and best respects to Lady Emma your good sisters
and all your worthy family
PS. please to direct for me at the Bull head on Ushers Quay.
Daughter Margaret Butler, born in February 1718, entered the Ursuline Convent of St.
Denis near Paris in 1763. Archival documents state:[xxix]
1. Archives de la Seine,
30 Quai Henri IV, Registre: 4AZ, 894
(these documents in French Archives should be in the Urseline Convent, St
Denis, Paris, but which was sequestered during the French Revolution) (Document
Today 4th October 1763, Marguerite de Butler
(daughter of Col. Gauthier de Butler de Monphin, Col. of the Irish Regiment in
the service of France, and of Dame Marie Long, his wife) entered the novitiate
of the Ursulines of St Denis, aged 45 years and 7 months, No arrangement has
been made for her dowry. She received the habit on the 19th of December 1763 and is
named Sr. Francis of Assisi.
Received for the cost of vesture 536 livres-14sols. Her
payment during her novitiate is 250 per annum.
She was professed on
the 19th of December 1765. His Excellency, Christophe de Beaumont,
Archbishop of Paris and His Grace the Abbot of
Gouffier, our superior, were interested in her because she left all her possessions in Ireland to
preserve her Religion. They each gave her 600 livres for her profession,
because the community received her very willingly without a dowry.
1767 Mother Margaret was co-operating with her cousin Nano (Honora) Nagle[xxx]
to establish the Ursulines in Ireland. Nano (Honora) Nagle,
born c.1719 Co. Cork to Garrett Nagle and Ann Matthew, educated in France,
returned to Dublin in 1746 with her sister Ann, where they engaged in the
distribution of alms and charitable works. She decided to enter the religious
life in France, but soon became convinced that her duty lay in setting up a
school in Cork to instruct children in the Catholic faith, although outlawed at
that time under the Penal Acts. Her brother was initially disapproving knowing
the fearful retribution of the law and with much to lose, however, he was soon
supportive. Commencing with 30 pupils, within nine months the school had about
900 female students. Nano then opened one for boys, all funded by an
inheritance. Local authorities turned a
blind eye and allowed her to continue. As her health deteriorated she began to
consider the long term future of her organization and decided to take steps to
establish an Urseline foundation in Cork to take over the running of her
schools. Nano travelled to France in 1767 and stayed seven months
with the Ursulines of St Denis to receive training in the different
exercises, to make plans, and to learn French. She
met her cousin Mother Margaret Butler (“Mère Marguerite de Butler de
Saint-François d’Assise”) and persuaded her to leave for Cork, with the
permission of the Archbishop, Christophe de Beaumont, to lead the new
2. Archives de St Denis,
Paris, G.G.218: (Document 1a)
8 July 1767.
“Our Reverend Mother Superior, Anne Therese Thomas of the Conception,
has assembled the Discreets (‘Inner Council’- le Discritoire) to inform them of
the obedience that His Grace the Archbishop of Paris has given to our sister,
Margaret Butler, to go to Cork in order to work in the Vineyard of the Lord (“probably a reference to the Parable of the
Workers in the Vineyard”) where she will be disposed to fulfill her zeal
of which we have had proofs, which have greatly edified us.”
Copy of the Obedience of
Monsignor, the Archbishop:
“Christophe de Beaumont, by the mercy of God, by the
Grace of the Holy Apostolic Seat, Archbishop of Paris, Duke of St Cloud of
France, Commander of the Order of the Holy Spirit, Master of the Sorbonne, and
to our dear daughter, Sr Margaret Butler, the aforesaid Sr Francis of Assisi, a
religious of the Order of St Ursula, professed in the Monastry of St Denis, of
our Diocese.
Greetings and blessings on the witnesses who have been
returned to us, of your piety, of your steadfastness and of your zeal, of which
you have lead for the good of the Religion, we allow you to leave your
Monastery, to take the simplest secular dress that is possible, to return,
accompanied with some person of your gender (ie. Nano Nagle), to Cork Ireland to start there the
establishment of a convent of religious education and there remain as long as
we will judge it, ‘a propos’ (by the way) exhorting you never to lose sight of
the commitments to the State of Holiness that you have taken up. Given to Paris
the eighth July 1767.
dear sister left on 26th August.”
Nano and Margaret, under
instructions to “wear the simplest secular dress possible”, left Paris on the
Feast of St. Augustine (August 28th), after receiving Communion at
the Grand Augustines (adjacent to the Seine near the Pont Neuf), and embarked
from Le Havre. It was a highly dangerous endeavour, risking imprisonment as the
establishment of religious foundations was still illegal in Ireland. However,
Mother Margaret, who was 50 years of age, returned to her convent of St. Denis
a year later, on the 9th August 1768, as she “could not adapt to the
rigours of a foundation” according to the annuls of St. Denis.
Nano continued to work hard
establishing her foundation right up until her death in 1784. She had also worked tirelessly bringing
spiritual and material comfort to the aged, the sick and the poor, in all
weathers and despite her deteriorating health. As late as 1783, she established
a home for aged women. She was deeply mourned by the community, and her life is
still celebrated today.
The Nagles were related to
the Galmoy line and therefore to Walter Butler Junior. Pierce Butler 3rd Viscount Galmoy was married to Ann Mathew, half- sister to Nano’s grandfather
Thomas Matthew whose daughter, also Ann Matthew, married Garrett Nagle, Nano’s
Garrett Nagle’s cousin
James Nagle [xxxi]
(son of Sir Richard Nagle) married (Pierce and Walter’s brother) Richard Butler
of Galmoy’s daughter Frances Butler, viz. Walter Butler Junior’s niece and therefore
his daughter Margaret’s distant cousin.
The Matthews shared close
kinship to James Butler Duke of Ormond through his mother, Elizabeth Poyntz
widow of Visc. Thurles, who married secondly George Matthew, progenitor of the
Matthew line of Thurles and Thomastown, Co.Tipperary.
James 1st Duke of Ormond married his cousin Elizabeth, granddaughter of Thomas 10th Earl of Ormond who was progenitor of the Galmoy line.
Further Letters from the Butlers to their relatives the Longs:
The letters found in Wraxall House also included 3 letters written by eldest son Walter in 1766, still living at Shroughmore in Templeshanbo, Co Wexford. His letter reveals he was in dire straits financially (Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre Archives Ref:2943B/2/8-3) and was appealing for help from his wealthy relatives:
1) Walter Butler to Sir Robert Long, 6th Baronet
Templeshanbo April 7th 1766
About eight or ten days ago I received your favour and am most obliged
to you for the pleasure you give me in hearing from you, and at the same time very
much thankful to you for your present, which I never doubted your kindness and
good nature in any shape, nor despaired of the true mark of your friendship, I
hope, Dear Sir, you’ll be assured that I would not in any measure be
troublesome to you, but the perfect necessity I am in. You are so good as to be
willing to know my situation of life and how I am circumstanced, which I’ll now
let you know,
I live at a place called Templeshanbo near Enniscorthy in the County of
Wexford and have a small spot of ground of about ten acres at a small rent from
a Gent. who is called Coll (Caesar) Colclough a representative for this County,
On which spot I had but one cow and a horse and a small quantity of tillage and
as the generality of this county the past year was turned for want of hay or
grass, I lost both, and I protest to you Sir, it’s now equally as hard, with
most of our inhabitants, for every article is prodigious dear, I now, Sir
Robert, tell you my condition of life. I am only striving and struggling with perfect
necessity as my Poor little charge are very helpless, But the great regard and
respect that my family formerly had in this country is not quite forgot yet,
for every Gent. in and about this county shew me a little still of it, by
inviting me to their Houses when ere I happen to meet any, and use me with the
utmost civility and respect, and friendly would detain me longer than I would
chuse, I am very often hard set to part them and that is all and the only
satisfaction of life I enjoyed this long time past, until I had the pleasure
and satisfaction of hearing from you. I would answer your Letter before now,
but was making an enquiry how you could most conveniently send me your favour,
I have got a Merchant in New Ross in County of Wexford who desires that any sum
paid Mr Robert Nixon Merchant in London,
and said Nixon to Draw on Kenedy Cavanagh Merchant in New Ross in My favour
shall be safely delivered and paid to me, and Messr Dillon and Grieve Merchants
in London, could likewise Draw on Mr Rosseter Merchant in New Ross aforesaid
for any sum in my favour. I only mention those two Gents as perhaps one may be
more convenient to you than the others. You mention in your last to me that you
suppose I am one of the sons of Mrs Butler your father’s half sister which I
assure you I am their only son, and good Sir, if you have any doubt of it, I
humbly beg the favour to let me know of it in your next, that I may have the
pleasure and satisfaction of giving you proper assurance of it, And am, Sir
Robert, your most Humble and Affectionate Servant,
Walter Butler
I will now beg the favour of you to let me know your family, ___ health
Since I began this letter, I had the unwelcome news of Coll. Colclough’s
Death in Dublin who was a great friend to me.
Notably he states that he is the only son of Walter Butler and Mary Long, so his brother Pierce must have been deceased by 1766. He also wrote: I am only striving and struggling with perfect necessity as my Poor little charge are very helpless,", which appears to indicate he was referring to his offspring (Notably his age was 60 years of age at the time of the letter).
Walter also noted the death of Col. Caesar Colclough, from whom he leased his property at Shroughmore.
Templeshanbo June 24th 1766
I wrote to you about the middle of April last, I am very uneasy this
time past, daily expecting an answer which gives me a good deal of trouble as
various thoughts constantly fill my mind, one time I imagine my letter to you
or yours to me might be miscarried, another time I fear you or any of your
family should be unwell, or having any affairs in hand that would give you any
trouble, These are my motives for now writing to you, I hope you’ll do me the
favour of letting me know if you received such, or if any other affair to be the
cause that should hinder me of the expected satisfaction of hearing from you,
which I still most impatiently wait for.
I most sincerely wish you and family long life and good health, and am,
Sir Robert, with the greatest affection Your
Ever Obedient Servant
Walter Butler
Templeshanbo, December 26th 1766
[Sir Robert Long died six weeks later on 10 Feb 1767]
Dear Sir
About last April I had the pleasure of receiving a Letter from you,
wherein you desired I should write to you and let you know my situation of life
and how you could send to me, which I did immediately after, and expected an
acct of your [son] ?… James for a long time, but received none, I wrote in
about 4 or 5 months afterwards, and likewise received no answer since, which
makes me imagine they were miscarried or stopped, and now, Sir Robert, my
uneasiness of mind urges me to write again to you & most humbly hope you
will give me now the satisfaction of hearing from you, And likewise do request
you’ll let me know if you received such letters as I mention’d, Your favour
herein I’ll expect most impatiently & daily, which will oblige me very
much, who __ (damaged)__ Sir Robert, with my greatest esteem, wishing you your
family the compliments of the season,
Your most Humble and Affectionate Servant
A further letter was written in 1779, from Walter's son named Pierce (in honour of his brother) from London asking Sir James Tylney Long for help in finding a position (Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre Archives ref: 2943B/2/8-3:
November 6th 1779
Honour’d Sir
The countenance your worthy Father Sir Robert Long was pleased to shew
my Father Walter Butler, encouraged me to hope you’ll pardon the liberty I take
in addressing you in this manner, being fearful that a personal application, without your permission,
might be offensive, more especially as I don’t in future mean to be
hands, by slavish industry while youth and activity are on my side, keeps me
from real distress, and my honesty and assiduity I trust will obtain me the best
of Characters from my employers. The Favour I have to beg of you Sir is your
interest to help me to some kind of a birth [berth], or place in any Public
Office, Family, Army or Navy, so that it’s above the rank of a common soldier,
sailor or slave, and you may be assured that whatever station you would be
pleased to recommend me to, my whole study through life should be to act or
pursue such a line as would be no discredit to my recommender.
I am
Good Sir with the most profound respect
most Obedient
most Humble Servant
live at No 34 Aldgate High Street [London]
As Pierce was asking for a rank in the army or navy, it would indicate that he must have been in his early to late twenties, in which case, he was born sometime in the 1750's. This would mean either his father Walter married late in life, or this was a second marriage.
Although nothing is
known about Walter and Mary’s other children, their eldest son Walter, was possibly the Walter Butler named as the administrator of the estate
of Catherine Butler of Templescoby BTR Admin 320 dated 1736, which stated:
“ Catherine Butler, of Templescoby, co.
Wexford, spinster, died intestate. Administration to Walter Butler, of Coolagh,
co Wexford, gent., great nephew of deceased, 6th July 1736.”
Notably Templescoby was one of the properties originally in the possession of Pierce Butler of Kayer, and after the Restoration, Pierce's eldest son Edward was leasing Templescoby from the grantee Capt. Barrington. It was also one of the properties listed in Edward's Will (BTR 70) dated 1676, which therefore appears to indicate that Catherine is part of this family.
There are a number of
townlands which could be named ‘Coolagh’
in Co. Wexford. Coolagh is possibly Coolaught,
WSW of Enniscorthy and only a couple of kilometres down the road from Templescoby. Coolaught was on the
border of the Parish of Rossdroit owned by Pierce Butler Kayer in 1641 and, of
the Parish of Killegny, owned by James Butler of Tinnehinch before the
confiscations (viz. 1641 Civil Survey) - a decree gave the lands of
Bealaborrow, Shancolligh, Fortallstown, Tomonealy, Killegny and Knockstown to
Susan (als Lutteral), wife of Edmond fitzJames Butler, (all previously owned by
her father-in-law James Butler), for
life, under a decree dated 16 April 1663 under the ‘Savings under the Acts of
Settlement and Explanation’. [xxxii]
may also refer to Ballinacoola,
which is adjacent to Butler’s Cross Roads, part of Butler’s land grant, near
the Blackstairs Mountains in the Barony of Scarawalsh, about 2 kms NW of Templeshanbo, and therefore very near to Sroughmore where Walter Junior was leasing
property. The prefix Ballina means “townland of”.
fact that Catherine is described as Walter’s great aunt would make her the sister of Walter Butler Senior, children of Pierce Butler, although it would appear that she was married to Nicholas FitzHenry of Kilkevan (see Chapter 4 for details), so maybe the relationship was misnamed and she may have been a daughter of Walter Butler senior's brother Edward of Moneyhore, making Walter (III) a cousin once removed.
is left wondering what became of Walter’s ill-fated widow Mary, left destitute
with numerous young children, and daughters attaining marriageable age without
suitable dowries. She may have accompanied her cousin Catherine O'Brien to Paris in 1727, or appealed to her cousins the Longs for support. Her eldest son, Walter, who was but 18 years of age at his father's death, took on the farm at Shroumore. The daughters may have been found suitable husbands by the Longs, possibly in Paris amongst the numerous Irish exiles living there.
what period of time Walter Butler’s family continued living in Co. Wexford
after his death is unknown, although we do know that the son Walter was still living there in 1766. While his son Pierce was living in London, it is possible that other issue continued to live in Wexford.
Walter Butler Senior’s brothers Edward
and James both had issue,[xxxiii] but no further records have yet been discovered
of the descendants of these sons of Pierce Butler of Kayer.
A burial at St Colman's church at Templeshanbo (close to Shroughmore), albeit the C. of Ireland cemetery in Section B next to the church rather than in the churchyard may be relevant (Brian Cantwell's 'Memorials of the Dead- Co Wexford'), although in the 1700's this was a catholic Parish church:
James Butler, died 4 May 1784 aged 58 , ie. b.c. 1725/26.
Junior’s half-brothers, Pierce Lord Galmoy and Richard lived out their lives in
France in the service of their exiled Stuart kings, James II and James III, and
the French kings Louis XIV and XV, Richard dying at Saint Germain in January
1725, aged 65 years, and Pierce Lord Galmoy surviving his military career and
living to the grand old age of 89 years, dying in Paris in June 1740. (see
separate blog on the House of Galmoy)
family of Butlers that had played such a prominent role in the history of
Wexford since the mid sixteenth century disappeared into obscurity. There are
probably many descendants of this family living today who remain oblivious of
the extraordinary lives lived by their forebears during this intriguing period
of history.
Munphin House
Munphin House
(photo courtesy of the late R. Eustace, and Wexford: History and Society, (edit Kevin Whelan), Chapter 7, The Lost Architecture of the Wexford
Plantation by Rolf Loeber & Magda Stouthamer-Loeber, p.183 and p.525 Note
21, Geography Publications, Dublin,1987)
1853 Griffiths Valuation map of Munphin/Mountfin House in Lower Mountfin clearly showing the outline of the above structure
house of Munphin remained a feature of the Wexford landscape until the 1970’s
when it was demolished. The 1837 Samuel Lewis “Topographical Dictionary of
Ireland” describes the seat of Munphin (in the description of the district of
Monart), as “the residence of Edward Cary Esq., beautifully situated on the
margin of the Slaney, sheltered by a richly wooded eminence, and commanding an
extensive view of the luxuriant scenery on the banks of the river”.
and M. Loeber wrote of Munphin/Mountfin House:[xxxiv]
It showed a degree of sophistication that was rarely found in
Irish architecture of the sixteenth century. Records do not mention when
Mountfin was built, but the map of the barony of Scarawalsh in 1657 possibly
shows a small building at this site. The house consisting of a main square
block had four tower projections. Symmetrically placed chimney stacks adjoined
the towers and obstructed their defensive capacity. The house had regularly
spaced windows and one classical moulded string course that broke the monotony
of the wall surfaces. An asymmetrically placed hall faced the front with a
drawing room on the right hand side, and a large dining room and the kitchen
occupied the back portion of the main floor. Smaller rooms were in the towers.
fact that the exploits of this Butler family of Munphin featured in this
blog were so comprehensively documented, demonstrates the importance of this
family’s place in the context of the historical events of that time. Their
loyalty to King James II and to their Catholic faith remained unshakable.
Contact: butler1802 @ (no spaces)
Link to introduction chapter on Richard 1st Viscount Mountgarrett
Links to the Butlers of Munphin Co. Wexford on this blog:
Links to all of the chapters in this blog:
Pierce Butler of Kayer Co. Wexford (the elder) c.1540-1599
Edward Butler of Kayer Co. Wexford, 1577-1628
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore (the younger), c.1600-1652, Part I
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore Part II- Pierce Butler's role in the 1642-49 Catholic Confederate Rebellion
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore Part III- Depositions against Pierce Butler of Kayer on his role in the 1642-49 Catholic Confederate Rebellion
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore Part IV- Land Ownership by the Butlers in County Wexford
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore Part V- Pierce Butler and the Cromwellian Confiscations of 1652-56
Sons of Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore- Edward, James, John, & Walter
Walter Butler of Munphin, Co. Wexford, c.1640-1717, Part I
Walter Butler of Munphin, Part II
Walter Butler of Munphin, Part III
Walter Butler Junior of Munphin (1674-1725) Part I- exile to France in 1690
Walter Butler Junior of Munphin (1674-1725) Part II- Military record
Walter Butler Junior of Munphin (1674-1725) Part III- Marriage to Mary Long
Walter Butler Junior of Munphin (1674-1725) Part IV- Last years
Younger sons of Richard 1st Viscount Mountgarrett: John Butler of New Ross, Thomas Butler of Castlecomer, James and Theobald Butler:
James Butler of Dowganstown and Tullow Co Carlow- 2nd son of Pierce Butler of Kayer (the elder):
Pedigree of Butlers of Ireland, and Ancestry of Butlers of Ireland, and County Wexford:
The MacRichard Line- Ancestors of the Butlers of Wexford
[i] Equity &
Exchequer Bill Books 1674-1850, Court of the Exchequer Ireland- N.A. Dublin:
LDS 2001, (ref: Equity Exchequer Bill Books v.19-v.21, 1714-1719- Vault British
film [2262646]); v.21-v.24, 1719-1722 [film no. 2262647]; v.24-v.28- 1722-1726
[film no. 2262648]: Vol. 20, p.112- 7 December 1717- James Butler Esq, executor of Walter Butler v. William Wilkinson; Vol. 20, p.137-31
January 1717/18- James Butler executor of
Walter Butler v. Eustace Power, Edmond Power, Edward Kenny,
William Hack;
Vol. 21, p.97- 13 February 1718 - Sir
Walter Butler Bt (of Poolestown Co
Kilkenny) v. Col. Walter Butler, Mary Butler. (Notably, Sir Walter Butler Bt also sued William
Bridges 20 June 1720- Vol. 21 p.113); Vol. 21, p.99- 14 Feb 1718- Eustace Power v. James Butler (co-exec), Walter Butler
(Jnr), Mary his wife, Mary Long, Edward
Kenney; Vol. 21, p.180-
2 May 1718- Eustace Power v. James
Butler, Edward Kenny, Walter Butler, Mary his wife, Patrick
Cogley, John Davys, Ian Purchan, James
Cavanagh, Owen Redmond, Garrett
Redmond, William
Cowming, Owen Conners (Notably, Cogly,
Cavanagh, and Garrett Redmond witnessed Walter Senior’s will.); Vol. 21, p.190-
10 May 1718- William Flower Esq. v. James
Butler, Walter Butler; In the Irish Court of Chancery, the bills referred
for the most part, to disputes about property of various kinds and attempts to
prove ownership.
[ii] Equity & Exchequer Bill
Books- National Archives Dublin: Filmed by the LDS (ref: Equity Exchequer Bill
Books v.19-v.21, 1714-1719- Vault British film [2262646])
[iii] Edward Kenny, a Colonel, was appointed as a Justice of the Peace
for the Co Wexford 23 July 1685 7 21 Feb 1694- source- Joseph P. Swan, The Justices of the Peace for the County of
Wexford, op.cit
[iv] Equity Exchequer Bill Books, LDS film no 2262648, Volume 25, p228,
[v] T. Blake Butler, Genealogy of the Butlers, Volume 8: Mountgarrett & Poolestown, [LDS film no. 873840]- full transcript of Bill, 19 November
1717- Eustace Power v. Walter, James
& Theobald Butler.
[vi] Equity and Exchequer Bill Books, Volume21- (1719-1722), page 228,
23 Nov 1719 (filmed by LDS at Dublin
Castle Records Office, British Film No 2262647)
[vii] Equity and Exchequer Bill Books, Volume24- (1719-1722), (film page
no 853), 23 Oct 1722 (filmed by LDS at Dublin Castle Records Office, British
Film No 2262647)
[viii] Equity and Exchequer Bill Books, Volume 21- 1719-1722, ‘Trinity
1720’ p113, 20 June 1720.(filmed by LDS at Dublin Castle, British Film
[ix] (TBB) Equity and Exchequer Bill dated 23 October 1722 (NB.
elsewhere in his “Genealogy..” Vol 8,
TBB has the year as 1723) Robert Dixon & Mary v. Wm Bridges.
[x] Equity Exchequer Bill Books op.cit.; Vol.21,
p.228, 23 Nov 1719- James Butler esq.
(Exec. of Walter Butler Snr) v. Robert Dixon, Mary his wife, Aran Lambert, Thos
Houghton, Richard Murphy (LDS-
British Film No 2262647) . And, T. Blake Butler’s Volume 8: Mountgarrett & Poulestown (LDS film
no. 873840), Equity & Exchequer Bill, 23 October 1722, gives full
transcript of the case: Robert Dixon
& Mary Dixon als Lambert his wife Adm. of Patrick Lambert v. William
Bridges, Joseph Merriot, James Butler, Walter Butler, Michael Connor.
[xii] Griffith’s Valuation of Co. Wexford, 1853, Barony of Scarawalsh,
Union of Enniscorthy, Parish of Ballycarney, Lower Mountfin/Ballinturner, p.45.
[xiii] Chancery Court and
Exchequer Bills; Copy of Original Transcripts in The Castle, Dublin
by Genealogical Society of Utah (LDS) 1950, 1959; Ms no. 669- Court &
Exchequer Bills 1700-1719 and Ms No. 670 -1721-1747- FHL BRITISH FILM [257820];
also, Equity Exchequer Court Bill Books, filmed by LDS, Film no 2262648,
V.24-v.28, 1722-1726, Volume 27 film page 586,Bill dated 4 May 1725
[xiv] Will of Dudly Colclough of Moyhurry in the Barony of Scarawalsh Co.
Wexford, in The Past: The Organ of the Ui Cinsealaigh Historical Society, No 2
(Dec 1921) pp 139-143,
Accessed 18/11/2010)
[xv] The Evening Post, Thurs
July 19, 1722, issue 2025, British Library Newspaper Burnley Collection
[xvi] CSP., George I,
Vol.75,10, p.208; SP 35/75 f.47; 23 Dec. 1721; Colonel Walter Butler to Lords
Justices of Ireland (State Papers online, Gale, Cengage Learning 2013)
[xvii] SP 63/380/761;
12 July 1722
[xviii] Inchiquin Papers, Courtesy of the National
Library of Ireland, MS 45, 346/4, 21 May [1723], Wal. Butler to Catherine
O’Brien, endorsed by M. Long
[xix] Inchiquin Papers, National Library of
Ireland, MS 45, 348/5, 22 June 1723,
Lady Frances Keightley to Catherine O’Brien
[xx] Ibid, (Inchiquin) MS45,347/3; 8 Aug 1719
[xxi] Equity Exchequer Court Bill Books, (LDS
op.cit), [Film 2262648]- Vol.27, p. 28 (p.595 film)- 19 May 1725
[xxii] Ibid., v.27, film page 586.
[xxiv] Equity Exch. Vol. 20, p112
[xxv] Irish Manuscripts Commission- Quaker Records Dublin- Abstracts of
[xxvi] Joseph P. Swan, The Justices
of the Peace for the Co. of Wexford, Source; The Journal of the Royal
Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 5th Series, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Mar,
1894), p65-72, Pub. Royal Soc. of Antiquaries of Ireland, Stable URL:
[xxvii] Equity Exchequer Bill Books 1674-1850- Court of Exchequer Ireland;
Dublin Castle; filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah 2001 (LDS)- Volume
19-21 1714-1719, VAULT British Film [2262646]; 1717-1718 Vol 20, page 98
[xxviii] Age calculated from Convent records- Margaret Butler- age 45 yrs 7mths on 4 Oct
[xxix] (a) Achives de la
Seine, 30 Quai Henri IV, Registre: 4 AZ, 894, (Document 1B); Archives de St Denis,
Paris, G.G.218: (Document 1A) 8 July 1767.
(b) Sister
Mary Pius O’Farrell, Breaking of Morn,
ISBN 1-86076-299-9 Pub 2001- pp.45-46, No. 12- Margaret Butler. (c) Sister Pius Farrell’s ‘Positio Super Virtutibus’, 3 volumes prepared in 1994 when
introducing in Rome the Cause of Beatification/Canonisation of Nano Nagle- Ch.
7: The Urseline Foundation, pp.264-271 (thesis). (d) Nano Nagle- A Summary of Her Life and Work, pp. vi to xii.
[xxx] Nano (Honora) Nagle, born c.1719, Co. Cork
to Garrett Nagle and Ann Mathew, cousin to Galmoy’s wife Ann Mathew; Richard
Butler’s dau. Frances married Garrett Nagle’s cousin James Nagle, son of Sir
Richard Nagle, Attorney General to James II and Sec. of State and War in
Ireland and at Court of Saint Germain. Nano worked tirelessly, establishing her
foundation, and schools for poor Catholic children (despite threats of
retribution of the law), and looking after the aged, sick and poor. Her death
was greatly mourned by the community.
[xxxi] James Nagle, son of Sir Richard Nagle, attorney-general and
Jacobite secretary for war, who remained in James II’s service at St
Germans-en-Laye until his death in 1699.
[xxxii] (TBB) 15th Report Record Comm. I pp 301 & 311. Note
Susan Luttrell married Edmond fitzJames Butler in 1620.
[xxxiii] Edward Butler m.1.
Jane Bagenal dau. of Col. Thomas Bagenall (and wife Jane, transplanted to
Connaught in 1655) brother of Col Walter Bagenal of Dunkeckney; m.2. Marie Hore
dau of Philip and Molly Hore of Killsalaghan Castle co. Dublin, issue of Edward
Butler- Pierce and other unnamed issue (BTR 70); James Butler, m. Mary
Colclough dau of John Colclough of Poldarig Co. Wexford- issue: Richard, Piers,
Margaret, Elinora, Joan, Paddys Pedigree
No. 24 Pierce of Kayer, The Butler
[xxxiv] Kevin Whelan (ed), Wexford: History and Society, Ch: 7, The
Lost Architecture of the Wexford Plantation by Rolf Loeber & Magda
Stouthamer-Loeber, p.183, p.525 Note 21, Geography Publications, Dublin,1987,
permission kindly granted by Geography Publications.