Butler Junior of Munphin married Mary Long, the young daughter of a very
influential English family. In 1705, the year of their marriage,
Mary Long was about 18 years of age, while Walter was a mature 32 years. Walter Butler Senior’s Will referred to his
daughter-in-law only as ‘Mary’.
Evidence from records of Walter
and Mary’s daughter Margaret’s entry into the Urseline Convent, St Denis,
stated that she was “Marguerite de Butler the daughter of Col.
Gauthier de Butler de Monphin, Colonel of the Irish regiment in the service of
France and of Dame Marie Long, his wife.”
Mary Long revealed her marriage to her paternal grandmother Lady Dorothy Long in a letter written the month after her marriage:
August 25, 1705
For Lady Long at her House at Draycot in Wiltshire
Chippenham Bag
Honoured Madam this with my humble duty begs your
acceptance and brings your Ladyship the account of my being Marryed to one Mr
Butler. I would before this have acquainted you Madam with the first proposal
of it but knew you had it from much better hands then mine. We think next week
to begin our journey to the Bath and stay one, or two days, and if your
Ladyship will give Mr Butler and me leave to wait on you before we leave
England. We go from Bath to Bristol where he (torn page) to take shipping for
Ireland. He and my Mother hopes your Ladyship will accept of their duty and I
beg your blessing for
Honrd Madam,
Your most humble servant and
dutyfull GrandChild
Mary Butler
(Source: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Archives: Additional archives of the Long Family of Draycot Cerne, Wiltshire, Ref: 2943B/1/9- letter no.9)

Correspondence from Paul Jodrell, the
family lawyer (and also Clerk of the House of Commons), to Lady Dorothy Long, mother
of Mary’s deceased father James Long, indicate that the Long family were not
overly interested in looking after the marital interests of Mary, the only
issue of such a short marriage between James and Mary Keightly (Wiltshire and
Swindon History Centre- 2943B/1/27- Letters of Lady Dorothy Long from Paul
The letter dated 22 May 1705 to Lady
Dorothy at Draycot from Jodrell:
Madam, I am given to understand that there is a proposition
on foot, of a match for Sr James's sister [viz. half-sister, Mary] by
Mrs Keightley, with one Mr Butler [viz. Walter] a Kinsman of the Duke of
Ormonde, and one that is of her Religion [Roman Catholic] & has a good
estate in Ireland of £800 per Annum, and Improvable to £1000. Mrs Keightley so
well approves of it that (as is said) she is willing to do what she can towards
it. It is said there is £200 per Annum payable out of her Jointure to satisfy a
Debt of her husbands. And that there is yet several years to come before the
Debts can be cleared, and that she would sell her Jointure estate, or part of
it, and thereby clear the debt, and raise something for her daughter’s portion
and retrench her own living. And I am desired to acquaint Your Ladyship that it
is hoped, by the Relations, Your Ladyship and James's, will in some measure
extend your kindnesses on this occasion. It is a good thing to have so
near a Relation disposed into an Honorable Family, and so it is hoped, you will
please to give your assistance in order to it, so well that the Treaty for the
Match may be encouraged to proceed: what Your Ladyship and Sr James please to
do in the matter shall be communicated to those who have spoken to me touching
this affair by Madam Your Ladyship’s most humble servant Paul Jodrell.
[P.S.] I desire Your Ladyship will please let Sr James see
this Letter to consider of: the Lady is his sister so it can't but please him
to see her do well.
This was followed up by another letter
to Lady Dorothy on 4 August 1705:
I have had an opportunity of seeing the Copy of the Letter,
Mrs Long [viz. Mary Keightley] wrote to Sr James and his answer to it, which
is so very short, and different from what could be expected that I wonder at
it, and will upon such an occasion and for so near a relation, it were
otherwise, and that something could be done, rather than the young lady should
lose so good an opportunity of being so well disposed of as is represented. I
will mention something of the matter to my Lord Brooke to see what he can
prevail in the first opportunity I have.
The following document was found in the
National Archives UK, Discovery:
The date of marriage, 1 July 1705, and the terms of the marriage between Walter Butler Jnr and Mary Long are also revealed in a Chancery Bill brought by Walter Butler Senior against Mary's half brother Sir James Long and others, whom Walter charged with having not paid out the full amount of Mary Long's promised dowry of One Thousand Pounds, arranged with Mary's aunt Anne Long, sister to Mary's deceased father James Long. Walter claimed he was owed One Thousand Pounds out of Anne Long's Will under the agreement, and had a Deed of Assignment for proof.
Anne Long died 22 December 1711, and the date of the document is May 1712.
Transcript of part of the above document:
20 May 1712
(NB- the edges of the document are badly worn and difficult to decipher)
Humbly complainant showeth unto your Lordship your
Suppliant, and __ Orator Walter Butler
Senior of Munphin in the County of Wexford and Kingdom of Ireland Esquire
that there being a treaty of marriage on first in the month of July One Thousand Seven Hundred and Five between Walter Butler junior your Orators only
son and Mary Long Spinster daughter
to Mary Long widow and Relict of James
Long late of Adminston in the County of Dorchester (?Dorset?) Esquire
deceased and Granddaughter of Sir James
Long Bart. --- that in order as well to induce your Orator’s said son on
his intentions to proceed in his said Marriage with the said Mary Long the younger as also to induce
your Orator to make a Joynture and provision for the said Mary Long the younger
in case she survives his said son, Anne Long late of the Parish of St James in
the County of Middlesex spinster sister by the Father unto the said Mary Long
the younger did propose to assign and ___ to your Orator that if the said Anne
Long should happen to dye unmarryed the sume of One Thousand pound sterling
part of the sume of Two Thousand pounds sterling for securing of which the said
Sir James Long had in and by his last Will and Testament___ writing limited and
devised a Term of Two Hundred Years of and in certain Mannors and Tenements
unto Walter Green and Paul Jodroll to commence from and after the death of the
said Sir James Long’s wife on trust and confidence and to all intents and
purposes that they the said Walter Green and Paul Jodroll should out of and by
the Rents Issues and profits of the said Manors and Tenements or by sale of
Mortgage of the said Term or part thereof raise and pay unto the said Anne Long
the said sum of Two Thousand pounds sterling at her age of eighteen years or
the time of her marriage which should first happen That the said Anne Long in
pursuance of such treaty and communication did by her Deed Indent -_- ___ ___
under hand and Seal and bearing date the twelfth day of July One Thousand Seven
Hundred and five made or mentioned to be made between her the said Anne Long of
the one part and your Orator of the other part ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Said deviso made by the said Sir James Long to the said
Walter Green and Paul Jodrell of the said Term of Two Hundred Years of certain
Mannors and Tenements for raising the said Two Thousand Pounds ___ ___ ___ ___
She the said Anne Long said therefore for divers good
___ and considerations __ the ___ ___ thereby grant, assign, transfer and ___
over unto your Orator his Executors and Administrators the full ___ of One
Thousand pounds part of the said Two Thousand pounds to be raised as aforesaid
out of the said Term and there was this provision __ in the said Deed provided…………….
that Administrator’s Covenant promise grant and agree
to and with your Orator his Executors and Administrators that in case the said
Anne Long should happen to be solo and unmarried at the time of her death that
her Executors Administrators should and would within six months after the
decease of her the said Anne Long out of the said sum of Two Thousand pounds
well and truly to pay or cause to be paid unto your Orator the said sum of One
Thousand Pounds lawfull money of England as by the said Deed ready to be
produced to this Hon’ble Court and to which your Orator for greater certainty refers
may more(?) at large appeare
Your Orator further showeth that in pursuance of the
said Agreement between your Orator’s said son and the said Anne Long and in
consideration of the said Deed so ___ by her the said Anne Long to your Orator
as aforesaid your Orator’s said son soon after the __(?Perforation?) of the said Deed informing
___ ___ and looke to wife the said Mary Long sister(?) of the said Anne Long,
and your Orator in consideration of the said marriage and of the said One
Thousand Pounds so assigned by the said Deed to your Orator by the said Anne Long
__ ___ which __ your Orator had no other
consideration and did settle as a Jointure upon the said Mary Long the younger
one hundred pounds per annum in the said County of Wexford. Your Orator further
showeth that the said Anne Long was at the time of the __(perforation??) of the said Deed of the age of one and twenty
and upwards and was reputed to be resolved never to marry. That Dorothy Long widow
and Relict of the said Sir James Long dyed about the month of February One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Ten and that Walter Green one of the trustees or administrators/devisors
of the Term of Two Hundred Years mentioned in the said Sir James Long’s Will
eight years before the said Dame Dorothy Long, hereby the said Term of Two Hundred years became solely invested in the said Paul Jodrell to the __ intents and
purposes in the said Will mentioned that the said Anne Long departed this life
unmarryed on the Two and Twentieth day of December last (1711) the said Two
Thousand pounds and so devised by her Grandfather the said Sir James Long as aforesaid
being unpaid and not raised out of the said hands charged or devised for
raising the same that Sir James Long Baronet’s grandson and heire to the
aforesaid Sir James Long deceased and brother to the said Anne Long hath taken
at Letters of Administration out of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury to his
sister Anne Long and thereby he possessed ___ of all the Goods, Chattells, Plate,
Money, Gold, Jewells, Rings, Household stuff, Beneficial Leases Bills Bonds
Mortgages and Notes for money that the said Anne Long dyed possessed of or
entitled unto that your Orator applied both to the said Sir James Long and to
the said Paul Jodrell and acquainted them of and showed the said Deed of Assignment
so (?perforated?) and your Orator requested and desired the said Sir James Long
to pay or secure the One Thousand Pounds thereby assigned to your Orator
according to the intent and purpose of the aforesaid Deed.
And your Orator also requested the said Paul Jodrell
to raise the said One Thousand Pounds according to the power granted and given
in trust reposed in him by the said last Will and Testament of Sir James Long
the Grandfather as aforesaid. But now so it is May it please your Lordship that
the said Sir James Long combining and confederating to and with the said Paul
Jodrell, Sir Richard Holford Knt., Eyliff White pastry Cooke, Ketter Marshall,
etc, etc, and to and with several other persons yet unknown to your Orator whom
when discoverers your Orator prays may be made parties to this Bill with a ___ to charge them withal to defraud your
Orator of his said One Thousand Pounds so assigned to him as aforesaid, the
said Sir James Long gives out that he has paid the greatest part of the said
Two Thousand pounds to the said Anne Long in her lifetime or for her use and by
her Order to severall of her Creditors and that the aforesaid severall Creditors
or the most of them have obtained Judgments in some of her Majesties Courts
here against her the said Anne Long __ for severall considerable sums of money
and that therefore they ought to have precedency in payment to your Orator and
the said Paul Jodrell pretends that he said Anne Long was indebted to him at
her death and that he ought to be paid before your Orator and the said
Confederates do also give out and pretend that the money so paid by the said
Sir James Long to and for his said sister and that the severall debts claimed
by the aforesaid Confederates do amount to more than said Anne Long dyed
possessed of or entitled unto, howbeit your Orator is advised that by the said
Anne Long’s assignment to your Orator of the sum of One Thousand pounds of the
said specified Two Thousand pounds your Orator hath the equitable Interest in
the said Term of Two Hundred Years and ought to be satisfied the said One
Thousand Pounds __ ___ precedent to all general debts or other Engagements of
the said Anne’s and that the said Paul Jodrell __ ought to execute his Trust
for your Orator accordingly, To which ___ your Orator cannot compel him but by
the aid of thy Hon’ble Court. Etc etc. (continues in the same vein)
NB. There is no judgment attached to the file.
Anne Long (c.1681-1711), the half-sister
of Mary Long,
and a spinster, was a very interesting woman, unfortunately taken at the young
age of just 30 years of age, having suffered from asthma and dropsy for some
time. A well-known figure in London Society, and a renowned beauty, becoming
the toast of the famous ‘Kit Cat Club’, having her name engraved on the club’s
drinking glasses. The club was an association of early 18th century
Whig leaders that met in a London tavern, including famous literary writers,
and political figures such as Robert Walpole and the Duke of Marlborough. She
was a very close friend of Jonathan Swift, the Anglo-Irish author widely regarded
as the foremost prose satirist in the English Language. Anne’s position in
London Society was financially funded by debts contracted against her expected
inheritance from her grandmother Lady Dorothy Long, who did not die until 1710.
In September 1710, Swift wrote that there were ‘bailiffs in her house’,
and Anne closed her house in London and fled to Norfolk to hold off her
creditors, living incognito. With her grandmother’s death, her brother Sir
James Long 5th Baronet, withheld her legacy, only granting her a £100
annuity and £60 rental from her house in London, and with careful management
she managed to pay off most of her debts in the year before she died. As Anne
was probably quite ill during her last year, Sir James’s decision to withhold
her inheritance, was probably made on the correct assumption that when Anne
died, a claim would be made by the Butler family against her estate. Sir James notably
did not place a notice of her death in the papers, possibly intending to keep
her death a secret. However, her friend Swift who, when told the news, wrote ‘I
never was more afflicted at any death- she had all sorts of amiable qualities,
and no ill ones but the indiscretion of neglecting her own affairs’, and did
place a notice in ‘The Post Boy’ 27 December. He also arranged her burial
and for a memorial stone to be placed at his own expense. Swift wrote in his account
book a private commemoration of Anne Long: ‘She was the most beautiful
Person of the Age she lived in, of Great Honour and Virtue, infinite Sweetness and
Generosity of Temper and true good Sense’.
Despite any judgement made on the Butler’s
claim, there was no money to satisfy the debt under the marriage contract. And
the Butler family’s financial position continued to deteriorate.
(ref. Wikipedia- Anne Long- quoting from,
J. Swift, Journal to Stella, ed H. Williams, 2 vols., 1948, and The
Correspondence of Jonathan Swift, ed. H. Williams, 5 vols, 1963-65)
Shortly after Mary’s engagement to
Walter Butler, Anne Long wrote a very amusing letter to her grandmother,
Lady Dorothy Long. (Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre- 2943B/1/17- letters
of Lady Dorothy Long from Anne Long)
After explaining the reason she had not
written to her grandmother for some time, she continued:
I remained in silence &
believe I should have done so the good while had not a thing happened yesterday
that has entertained the neighbourhood and at my cost, for early in the morning
I was waked with music which I was told came to wish me joy for being married
to a Coll. Buttler, it was in vain that the maids assured them that there was
nobody married in the house which satisfied that no such man ever came to the
house. They had less faith than ever I knew fiddlers have, and though they were
assured they should have no money yet they would play on, which brought those that
were up to the door, others ran to their windows in their shirts and smocks,
all wondering that I should get a husband, when I got up I found there was no
coming near the window for me, the neighbours were so curious to see this Coll.
[Colonel Butler] or see what alterations were in me poor sneaking I yet have no
very good assurance at best, was most terribly ashamed to be so stared at but
more so when the drums came and beat for above an hour which brought all the
parish (I think) to the street, messages from all my acquaintance, a world of joy
was sent me for having the headache with their continued drumming. In the
afternoon, all my friends came to visit me upon it and were very merry, whether
they believe me that there is no such [marriage] or not I cannot yet tell, nor
how I came to have the Jest put upon me except they mistake my sister [Mary]
for me, whose spark (who I suppose you have heard on) is named Buttler - unless
he was having an affair with both!, but they deny her being married to me and
say the old gentleman [Walter Butler Senior] sticks upon having some fortune, the
young one you may be sure never thinks of it, people in Love never do, what it
come to I know not, the man has a good character and seems much a gentleman,
but I think it is very hard that I should have the honour of it now, when if it
ever comes to anything I must make the melancholy figure of having my younger
sister get the start of me, and nothing to comfort me but a pair of stocking and
to get them must shew what advantage in my height I get by wearing good heels.
The letter does indicate that, in Anne's opinion, the match between Walter Butler and Mary Long was a love-match, despite his father looking to match his son with a lady of good fortune, and that Walter had a 'good character and seems much a gentleman.'
Mary Long’s
background is a fascinating one.
Born circa 1687-89, Mary was the daughter of James
Long of Athelhampton and Adminston in Dorset, son and heir of Sir James Long 2nd
Bt. of Draycot Cerne in Co. Wiltshire, an ardent Royalist captain during the
civil war captured by Cromwell in 1645, his Draycot estate sequestered, for the
release of which he was required to pay a large fine. Sir James had inherited
his baronetcy from his uncle Sir Robert Long 1st Bt. who had held
minor administrative offices in the service of Charles I before the Civil War,
had subsequently gone into exile with Charles II acting as his private
secretary, and thus gained promotion to auditor of the Exchequer after the
The following information
on the Long family is taken from Burke’s “Extinct Baronetcies”: [ii]
Sir James Long of Draycott-Cerne inherited his
Baronetcy from his uncle Robert Long of Westminster (d.1673) who was secretary
to King Charles II in his Majesty’s exile, sworn of the privy council at his
Restoration and made auditor of the exchequer. Robert Long was created Baronet
1st Sept 1662 with remainder to his nephew James and the heirs male
of his body. Sir James (d. Feb 1691/2) commanded a troop of horse in the civil
war for King Charles I. Sir James’s heir, also James (c.1652-c.1690), died in
his father’s lifetime. James Junior married secondly Mrs Mary Kightley and by
her had a daughter Mary married to Colonel Butler of Ireland.
Contemporary writer, John Aubrey, in his “Lives of
Eminent Men” wrote: [iii]
My honoured and faithful friend
Colonel James Long 2nd Bt of Draycot, since baronet, Colonel in Sir
Francis Dodington’s brigade:
I shall now give this honoured friend of
mine ‘a gentleman absolute in all number’, his due character: good sword-man;
horseman; admirable extempore orator for a harangue; great memory; great
historian and romancer; great falconer and for horsemanship; for insects (of
which he had a great collection); exceeding curious and searching long since,
in natural things. Oliver (Cromwell), Protector, hawking at Hounslow Heath,
discoursing with him, fell in love with his company, and commanded him to wear
his sword and to meet him a-hawking, which made the strict cavaliers look on
him with an evil eye. He wrote “History and Causes of the Civil War”, and
“Examination of witches at Malmesbury”.
Elected as a
parliamentary representative on several occasions, Sir James Long Bt clearly
demonstrated his support for the succession of James II, and was regarded as
“doubtful” by William and Mary’s government following his election in 1690.[iv]
After his death in London on 22 January 1692, James Long 2nd Bt. was
buried in the family vault at Draycott.
Old Draycott House, Wiltshire, by Ed Kite, 1660's
(in John Aubrey's book)
Although Sir Robert Long 1st Bt. had
secured a special remainder to his baronetcy for his nephew Sir James Long of
Draycot, Sir Robert’s estate in Dorset (ie. the Athelhampton estate and the
neighbouring manor of Burleston) was entailed on his great nephew, Sir James’s
eldest son James Long Junior, who had contracted a grand matrimonial match to
Susanna Strangways, the daughter of another ardent Royalist, Sir Giles
Strangways of Melbury in Dorset, a very wealthy politician and churchman,[v]
who had been taken prisoner with his father in 1645, spending three years in
the Tower until they paid the enormous fine of ₤10,000. Strangways was then
called upon to help the young Charles II during his famous escape from England
to France following the Royalist defeat at Worcester in 1651. The extraordinary
story of this escapade involved Charles’s often recounted sojourn hiding from
Cromwell’s soldiers in the oak tree at Boscobel, and his subsequent perilous
ride through the Cromwellian held counties of Somerset and Dorset disguised as
the servant of the very courageous young sister of Colonel Lane, Jane Lane who
rode seated behind him. When asked for help to provide shelter and find a ship
to carry Charles to France, Colonel Giles Strangways, who was still under
suspicion and surveillance by the Commonwealth army, was thus unable to help
with this request, but did present the penniless and desperate monarch with a
pouch containing 300 gold coins which was used to procure a secret passage to
However, this marriage between James Long and Susanna
Strangways proved an unhappy one, and the alliance of these two families
strained. Susanna’s husband’s profligacy no doubt contributed largely to the
In 1674, correspondence concerning a by-election at
Aldborough Yorkshire (Sir James Snr unsuccessfully stood to fill the vacancy
caused by the recent death of his uncle Robert) includes the following: [vi]
Henry Goodricke to Sir John Reresby, Dec 1674.
“Wee both have the satisfaction to be assured that Sir James Long and
his son (James) have both forfeited their interest with Coll. Strangways; the
father by high unkindness and folly, the son by hard usage of his wife, who has
betaken herself wholly to her Father’s house (Melbury) and by the foolish loss of £15,000 in one year at play, in so much that he dare not stir out of his house in
the country.”
(My grateful thanks to Cheryl Nicol for sharing her extensive research on the Long family with me.)
LONG FAMILY TREE- The family tree of the Long family is adapted from the family tree found in John Aubrey’s “Collections for Wiltshire” Part I, London, 1821, page 66:
Mary Long's father James Long (1652- 1688/89) was the son and heir of Sir James Long 2nd Bart of Draycot, Wiltshire.
Sir James Long 2nd
Bart (1617-1692) of
Draycot Cerne Wiltshire m. Lady Dorothy Leche (1622-1710), described by John
Aubrey as ‘a most elegant beautie and witt’,
daughter of Sir Edward Leche of Shipley Derbyshire (a lawyer); James
Long inherited the baronetcy title from his uncle Sir Robert Long 1st
Bt. (see below)
James was born at Sth
Wraxall and baptised at Bradford-on-Avon during the period when the two estates
were still run jointly. He was educated at Westminster School, and Magdalen
College Oxford (Aubrey). He and his wife were great friends of the writer and
historian John Aubrey, who described Sir James in Brief Lives and Lives of
Eminent Men [viii],
as previously recounted.
In the plans of
Draycot House of 1864, an entire room was set aside for Sir James Long’s fossil
Sir James Long of Draycot. an amateur entomologist and
naturalist. He was a fiercely loyal Royalist during the Civil War and was
appointed Sheriff of Wiltshire for his efforts. He used the ancient right of
the Sheriff to raise a posse from the noble families of Wiltshire, and had
risen to the rank of Colonel of horse in Sir Francis Dodington’s brigade. In
late 1644, the King returned to Wiltshire with the intention of establishing a
garrison at Marlborough. Nearly three quarters of the County was now in
Royalist hands, and Sir James Long’s regiment played an important role in
patrolling the county.
After a skirmish with
Parliamentary forces led by Waller, in February 1645, the Royalist force led by
Sir James was surrounded and routed. In Waller’s despatch to the Speaker he
We have routed the best Regiment the King
had in the West, of four hundred horse there escaped not thirty, the Colonell,
Sir James Long, eight Captaines and seven Cornets were taken prisoner, and most
of the other Officers with about 300 prisoners.”[ix]
order for the sequestration of the rents of Draycot Manor had already been
issued by the Committee, sitting at Malmesbury, and one Thomas Vaughan, with a body of
soldiers, had plundered the house, and carried off property to the value of
£400” [x]
“During his
captivity, Sir James Long’s wife Dorothy ‘thought it prudent to avert the
entire ruin of the estate, by making herself responsible for the submission of
her husband, and by expressing her willingness to make a composition. A fine of
₤100 was at once enforced, and then she received a certificate of protection
for herself and tenantry’.” [xi]
In late spring of 1645 Sir James was exchange for Col. Stephens, a
Parliamentary officer taken prisoner. He renounced his wife’s act of submission
and returned to the battle, victoriously attacking the Parliamentary garrison
at Chillenham on 9th May 1645, with a detachment of 200 dragoons. In
late July they once more attacked the re-established garrison at Chillenham,
which again fell to the Royalists. They continued to have some minor military
successes, but in September, Cromwell advanced to remove the remaining Royalist
presence in Wiltshire, the last of which held out until mid- October.
James whose manor at Draycot had been sequestrated by Act of Parliament in 1645
submitted to his new masters. Draycot was restored to Sir James in 1649 on
payment of a ₤700 fine and he sued out his pardon.”[xii]
Sir James Long
inherited his baronetcy from his uncle Sir
Robert Long, 1st Bt (cr.1662), brother of Sir Walter Long. He
was appointed private secretary to King Charles I in the late 1640’s, fleeing
to France with the rest of the court after the battle of Worcester in 1651,
where he acted as private secretary to the young Charles II., but was often in conflict
with Charles’ closest advisor and counsellor Lord Clarendon. After the
Restoration in 1660 he was returned to the position of Surveyor of the Queens
Land and enjoyed the favour of Queen Henrietta Maria. He was appointed Auditor
of the Receipt of the Exchequer 1662 until his death in 1673, unmarried, and
was buried at Westminster Abbey. He had purchased Athelhampton Manor in 1665,
and, amongst other estates, the estate in North Yorkshire near Rippon that
became Nid Hall, later sold to Thomas Rawson from whom it passed to the
Mountgarrett family through marriage. His entire estate, together with the
Baronetcy passed to his nephew Sir James Long of Draycott.

Athelhampton House, Dorset
Sir James Long was
the son of Sir Walter Long Knt
(1594-1637) of Draycott, Wiltshire who married Lady Anne Ley (1600-1636)
the second daughter of James Ley 1st Earl of Marlborough (Lord
Treasurer 1624-26). Walter purchased most of the land at Draycott and Langley
from his elder half-brother John who remained at Wraxall, although the title
was held jointly, following a will dispute in the courts. Part of the old manor
house at Draycott was built or modified in the early 17th century,
and was enclosed at this time and split into individual farms. Sir Walter was
the son of Sir Walter Long Knt
(1565-1610) of Sth Wraxall and Draycott Wilthsire and Lady Catherine
Thynne, daughter of Sir John Thynne of Longleat. Sir Walter was friendly with
Sir Walter Raleigh who had first brought the fashion of smoking tobacco to
Wiltshire, supposedly first smoking it at the Manor of Sth Wraxall. The Long family
of Wraxall date back to at least the mid 14th century.
As noted, the Long
family of Draycott Cerne & Wraxall, have a very long and illustrious
history, which can be read on Wikipedia, contributed by Cheryl Nicol; in Tim
Couzen’s book Hand of Fate, The History
of the Longs, Wellesleys and the Draycot Estate in Wiltshire, (pub.ELSP,
2001) which is an entertaining and informative read about the Longs of Draycot;
and in the Oxford Dictionary of Biography, and the National Dictionary of
Biography. Also the fascinating book written by Cheryl Nicol on her ancestors, the Long family, Inquisition Post Mortem: An Adventurous Jaunt Through a 500 Year History of the Courtiers, Clothiers and Parliamentarians of the Long Family of Wiltshire, pub. 2014.
Mary Long was the daughter of James Long’s second
brief marriage to a Mary Keightley. Mary
Long’s father, James Long Jnr, died a year or two after her birth, predeceasing
his father, his three sons from his first marriage inheriting the baronetcy in
turn from their grandfather- the second son Sir Giles, in his will, left ‘To his sisters a dozen of silver plate’,
while ‘To his half sister (Mary)- mourning’ (ie Mourning clothes). Buried at
Puddletown, Dorset, date unspecified in the church burial register (between May
1688 and October 1689),[xiii]
the date of administration of James Long’s estate in the parish of Athelhampton
was 22 October 1689, the principal creditor named as Thomas Sherman, with Mary
(Long), relict, renouncing.[xiv]
The circumstances behind the marriage of James Long
and Mary Keightley were unusual to say the least. A Chancery suit,
“Keightley v. Long”, in 1684, before
their marriage, when James was still married to his first wife Susanna
Strangways, reveals that Mary Keightley tried to recover a debt from James
Long, owner of the manor of Adminston (viz. Athelhampton) in Dorset, and in
consequence of the suit, the Court sanctioned the sequestration of Mr Long’s
estates.[xv] Councillor, Mr Thomas Burgh of Gray’s Inn,
was one of three appointed, who, armed with a commission from the Court,
arrived on March 3, 1684 at the manor occupied by Mrs Susanna Long, her husband
James being away at the time. A consequence of the four day long confrontation
was that “Mrs Long was soe affrighted by the deportment of Mr Burgh that she
languished and in a short time died” (as asserted on the authority of her
brother Col. Strangways in an affidavit). Susanna Long was buried in the nearby
parish of Puddletown on 5 May 1684 just two months after the confrontation, her
estate being administered on 4 January 1688. The strange sequel to this story
is that her husband James Long married his suitor, the 34 year old Catholic
spinster Mary Keightley, and evidence appears to indicate the marriage took
place sometime around 1686.
An undated letter from James Long’s sister to their
mother Lady Dorothy Long confirmed that the marriage was a happy one: [xvi]
“… that by her pations (patience) Mrs
Keightley has brought my brother (out) of his drinking, in a great measure, and
to love home”. Sadly, the
marriage was cut short by his premature death in 1689,[xvii]
probably related to his excessive drinking habits, but not before the birth
between 1686 and 1689 of their daughter named Mary after her mother.
The following is the full article which is quite
Somerset and Dorset
Notes and Queries Vol. IV, 1915,
CENTURY- by F. J Pope,
"Certain affidavits
taken in 1684, in connection with a Chancery Suit called “Keightley v. Long”, supply when pieced together an account of some occurrences at Admiston in the
previous year, which though of no great importance in themselves seem somewhat
The plaintiff, Mary
Keightley, was trying to recover a debt from Mr James Long who owned the manor
of Admiston, and in consequence of the suit the Court sanctioned the
sequestration of Mr Long’s estates. Roger Bowden of London, apparently an
attorney, and John Padner, an innholder of Wareham, were appointed
sequestrators, and a councilor of Grays Inn, Mr Thomas Burgh, accompanied the
sequestrators as their legal advisor.
These three, armed
with a commission from the Court, arrived on the 3rd of March
1683-4, at Admiston, where it was understood Mr Long resided. Their request for
information from the villagers met with an eager response. Mr Long, it was
said, was certainly at Admiston House and was a very resolute man and kept a
sharp look-out for his creditors. Two cases of pistols and several swords were
laid ready for use on a table near the door of the house and only the previous
evening he had been heard firing his pistols towards the entrance gate. It was
well known, too, that bullets were being made in the house. Later the spirits
of the strangers were not raised by a visit from four of Long’s servants, who
threatened retaliation if the party proceeded in their business. Then Mr Burgh
determined that, before meeting such an antagonist, he would see what could be
accomplished by a peaceful ambassador. The minister of the parish undertook the
duty, which was to explain that the commissioners were acting with the
authority of the Court of Chancery and wished to carry out their work without
violence, and on his return brought the pleasing news that Mr Long had left the
house. Preparations for an offensive movement were then begun, the commission
was read to the neighbours, the parish constable with two or three men to act
as witnesses were warned to accompany the sequestrators, an iron bar and sledge
hammers for breaking in the door were requisitioned, and Burgh and his
colleagues armed themselves with swords and pistols. They came to the house
about noon on the 4th of March, Burgh (so says an eye witness) being
the hindermost. After entering the courtyard they came to a stop at a locked
gate and just then a window of the house at some little distance was opened and
from it Mrs Long looked down on the visitors. To her Mr Burgh explained his
object and demanded admittance. The lady’s reply was that her husband was
abroad and that they would enter “at their own peril”. Thereupon the attacking
force held a conference, and on Burgh’s advice, it was decided that the
sequestration of the farm should be taken in hand first. Mrs Long was told that
her refusal to grant admittance would be reported to the Court, at which “great
laughter” came from people in the house, and the sequestrators departed to try
what they could do in the fields.
On the farm they met
with the principal tenant, Robert Grosse, to whom they displayed their
commission with its Great Seal, but Grosse gave them “morose language” and told
them they had made a mistake if they thought they could “fright the country
with wax and parchment.” Asked to whom he paid his rent, the farmer answered
that he paid it to Sir Richard Mason, and then Burgh, evidently disbelieving
this statement, threatened Grosse that he would “lay him by the heels.” Bowden
and Padner went about the farm locking the gates, putting up bars, and so on,
without any interference from the tenant, who probably knew that help was
coming. Four days had been spent on the farm, when (it was the 9th of March and a Sunday evening) the constable with twenty “country fellows” came
to the lodgings, occupied by Burgh and his companions, and arrested all three
on a charge of rioting. A warrant, doubtless obtained by the energy of Mr Long,
had been issued against them by no less a personage than the Lord Chief
Justice, Judge Jeffreys. Once more Bowden and Padner showed their commission
but it was treated with jeers and Christopher Priestly, the tithing man, made a
highly contemptuous (and unprintable) reference to the document, and said that
his master, Andrew Loder, (a prominent solicitor at Dorchester), knew more than
the whole Court of Chancery. On the Monday morning the prisoners were taken to
Dorchester, where their captors hoped to put them in the common gaol, but at
the county town there were persons who had more respect for the Great Seal than
had been shown by the villagers at Admiston, so that Mr Burgh and his friends
were able to obtain surities for their appearance at the Assizes and made use
of their liberty to return home.
How far the Admiston
folk in the tales they told of Mr Long’s character and doings were merely
amusing themselves can only be surmised. The story that bullets were being made
in the house was contradicted on oath and it may be guessed that the rest of
the talk regarding Mr Long’s preparations were equally incorrect. But there is
no doubt that Grosse was speaking the truth when he said that he paid rent to
Sir Richard Mason, for there is independent evidence that Long had some years previously
leased the manor and farm of Admiston to Mason for a long term. Further it is
deposed that Grosse occupied Admiston House and that Mr and Mrs Long were there
as his guests. The circumstance that Sir Richard Mason was Mr Long’s
brother-in-law perhaps led Burgh’s judgment astray, and it is curious to
observe that the councilor from Grays Inn accepted the fable as to the making
of the bullets, &c., and disbelieved the farmer’s true statement concerning
his landlord.
There was one serious
result of the Londoner’s visit to Dorsetshire. Mrs Long, who it will be
remembered spoke to the sequestrators from a window of Admiston House, was on
that occasion “soe affrighted by the deportment of Mr Burgh that she languished
and in a short time died.” This is asserted on the authority of her brother
Colonel Strangways of Melbury.
There was also
another consequence of quite a different character, which suggests a remarkable
ending to the suit “Keightley v. Long”, for on referring to Hutchin’s pedigree
of the Longs it will be found that the defendant married again and the name if
his second wife was Mary Keightley."
Mary Keightley (b.1652) and
Thomas Keightley (the younger, b.1650) were the children of William Keightley and Amy Williams of Hertingfordbury
Park in Hertfordshire.[xviii]
William Keightley and his brother Thomas Keightley (the elder) were the sons of Thomas Keightley (Senior-1579-1662) and Rose Evelyn, cousin to the famous diarist of the seventeenth century, John Evelyn.
William and his younger brother Thomas (the elder),
sons of London merchant Thomas Keightley (senior- Sheriff of Hertfordshire
1651), and graduates of Cambridge University in 1637 (Thomas admitted as a
member of the Middle Temple in 1641), had both converted to Catholicism
following their Grand Tour to Rome in the late 1640’s.
Consequently their children, including William’s
children, young Thomas and Mary, were brought up in the Roman Catholic faith. “Thomas Keightley Junior and Mary Keightley
of Hertingfordbury”, were indicted as “popish
recusants, and for not attending the parish church nor any other church or
chapel, 1667-1675”.[xx]
Great Amwell
(Hertfordshire) Parish Church records: [xxi]
Thomas Hassall:
Parents: William Kightley/Keitley and Amye;
1.Thomas Keightley/Kightley was baptised 23 January 1650 at Great Amwell,
2.Mary Kightley
was baptised 23 June 1652 at Great Amwell;
3.Frances Kightley was baptised Aug 1649 at Great Amwell;
4.Christian Keitley (dau.) was baptised 2 April 1656 at Hertingfordbury Park by Rev.Thomas
Great Amwell is a few kilometres from Hertingfordbury Park,
the family home of the Keightleys, both places near the city of Hertford. The
minister Thomas Hassall who baptized all four Keightley siblings, first
conducted baptisms at Great Amwell in 1602/03, so was quite elderly.
Thomas Keightley’s parents
are known to be William Keightley
(b. 1621) of Hertingfordbury, Hertfordshire, and his wife Amy (sometimes incorrectly called Anne) daughter of John Williams and wife Mary Turner of
London. They were married 22 Aug 1648. The record in Foster’s London Marriage
Licences, states: [xxii]
William of Hartingford, Bury, gent., bachelor, 27, and Anne (sic Amy) Williams,
spinster, 19 (ie.b.1629), daughter of John Williams, merchant, deceased, with consent of the Court of the Orphans
of London- at St. Michael, Crooked Lane, or St Helen, London, 17 Aug. 1648.
As the first three children
were baptized in the church at Great Amwell, but the fourth child, Christian,
was baptized at Hertingfordbury Park, it could indicate that William converted
to Catholicism between Mary’s birth in 1652 and Christian’s birth in 1656.
Notably the same minister Thomas Hassall who baptized the first three children
in the church at Great Amwell, also conducted the baptism of Christian at their
home at Hertingfordbury Park, probably in the family chapel.
Although the Keightley
family had converted to Catholicism, there were no Catholic churches in England
in the 17th Century, although there was some religious tolerance and
people were allowed to practice their faith in private. However, the Clarendon
Code [xxiv]
(1661-1665), introduced after the ‘Restoration’, was a series of parliamentary
measures introduced which penalized ‘non-conformists and Catholics’.
The Keightley family would
have been expected to occasionally conform to the concessions of the Anglican
church eg. Baptism of their children and the occasional attendance at certain
times of the year. By doing this they would keep their position in the parish
and society and not incur a fine.
Some sources incorrectly name William Keightley’s wife as Anne Williams, [xxv]
however, the following sources confirm her name as Amy:
Memoirs of the Members of Parliament for the County and City of Kilkenny,
by George Dames
Burtchaell, Pub 1888 [xxvi]
(NB Google Books- only a snippet view)
P89 Thomas Keightley: MP for Inistiogue 1695-?
P94 Thomas Keightley….. of Hertingfordbury, son of William Keightley of Hertingfordbury, by Amy,
daughter of John Williams of London,
was closely connected with the Royal Family in consequence of his marriage with
Lady Frances Hyde, youngest daughter of Edward 1st Earl of
Clarendon, K.G., Lord Chancellor of England, whose eldest daughter, Lady Anne
Hyde married James Duke of York (later
James II).
William Keightley was
baptised 16 April, 1621 (Guildhall, St Dunstan in the East, London, Register
1558-1653) and brother Thomas was
born in 1622 .
and Thomas were sons of Thomas Keightley
(b.1579 Kinver Staffordshire, d.1662) who purchased Hertingfordbury Park in
Hertfordshire on 17 July 1627 (Hertfordshire Archives & Local Studies
DE/P/T833). He was a merchant, and was appointed sheriff of Hertsfordshire
in1651. He was married to Rose Evelyn.
Amy Williams was baptised 29 March
1630 (Guildhall, St Andrew Undershaft, London, Register 1558-1623) and was
orphaned by 1648 (Foster’s London
Marriage Licences 1521-1869). She was daughter of John Williams, merchant, of London & Mary Turner (Visitation of London 1633 etc):
Williams was baptized 29 March 1630 at St Andrew Undershaft London, daughter of
John Williams and Marie his wife.[xxvii]
The Williams family tree and arms, is featured in a book: The
Visitation of London Anno Domini 1633,1634,1635, made by Sr Henry St George Kt,
etc [xxviii]
which states:
Amy was the daughter of John Williams of London
merchant living in 1633, and 2nd
wife Mary da. of William Turner, and
widow of Phillip Gifford of London Esq.
They were both deceased by 1648 as Amy was described as an ‘orphan’.
There was also had a son
named John Williams who features in the newspapers of the time. John William’s
(Senior) brother Daniell also married a dau. of William Turner, named Martha.
(John William’s 1st wife being Christian Watkins by whom they had 3
sons and 4 daughters, one of whom was named Christian, the name given to the
last of William Keightley and Amy’s children.)
John Williams (Senior) was son of John Williams of
London , mercer, whoe came out of Monmouthshier, and his wife Magdeline da. of …. Callmant, Secretary to the
Archbishop of Leige.
The Turner family tree has Mary Turner as daughter of William Turner
of Highway in Com. Wilts., (‘now’
livinge in 1633 London) and Amy da.
of Edward Mann of Poole; William
Turner, son of Richard Turner of Reding and Mary da. of Thomas Baineton of
Brumham in Com. Wilts.
Therefore, Amy
Williams was named after her maternal grandmother. [xxix]
The Keightley family ancestry taken from the Visitation of London Anno Domini
1633,1634,1635: [xxx]
George Keightley (b. early 1500’s) of Frimply [xxxi]
in Com. Worcester (now Trimpley just NW of Kidderminster, Worcester) had issue:
John Keightley
of Frimply, m. Elizabeth da. of … Kill, had issue:
1.Kendrick Keightley
(daughter) and
2.Thomas Keightley Senior (1580-1662) marr. bef. 1620 Rose Evelyn, daughter
of Thomas Evelyn of Long Ditton in Surrey Exq. and (2ndly)
Frances dau of Henry Hervey of Chessington and sister of William Lord Hervey of
Evelyn was cousin of John Evelyn (b.1620) the diarist, the son of her father
Thomas Evelyn’s half-brother Richard Evelyn.
Thomas Evelyn was son of George Evelyn of Long Ditton, Godstone and
Wotton (b.c.1526- c 1603/8) and first wife Rose dau of Thomas Williams (brother
and heir of Sir John Williams Knt buried 1571). Richard Evelyn (c 1590-1640)
was son of George Evelyn (of Long Ditton) and 2nd wife Joan Stint.
Rose Evelyn’s brother created Sir Thomas Evelyn Knt of Long
Ditton (bap.1587).
Thomas Keightley (Snr) was
sheriff of Hertingfordbury. He purchased Hertingfordbury Park (237 acres),
which was conveyed 17 July 1627. [xxxii]
The Dictionary of National
Biography (1st pub. 1882) has:
Thomas Knightley born at Kinver, Staffordshire, 28
March 1580, purchased the estate of Hertingfordbury before 1643, when John
Evelyn the diarist visited him there (Dairy, I, 39), and he was sheriff of
Hertfordshire in 1651; merchant, of London, who sat as MP for Beeralston in the
parliament of 1620-1. He died in London on 22 Feb 1662-3, and was buried at
Hertingfordbury Church. He married Rose (1596-1683) daughter of Thomas Evelyn
of Ditton, Surrey. This lady was a first cousin of John Evelyn the diarist
Issue named in Thomas
Keightley’s will:
William b.
1621; d. bef March 1673/4 (see land
records below- 20 March 1673/74)
Thomas, b.1622; marr.
Catherine Knolleys [xxxiii]-
issue Thomas, William, John;
John, b.1633
Elizabeth, b. bef.
1634, marr. Henery Wollaston;
Mary, b. bef 1634,
marr. 1647 John Langley esq. (son of Sir
Wm Langley of Enfield Middx Bart.)
Rose, b. bef 1634.
The London Baptisms, Marriages, Burials 1538-1812, have the following records:
William Kiteley, bap. 16 April 1621,
Parish St Dunstan in the East, London, sonne of Thomas Kiteley.
John Kitely (William’s youngest
brother) baptised 2 June 1633 Parish St Dunstan in the East, sonne
of Thomas Kitely and Rose his wife.
a biog. list of all students, graduates, etc at Uni of Cambridge from earliest
times to 1900:
Keightley, Thomas.
Adm. Fell.-Com. (age 14) at Peterhouse, July 12, 1636. 2nd son of
Thomas, merchant of London. Matric. 1637. Adm. at the Middle Temple, Nov. 19,
1641. Married Katherine Knollys. Brother of William (1636). (Walker, 57)
Keightley, William.
Adm. Fell.-Com (age 15) at Peterhouse, July 12, 1636. 1st son of
Thomas, High Sheriff of Herts., 1651. Matric. 1637. Of The Park,
Hertingfordbury, Herts. Brother of Thomas (1636). (Visitation of London, 1634;
T.A. Walker, 57; Clutterbuck, II, 202.)
The History of Hertingfordbury Park, by Robert Clutterbuck (History of the County of Hertford, Vol II: Hundreds of Hertford and Broadwater, pub. 1821):
This park, which sits between the rivers Lea and Mimeram, formerly belonged to the Castle of Hertford until Charles I granted "the Park of Hartingfordburye, Deer Meadow, Osier Ground and all the lands known by that name, and of Hartforde Park, containing 236 acres to Anthony Lowe Esq. and others at the annual rent of 20 l. In the early part of the reign of King James I, it appears to have been in the possession of Sir William Harrington who converted the Lodge into a good house for his own habitation. Sir William, by his will dated 13 February 1627, directed this estate to be sold to the best profit, in pursuance of which, it was sold to Thomas Keightley Esq.
"Parishes: Hertingfordbury- A History of the County of Hertford", Vol. 3 (1912) pp.462-468
Hertingfordbury Park was granted together with the manor to Princess Mary by Edward VI in 1553. The park continued with the manor until 1626, when Prince Charles's feoffees granted the remainder of their ninety-nine years' lease to John Purefry and John Graunt. In the following year, the king granted the reversion to Anthony Lowe, Christopher Vernon, Arthur Lowe and John Coxe. The park then contained 237 acres besides a meadow of 3 acres called 'le deere meadowe', and 1 acre of osier woods. Free chase and free warren in it were granted at the same time.
Hertingfordbury Park was purchased by Thomas Keightley who seems to have built a house there, where he received a visit from his cousin John Evelyn the diarist in August 1643 (Dairy of John Evelyn, ed. Will. Bray, Vol.i, p.39.)
Thomas Keightley was succeeded by his son William Keightley whose widow Amy married secondly John Belson and continued to live at the house during her lifetime (Close, 33 Chas.II, pt. vi, no. 34). After her death the park descended to her son Thomas Keightley, who sold the estate in 1681 to John Cullinge (Ibid).
The following land transactions re
the Keightleys, are in the UK National Archives, and Hertfordshire Archives and
Local Studies:
17 July 1627: Counterpart conveyance: Anthony Lowe, Christopher Vernon, and others, to Thomas
Keightley of Hertingfordbury Park (237 acres) the Deere Meadow and
other lands (held by one knights fee for 99 years and then ₤20 fee farm rent.) [xxxv]
11 Nov 1632: Original Surrender:
By Edward Boteler of Queenhoo Hall to
William Keightley esq. of a cottage called Watts and closes called
Stockings, Sampsons and Buryheath, with a house, 4 acres and a house in
Holcraft and Alderminster, Damiels Pightell and a house, toft, and half
yardland called Hartes near Eston Green. [xxxvi]
24 Oct 1647: Schedule: Of freehold lands granted to Mr Keightley by Mr Butler and to him
by William Kimpton (messuage called Southwoods and sundry land). [xxxvii]
9 March 1648/9: Agreement: Between
Thomas Keightley of Hertingfordbury Park
concerning trees on field called Oxlease adjoining the park pale, the park
ditch and Vernon’s alleged sporting rights in the park. [xxxviii]
1648: Order to William Keightley,
reeve, to collect the free and copyhold rents and fines and amercements. [xxxix]
The following record indicates that William
Keightley was deceased c.1673 and his properties were in the names of his widow
and son Thomas:
20 March 1673/4: Counterpart enfranchisement: William Vernon and Thomas
Cockraine to Amy and Thomas Keightley.
Customary toft and half-yard of land called Harts, Stockings, Samsons,
messuages called Berryheath and Watts, and other lands. [xl]
Amy Keightley nee Williams,
widow, married secondly, John Belson, a Catholic, between 1674 and 1678.[xli]
Belson would play an
important role in the lives of the Keightley family, which will be explored in
detail alter.
William and his younger brother Thomas (the elder),
sons of London merchant Thomas Keightley (senior- Sheriff of Hertfordshire
1651), and graduates of Cambridge University in 1637 (Thomas admitted as a
member of the Middle Temple in 1641), had both converted to Catholicism
following their Grand Tour to Rome in the late 1640’s. John
Evelyn, cousin of their mother Rose Evelyn wrote in 1650 of his kinsman Thomas
Keightley’s conversion: “he hath been
made a Popish proselyte some months, and now from a young gallant, a zealous
bigot.” [xlii]
Evelyn soon heard that Keightley’s brother William had followed suit, much to
his abhorrence.
Consequently their children, including William’s
children, young Thomas and Mary, were brought up in the Roman Catholic faith. “Thomas Keightley Junior and Mary Keightley
of Hertingfordbury”, were indicted as “popish
recusants, and for not attending the parish church nor any other church or
chapel, 1667-1675”.[xliii]
Notably the minister Thomas
Hassall who baptized the first three children of William and Amy Williams in
the church at Great Amwell, also conducted the baptism of Christian at their
home at Hertingfordbury Park, probably in the family chapel.
Although the Keightley
family had converted to Catholicism, there were no Catholic churches in England
in the 17th Century, although there was some religious tolerance and
people were allowed to practice their faith in private. However, the Clarendon
Code [xliv]
(1661-1665), introduced after the ‘Restoration’, was a series of parliamentary
measures introduced which penalized ‘non-conformists and Catholics’.
The Keightley family
would have been expected to occasionally conform to the concessions of the
Anglican church eg. Baptism of their children and the occasional attendance at
certain times of the year. By doing this they would keep their position in the
parish and society and not incur a fine.
John Evelyn the
diarist, cousin of Thomas Keightley’s grandmother Rose Keightley nee Evelyn,
indicated that Thomas Keightley’s father William’s brother, also named Thomas
Keightley (the elder), converted to Rome 1650-51 despite Evelyn trying very
hard to talk him out of it.
A book written about
John Evelyn’s Diaries, gives us the following information about the Keightley’s
conversion to Catholicism, following their Grand Tour of the Continent: [xlv]
On 16 March 1643, the
House of Commons ordered ‘That Mr Wm
Keightley and Mr Jo. Evelyn shall have Mr Speaker’s Warrant to pass into
France, with one Servant’. Many were deciding not to stay and chance the
uncertain political climate in England. William Keightley, with whom Evelyn had
earlier planned to travel to France, arrived in Paris in July with his brother
Thomas. They turned to him for practical help: 8th Sept 1644- Two of my kinsmen came from Paris to this
place (Tours), where I settled them in the pension and exercises.[xlvi]
On the 14th September, Evelyn moved smartly on to Lion d’Or. [xlvii]
“William returned to
England to marry (in Aug 1648) having left his brother (viz. Thomas) in Rome. [xlviii]
(Diary indicates just
before Christmas 1650) Within a few months of one another, two young Englishmen
in Evelyn’s close circle converted to Catholicism. One was his (Evelyn’s)
cousin Thomas Keightley, the other Dean Cosin’s own son, John. Evelyn
strenuously attempted to dissuade them. Philip Packer had tipped Evelyn off
about ‘our lost friend in Italy’;
while hoping that Keightley was not ‘nearer
the Church of Roome (sic) then the Gates’. He was glad that Evelyn was
trying to argue him out of his inclinations. ‘Your charitable endeavours to return him, before he be to farr
confirmed in his eternall ruine, hath added to my Hope.’ On the feast of
the Annunciation, Evelyn composed a long letter telling Keightley of his own
flirtation with the Roman Catholic faith before discovering that ‘the metal is foul mixed, and all is not gold
that glitters’. He must not hurry, ‘Reade
our Writers, consult our Doctors, frequent the Religious’ before making
your choice, he advised him, and wondered if Keightley was deserting ‘our Church’ because of ‘the present calamity’- in which case he
should take a longer view. The Church of England was an article of faith for
those who hoped for the restoration of the monarchy. ‘Judge you the truth of a Religion because it flourishes? Turne
Mussellman; suspect you the Persecuted? Renounce Christianity. Those that will
live piously must suffer it. The church of the Jewes was once without a Temple
without a Priest, without Altar, and without Sacrifice, and yet as deare to God
as ever.’ The Catholic Church is, in Evelyn’s view, ‘Sacrilegious, Idolatrous, Rebellious, Impure, and infinitely
That summer the
unrepentant Thomas Keightley appeared in Paris:
Evelyn’s persuasive
powers- if in fact he ever sent the letter, which may have been largely
composed for his own benefit- had failed. Soon he heard that Keightley’s
brother William had followed suit.” [xlix]
Another journal
written by Richard Lassels at that time, now related in a book by Edward
Chaney: The Grand Tour and the Great
Rebellion: Richard Lassels and The Voyage of Italy in the Seventeenth Century [l],
mentions the Keightley brothers on their Grand Tour (only snippet view in
Page 366- Though the Keightley brothers presumably
stayed in France for the time being, by January 1645, as we have seen above,
both were to be found in Rome. It was presumably William, the eldest, who dined
at the English College again in September. After this, the ‘Pilgrim Book’
contains nothing of further interest until mid-May when ‘D. Kitley’, presumably
Thomas, dines with two others. On 11 April 1651 this time clearly identified as
Thomas Keightley, he dined….
365- That Keightley was relatively well-to-do (already implied by his dining in
such eminent company, Somerset being the second son of the 1st
Marquis of Worcester) tends to be confirmed by an entry in one of Richard
Symond’s notebooks…
In Abstracts of English Studies Volume 16,
page 88 [li]
Page 88- Thomas Normanton was a fellow of Pembroke
who converted to Catholicism attended the English College at Rome, and
travelled with Thomas or William Keightley and Thomas Playters. Creshaw may
have known them all at Cambridge. All four named in the Pilgrim Book of the
English Hospice in 1646. (viz. the English Hospice of St Thomas the Martyr
in Rome). The close relationship between the Keightleys and the
Belsons no doubt developed when the Keightley brothers, William and Thomas, and
Augustin Belson (either John Belson’s father or brother, both of that name)
lodged in Rome between 1646 and 1650, their names recorded in the Pilgrim Book
of the English Hospital in Rome
So it would appear
that Thomas Keightley and Mary Keightley had been brought up as Catholics, and
Edward Hyde, Lord Clarendon, Thomas’s early patron, wrote when Thomas had hopes
of being appointed Revenue Commissioner, that
it was unlikely the king would grant him any favours, being a Catholic.[lii]
John Evelyn wrote about the
tumultuous time of the Civil Wars, the regicide of Charles I, the establishment
of the Commonwealth under the Protector Oliver Cromwell, and the triumphant
return of Charles II after Cromwell’s death in 1658 in his diaries, having
close contact with Charles II’s courtiers through his wife Mary, daughter of
Sir Richard Browne, one of Charles II’s closest advisors in exile. At one
stage, Evelyn was vying for her affections in competition with Thomas
Keightley, despite the girl being underage (ie. under 12). Evelyn’s subsequent
marriage to Mary, contracted in 1647 when she turned 12, lasted nearly 60
years. Their first of many children, was born in 1652. A letter from the
impoverished royalist courtier Sir Endymion Porter to Richard Browne:
‘I feare Tom (Keightley) will make it doomes daye for
Mr Eveling or him (if they meete) for marrying his mistres.” [liii]
Evelyn wrote of the hated
Usurper Cromwell’s funeral: [liv]
22nd October 1658 saw the superb funeral of
the Protector. He was carried from Somerset House in a velvet bed of state,
drawn by 6 horses, house with the same; the pall held by his new Lords. Oliver
lying in effigy, in royal robes, and crowned with a crown, scepter and globe,
like a king…etc. In this equipage, they proceeded to Westminster, but it was the joyfullest funeral I ever
saw; for there were none that cried but dogs, which soldiers hooted away
with a barbarous noise, drinking and taking tobacco in the streets as they
30th January 1661: This day (O the
stupendous and inscrutable judgements of God!) were the carcasses of those
arch-rebels, Cromwell, Bradshaw (the judge who condemned his Majesty), and
Ireton (son-in-law to the Usurper), dragged out of their superb tombs in
Westminster among the Kings, to Tyburn and hanged on the gallows there from 9
in the morning till 6 at night and then buried under that fatal and ignominious
monument in a deep pit; thousands of people who had seen them in all their
pride being spectators. Look back at Oct 22 1658 (Oliver’s funeral) and be
astonished! And fear God and honour the King; but meddle not with them who are
given to change!
Evelyn also describes the triumphant return of Charles
II in 1660, and his grand Coronation in great detail (on pages 337 and 348).
William Keightley's brother Thomas Keightley (b.1621) married in 1658 Catherine Knollys, the daughter of an influential family of long standing. This was Catherine's second marriage- her first husband named as Robert Holmsby (Baronetage of England- Knollys- Volume 3, p.132, by T. Wotton, E. Kimber & R. Johnson) and Robert Haldenby of Yorkshire (see below) died two years earlier in 1656.
The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal, Vol XI, London 1891, p.45-46:
The township of Haldenby in Yorkshire belonged to the Haldenby family since the 1300's.
Robert Haldenby Esq of Haldenby died in 1630. His second son Robert Haldenby inherited the manor of Haldenby, 12 cottages and 400 acres of land, a moiety of the manor of Swanland and lands in Estoft on the death of his elder brother John. Robert, who was a sufferer in the Royal cause, lived at Swanland or Beswick and was buried at Kildwick on the Wolds 19 August 1656. His widow, Katherine (da. of Sir Robert Knollys) seems to have married secondly in 1658 Thomas Keightley of Sheriff Hutton.
Catherine Knollys ancestry is worth noting. Her parents were Sir Robert Knollys of Grays Sth Oxfordshire who was MP for Abingdon and Wallingford, and his wife Joanna daughter of Sir John Wolstenholme Knt. of Nostell Abbey Yorkshire, Farmer of the Customs and his wife Catherine daughter of John Fanshawe of Fanshaw Gate Co Derby, Remembrancer of the Exchequer to Queen Elizabeth.
Sir Robert Knollys was the son of Sir Robert Knollys, third son of Sir Francis Knollys and Catherine Carey who was daughter of William Carey Esquire of the Body to Henry VIII and his wife Lady Mary Boleyn sister to Queen Anne Boleyn, and one time mistress of Henry VIII.
The "Annals of the Parishes of St Olave's Hart Street & AllHallows Staining in the City of London", by Rev. Alfred Povah, London 1894, p.148 (and Knollys tree on p.381):
Sir Francis Knollys was the only son of Robert Knollys, a descendant from the "veritable Demon de Guerre", Sir Robert Knollys, who commanded the armies of Edward III in France in 1350, where his exploits obtained the above denomination from his enemies. Sir Francis was educated at Magdalen College, Oxon., Gentleman Pensioner, 34 Henry VIII, was Privy Councellor to Queen Elizabeth, Vice-Chamberlain of the Household, Captain of the Guard, Treasurer of the Household, K.G., Knight of the Shire for Oxon. He married first, 1568, Lady Catherine Carey (see above), and secondly in 1588, Lettice Barratt. He died 1596. His daughter Lettice Knollys, married firstly Walter Devereux Earl of Essex- their son Robert Earl of Essex was beheaded in 1601, and he had married the daughter of Sir Frances Walsingham, and their son Robert Viscount Hereford became the famous Commander-in-Chief of the Parliamentary Army 1642-46; Lettice married secondly Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Queen Elizabeth's "sweet Robin".

(From the Annals of the Parish of St Olave's Hart Street, City of London, by Rev. Alfred Povah,
London 1894 p.381)
It would appear that Catherine converted and became
a devout Catholic after marrying Thomas Keightley. They had at least three children- sons Thomas, William and John.
William would be recorded as travelling with his parents to France in 1678 and 1679 (notably not Thomas and John).
CSP, Dom Charles II, undated., [2992], p.614, Date 1678, Passes etc. (SP Dom Entry Book 51 p.122);
CSP Dom Chas II,[1594], p. 326, Oct 6, 1679 Grants of Denization etc. (SP Dom Entry Book 51, pp.168, 261)
A Thomas Keightley, born 1789 in Newtown Co. Kildare Ireland, the son of a Thomas Keightley, became a well known writer of books about mythology and folklore, and claimed relationship with Thomas Keightley (b.1650). (Wikipedia and Oxford Distionary of Biography). As he could not be a legitimate direct descendant of Thomas Keightley and Frances Hyde, maybe he was a descendant of Thomas Keightley and Catherine Knollys.
Mary Keightley (b.1652) was the
sister of Thomas Keightley (b.1650- children of William and Amy Keightley), who was brother-in-law to King James II through his
(Thomas’s) wife Lady Frances Hyde, sister to Anne Hyde married to James Duke of
York before his accession to the throne as James II. Frances and Anne were
daughters of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon,[lv]
a courtier and advisor to Charles I, and after the Restoration, to Charles II.
Anne died in 1671 and had embraced the Catholic religion before her husband did
so, although Charles II had insisted their two daughters, Mary and Anne, were
brought up in the Protestant faith.
Anne Hyde’s sister, Frances,
had also embraced the Catholic faith, much to the disappointment of her
brothers, Henry and Laurence Hyde, staunch supporters of the Church of England.
The Keightleys were
therefore aunt and uncle to James and Anne’s daughters, the future Queen Mary
II and Queen Anne II.
Thomas Keightly (1650-1719)
Lady Frances Keightley nee Hyde (1658-1725)
(Source: Wikipedia- Public Domain)
William Keightley’s son and heir Thomas (the
younger) married Lady Frances Hyde, the youngest daughter of the politically powerful
and devoutly Protestant Lord Chancellor, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of
Clarendon, who was, ironically, a political enemy of Sir Robert Long. By 1641
Hyde, originally a lawyer, had become an informal advisor and firm friend to
King Charles I, invested as a Privy Councillor and held office of Chancellor
and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer from 1642. By 1645 the King’s forces were
losing the civil war, and Hyde was appointed guardian to the 16 year old
Charles Prince of Wales with whom he fled to the Isles of Scilly then Jersey in
1646, after imminent fears for the young prince’s life. The King was beheaded
in 1649, and his son and heir Charles II and Charles’s brother James Duke of
York would live in refuge on the Continent accompanied by a large Court in
exile until the end of Cromwell’s republican Commonwealth of England, returning
triumphantly to England in 1660.

Edward Hyde 1st Earl of Clarendon
During this exile, Hyde, by now a brilliant and
shrewd statesman, had been appointed Secretary of State in 1653 and Lord
Chancellor in 1658 by Charles II, and was Charles’ closest advisor during his
exile and after the Restoration when Hyde was raised to the peerage and created
Earl of Clarendon in 1661. The close relationship held between the young
monarch and his elderly advisor was often strained, the rather dour, pompous
and tactless Clarendon telling the monarch “at least twenty times that he was
lazy and not fit to govern”.[lvi]
Antonia Fraser ("King Charles II", Phoenix Books, 1st pub. 1979, reprint 2022, pp.43-45; her ref: Samuel Pepys, 11 Nov 1667) wrote of their temperamental relationship:
"The character of Charles' puppet master, Sir Edward Hyde, also came into further prominence in the West. Hyde, later Earl of Clarendon, is a central figure in the story of Charles, in youth, early manhood, and the first years of his restored kingship. The relationship drew to a close nearly 25 years after this western foray. It ended with Clarendon telling the middle aged monarch, twenty times that he was lazy and not fit to govern. He was a man of extreme gravity of character, even in his younger years, the sort of gravity which is quickly taken for pomposity by the young. Hyde liked to guide by disapproval; Charles liked to learn by encouragement: it was never an ideal combination. from the first, Hyde was not sufficiently tolerant, Charles not sufficiently appreciative."
Much to Clarendon’s displeasure and disapproval,
his eldest daughter Anne Hyde, had quietly married the heir-presumptive James
Duke of York in 1660 following a pregnancy, having been seduced by the Duke
while she was Maid of Honour to his sister (the child dying at birth, six weeks
after the marriage). Clarendon had far grander marital plans for the two Royal
brothers, involving diplomatic alliances and wealthy dowries. The marriage also
meant that Clarendon incurred a great deal of resentment and animosity within
Parliamentary circles from those who suspected Clarendon’s ambition of a royal
alliance. However, Anne soon gained popularity at court, the French ambassador
describing her as “having courage, cleverness and energy almost worthy of a king’s
After bearing two (surviving) daughters and heirs
to the throne- the future Queens, Mary and Anne- Anne Duchess of York
prematurely died in 1671 aged 34 years, well before her husband succeeded to
the throne. Anne had embraced the Catholic faith before her death, even before
her husband openly admitted his conversion, much to her family’s displeasure.
She had written an open letter in August 1670 to her friends explaining the
reasons for her conversion, which sparked a heated debate between various
theologians and writers of the day.
Clarendon lost favour with his king and certain
factions in the parliament and, threatened with impeachment in 1667, was forced
to flee to France where he spent the rest of his life (d.1674 at Rouen) writing
his mammoth series of volumes entitled “History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars
in England”.
As a 22 year old young man, Thomas Keightley (the
younger) was appointed Gentleman Usher to James Duke of York on 2 June 1672,
not long after the death of James’s wife.[lviii]
Gentleman ushers were responsible for
overseeing the work of the servants ‘above stairs’ in the royal apartments.This was undoubtedly when he first came into
contact with James’s in-laws, the Hyde family, and met the Duke’s very young
sister-in-law Lady Frances Hyde (b.1658[lix]).
This appointment was significant. Although, on his brother’s insistence, James
continued to take the Anglican sacraments until 1672 and attended Anglican
services up until 1676, he was admitted into the Roman Catholic Church as early
as 1668, and was beginning to surround himself with Catholic courtiers. Growing
fears of Catholic influence at court led the Parliament to introduce the Test
Act the following year, 1673, which required all office bearers to take the
oath of transubstantiation and denounce certain practices of the Catholic
Church, and receive the Eucharist under the auspices of the Church of England.
Naturally James refused and chose to relinquish the post of Lord High Admiral,
thereby making public his conversion to Catholicism. Later that year he
remarried to the Catholic Italian princess Mary of Modena. The birth of their
Catholic son and heir to the throne fifteen years later would contribute to the
downfall of James II’s reign.
Keightley’s appointment may have been influenced by
his close kinship with John Evelyn. Evelyn and his great friend and fellow
diarist Samuel Pepys (Chief Secretary to the Admiralty and an M.P.) were
considered favourites at the Court of Charles II, and this close contact with
the King over many years made Evelyn a reliable source on the subject of the
King and his Court as evidenced by his Dairy.
Evelyn was a generous art patron, and Grinling Gibbons was introduced by him to the notice of Charles II. Author Antonia Fraser in her book "King Charles II", p.429, recounted:
In 1674, Grinling Gibbons was employed by May to adorn the new apartments at Windsor. Gibbon's work was originally shown to the King by John Evelyn: as a reward for the recommendation, before which, in Evelyn's words, 'he was scarce known', Gibbons presented Evelyn with a walnut table 'incomparably carved.' Charles was so enthusiastic at what he saw that he rushed out of the room to show it to the Queen, who was less so.
Evelyn was an enthusiastic gardener which was evident in his beautiful gardens at his house, Sayes House. Sayes House was let to Peter the Great who was visiting the dockyard at Deptford. The tsar reportedly did great damage to Evelyn's beautiful gardens.
Evelyn wrote of a meeting with Thomas Keightley’s grandmother Rose, Evelyn’s
8 March 1681: Visited and din’d at the Earle of Essexe’s.
Thence to my (yet living) godmother and kinswoman Mrs Keightley, sister to Sir
Thomas Evelyn and niece to my father, being now 86 years of age, sprightly, and
in perfect health, her eyes serving her as well as ever, and of a comely
countenance, that one would not suppose her above 50.
their clandestine marriage on 9 July 1675, Thomas Keightley and his wife Lady
Frances Hyde emigrated to Ireland three years later.[lxi]
Sir Richard Bulstrode (ambassador to Brussels, who later joined the Jacobite
court in exile, appointed Commissioner of the Royal Household in 1700) wrote of
their marriage:[lxii]
We hear
that one Mr Kitely… has lately married the Lady Frances Hyde, dau. to our
former Ld Chancellour Clarendon without the consent or knowledge of her
brothers; that he has humbly submitted himself to the Duke and beg’d his pardon
and has obtain’d it; and has further pray’d his R.H. to interpose on his behalf
with the present Earle of Clarendon, that he and his Lady may be forgiven and
kindly receiv’d by him, which his R.H. has been graciously pleased to doe, so
that it may be hop’d all may be well there in a little time, the young
gentleman being a very worthy sober man and bearing of him but 3 faults, viz.,
want of quality, fortune, and that he is a Papist (the last of which will be
most grievous with the present Earle of Clarendon), and as good a husband for
her as her best friends could wish her.
having married secretly without the approval of Frances’s brothers, Thomas
Keightley developed a close working and personal relationship with both of his
brothers-in-law, Henry and Laurence Hyde, particularly after the accession of
their mutual brother-in-law King James II on 6 February 1685.
Notwithstanding Lord Clarendon’s disgrace and
exile, both of his sons would also attain high office, his second son Laurence
Hyde (1641-1711), Master of the Robes 1662 to 1675, created 1st Earl
of Rochester in 1682 (2nd cr.), principal advisor to Charles II,
First Lord of the Treasury, Lord President of the Council, etc. As the leader
of the Tory or High Church party, Rochester held considerable political power
and influence, and was always a great favourite of James Duke of York and in
high favour at Court. He was a larger than life character, renowned for his
passionate parliamentary speeches, his arrogant and somewhat prickly
disposition, his explosive temper and drinking excesses.
Laurence Hyde 1st Earl of Rochester
Henry 2nd Earl of Clarendon, following the Restoration, was private
secretary and lord chamberlain to the wife of Charles II, Queen Catherine,
being appointed in 1680 a privy councillor, and treasurer and receiver-general
of the queen’s revenues. In 1664, John Evelyn helped him to plant Cornbury
Park, Clarendon’s estate.
Henry Hyde 2nd Earl of Clarendon
Cornbury House near Charlbury, Oxfordshire
1814 copperplate engraving (from a drawing by J.P. Neale) that appeared
in "The Beauties of England and Wales" (series 1801-1815).
the period after 1679, some members of Parliament were attempting to have James
excluded from the line of succession. The Exclusion Bill crisis gave rise to
the two party system - the Whigs who supported the Bill and the Tories who
opposed it. Charles reluctantly ordered James to leave England and appointed
him Lord High Commissioner of Scotland. James was permitted to return to the
Court in London after the plot to assassinate both Charles and James by a group
of republicans was discovered in 1683, resulting in a wave of sympathy for
James and the King. The Exclusion Bill was put to rest.
In 1682, the same year the Hyde family lost younger
brother the Hon. James Hyde in the tragic sinking of the frigate “Gloucester”
at Yarmouth carrying the Duke of York from London to Edinburgh,[lxiii]
Rochester’s beloved fourteen year old daughter married the seventeen year old
James (Butler) Earl of Ossory (grandson and heir of James 1st Duke
of Ormonde), Rochester having raised the substantial dowry of ₤15,000 with the
help of his relatives and friends. Both men were devastated when she died in
Ireland after a miscarriage in late January 1685, Rochester mourning her loss
for years to come, describing her as “the joy of my life and the comfort of my
His daughter’s tragic death coincided with the unexpected death of their king,
Charles II, which marked the beginning of a great upheaval in English, Scottish
and Irish history.
Following the death of Charles II, the newly
crowned king, James II, appointed his brothers-in-law, Lord Rochester as Lord
Treasurer, and Henry Hyde 2nd Lord Clarendon (1638-1709) as Lord
Privy Seal and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and then reluctantly dismissed them
both two years later in 1687, when they refused to convert to Catholicism. Lord
Clarendon’s “Correspondence and Diary”,[lxv]
in letters to his brother Rochester, frequently referred to their
brother-in-law Thomas Keightley. Clarendon secured Keightley’s appointment as
vice treasurer of Ireland in 1686. Keightley was very much in their private
confidence, often chosen to personally deliver secret correspondence between
the two brothers. Clarendon wrote to his brother Rochester, July 14, 1686:[lxvi]
The particular occasion of this
letter is to accompany Mr Keightley and to tell you why he goes into England.
His pretence is about his own affairs: and he has real business of his own
there- Mr Keightley is troubled at something in his sister’s conduct (N.B. This would appear to refer to his sister Mary
Keightley- possibly her marriage with James Long); but in truth, though I have not owned it to any creature, but now to
you, I have desired him to make the journey: it might be of use I think if
somebody were there, of whom questions might be asked… relating to the affairs
of this country. I have therefore pitched upon this gentleman who will inform
you of the true matter of fact. His integrity and real concern for you and me,
is not to be questioned in the least, for many reasons, which cannot but be
obvious to you. He is a man of very good sense, and of an excellent
understanding: he has as general a character of a man of worth and sincerity
amongst all sorts of people as I have known.
As a measure of their personal friendship in later
years, in his ‘Diary’, Clarendon wrote:[lxvii]
June 17, 1689- I took a coach for
the Wells, where I arrived about seven in the evening. At Tunbridge town Mr
Keightley met me. He came into the calash (a light carriage) to me.
June 27- In the afternoon I went
with Lord Blessington and Mr Keightley to Eridge to see Lady Abergavenny and
Mrs Bellasise.
Although initially opposing the election of William
and Mary following the ‘Glorious Revolution’ in 1688, favouring the
establishment of a regency on behalf of the exiled James, Rochester acquiesced
and took the oath of allegiance, probably to protect his sizeable pension and
his political career, while Clarendon, persisting in refusing to take the oath
for which he was imprisoned for six months as a Jacobite on orders signed by
his niece Queen Mary, passed the rest of his life in a private manner in the
country until his death in 1709. He had expressed great disappointment in the
lack of filial duty and sympathy exhibited by both of his nieces, Mary and
Anne, towards their devoted father’s dethronement and exile.
Rochester was quickly back in royal favour, and
once again, a member of the Privy Council. He was appointed Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland in December 1700 until 1703, during which time he continued to serve as
his brother-in-law Thomas Keightley’s patron. Shortly before he embarked for
Ireland, Rochester asked Keightley to supervise the repairs and the buying of
furniture for the Lord Lieutenant’s house in Dublin and for the house at
Chapelizod, including stabling for 50 horses. He asked Keightley to determine
whether any of the King’s furniture could be made use of, or whether it was
“too old and spoiled to expose to public view”. He then asked Keightley to keep
an eye on his “finest set of coach horses sent with some servants, when they
reach Dublin”. On the accession of their niece Queen Anne to the throne in
March 1702, refusing to base himself in Ireland due to the political
machinations occurring in London, Rochester returned to England. After
supervising the return of Rochester’s servants, carriage horses etc., Rochester
offered Keightley a loan of his chariot which he described as “old and I am
afraid dirty”.[lxviii]
Rochester continued to use Keightley as his eyes and ears in Ireland, corresponding
the same month that Queen Anne acceded the throne, Keightley was appointed as
one of three Lords Justices of Ireland “to manage the affairs of Ireland during
the absence of the Lord Lieutenant”.[lxix]
This appointment was at the recommendation of Rochester who had found the
previous Lords Justices recalcitrant and frustrating to deal with. Rochester’s
refusal to return to Ireland, and his falling out with the Queen’s favourite
the Duke of Marlborough, forced his dismissal the following year being replaced
by the 2nd Duke of Ormonde, however, as the leader of his faction in
the High Tories he continued to wield considerable political power until his
death in 1711. Notably, when Sarah
Duchess of Marlborough fell out of favour with Queen Anne in 1710, Rochester
was re-appointed Lord President of the Council, which he held until his death
the following year (2 May 1711). His son Henry inherited his title and his
cousin’s title 4th Earl of Clarendon, but died without issue in
1758, both titles becoming extinct.
Although Rochester had recommended to the Duke of
Ormonde that Keightley continue in the role as Lord Justice, Keightley only
retained his commission until the arrival of the Lord Lieutenant in late 1703,
although his appointment in 1702 as one of the Commissioners of Revenue of
Excise was reaffirmed in 1704.
During those thirty odd years, the relationship
between the Hyde and Keightley families remained close, despite the separation
of Thomas and his wife in 1686, for which her brothers laid the blame on their
Lady Clarendon wrote in a letter to her brother-in-law Rochester about
Keightley on July 14, 1686:[lxxi]
I am very sorry he cannot trust
upon his lady’s good word (viz. Lady Frances), for I must do him the right to
tell you that he has behaved himself to her with very affectionate tenderness,
and great respect to her relations: when it pleases God to bring her to a right
sense of things, she must be of this opinion herself. I hope she is not far
from it.
Her husband Lord Clarendon added:
I have taken my sister into my
house, but no trouble she gives my mind is to be imputed to her husband, with
whom, as to all things relating to her, as well as in other matters, and even
in the main point, religion, I have reason to be well satisfied.
letters confirm that Lady Frances was in a fragile state of mind when she split
with her husband in 1686, leaving her daughter and only surviving child, Catherine, in her husband’s
When Lady Frances left her husband Thomas Keightley
and their ten year old daughter Catherine,[lxxii]
she initially stayed with her brother Lord Clarendon at his official residence
in Dublin, but within a short time, went to reside with the Reverend Charles
Leslie, a Church of Ireland clergyman, at Glaslough about 60 miles north of
Dublin, about which Clarendon gave an account to his brother Rochester, on 6
September 1686:[lxxiii]
Upon what that unfortunate woman’s
husband, Keightley said to her before he went away; that it would be convenient
for her to retire upon many accounts and that it would please him better than
anything she could do; she told me a fortnight since that she was offered a
retreat at Mr Leslie’s house, which I agreed to. They are two brothers,
clergymen who live together and have very good women for their wives. They are
very worthy men, and of good esteem in their calling. Her husband knows them
well. There she
may stay for as long as needed and we will be thinking of another retreat. In
the mean time she is out of view.
Charles Leslie later wrote: [lxxiv]
Lady Frances Keightley came to
reside with us, with her husband’s full consent and at her own desire, as she
had been tempted to apostasy from the Christian faith by certain persons mixing
in the highest classes of Society. Such a step gave a terrible shock to her
family, especially her husband and Lord Clarendon, who had used all efforts of
dissuasion in vain.
Although a devout Protestant well known for his
opposition to Roman Catholicism, Charles Leslie was also a loyal Jacobite and
non-juror, strongly believing in the divine right of kings. Following the
‘Glorious Revolution’ in 1688, he went to England and was appointed as chaplain
to the Hyde household at Cornbury. In his lifetime he published numerous
political and theological books and pamphlets. After he continued to express
his controversial views and give his support to the succession of James III (son and heir of James II), an
order was given for his arrest in 1710, whereupon he fled to the Jacobite Court
at Saint-Germain and became an active Jacobite agent. When James III was forced
to leave France and reside in Lorraine in 1713, he invited Leslie to join his
court, and in 1716 when James removed to Avignon, Leslie was again invited to
join them to administer to the spiritual needs of James’s Protestant supporters,
including the exiled Duke of Ormonde.
By December 1686, Lady Frances was in London living
near her brother Lord Rochester, as indicated by Clarendon’s letters to his
Diary of Sr Thomas Cartwright, bishop of Chester, Commencing at the Time of his
Elevation to the See..1686 M DC LXXXVI [lxxv],Page 32:
Madam Kightley (viz. Frances Hyde) came to Chester, and Dr Haselwood, and
several more of my Lord Clarendon’s family *
They were returning from Ireland where the Earl of Clarendon had just
surrendered the vice-royalty to the Earl of Tyrconnel. Lady Frances Hyde, a
daughter of the first Earl of Clarendon, married Thomas Keightley, Esq. of
Hertingfordbury in Herts., who filled some office in Ireland under his
brother-in-law the lord-lieutenant (Henry Hyde 2nd Earl of
Clarendon). Dr Haselwood was chaplain to the earl.
Frances herself, in an earlier letter to her infant
daughter Catherine in 1681 when her own health was failing, had nothing but
praise for her husband:[lxxvi]
Since it has pleased God to give
you a Father whose goodness is so great that if you do but intrust of self
wholly to him you need not fear but you will arrive to great perfection both as
to Soul and body.
However, after their separation, Lady Frances and
Thomas would not meet up for a further 27 years, meeting at Somerset House
London in 1713. (Somerset House had been the official dower house for the
Stuart Queens until 1693. It was then used to provide grace and favour
apartments, and for entertainment including the introduction of the popular
According to a record written by Lady Frances in a bible, her daughter Catherine was born at Hertingfordbury Park, Wiltshire (the Keightley family home) on 29 October 1676, the only child of seven sons and two daughters born between 1676 and 1685 including two sets of twins, that survived infancy. This may have been the cause of Frances's fragile mental state. The following is a transcript of the information in that bible:
Catherine Keightley by Charles Jarvis
(Lord Inchiquin Collection)
death of so many of Frances' children seems to be a family trait. Her sister
Anne, Duchess of York had eight children, losing six in early childhood, and
Anne’s two surviving daughters Queens Mary and Anne also lost all of their babies. In
fact, Mary had several miscarriages, and of Anne’s 17 pregnancies, 12 were
still-born, four died in infancy and only one son survived infancy before
succumbing at the age of 11. Frances's daughter Catherine would also lose both of her daughters at a young age. This would appear to indicate some sort of inherited
genetic disorder in the Hyde female line, albeit that maternal and infant mortality was high in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Keightley’s daughter Catherine married Lucius, son and heir of Sir Donogh
O’Brien 1st Bt. of Dromoland Co. Clare in 1701.[lxxvii]
Lucius predeceased his father by a few months, dying alone in Paris in 1717
suffering from a severe bout of gout.[lxxviii]
Catherine suffered an unhappy marriage, as her husband’s spendthrift ways led
to amassing large debts which constantly threatened to destroy their lives.
Just before his death, Rochester raised £3000 to help pay the debts but Lucius
complained that his father-in-law had ‘claimed the disposal of which’. The
following year in 1712, Keightley obtained a private interview with Queen Anne
who said she was resolved to do something for them and desired him to speak to
the Lord Treasurer.[lxxix]
Rochester acted as godfather to the first son, Edward, of his niece Catherine,
having been present at the birth at Lady Frances’s home in April 1705, and
reporting to the new grandfather Thomas Keightley “wishing you joy of your Grandson (Edward
O’Brien), your Daughter was brought to bed this evening of a very lusty boy,
and she and he are both very well. I am heartily glad it is so well over,
everybody was afraid for her.”. He continued: She has desired me that I would be one
of the Godfathers and Col. Whetham is to stand for Sr Donot (Donogh O’Brien).
She is apprehensive she should have known his pleasures but she could not bear
the __ of letting the child be so long
unchristened so you must do your part to keep Sr Donot from taking it ill and I
promised her I would be a mediator too which I will do next post. In the
meantime, I will say no more now, but wish you joy again of your fine Grandson,
&c. (Signed) Rochester [lxxx]
Catherine’s desire to
baptise her son quickly was probably due to her fear of losing her child before
baptism, knowing her mother’s and relations’ history of losing their new-borns.
His letter congratulating
Lucius on the birth of his son (April 12, 1705) was written from the “Cockpit”, an octagonal building adjacent
to Whitehall Palace and next to St James’s Park, given to Princess Anne by
Charles II in 1683. The grounds, building and lodgings adjoining to the Tennis
Court near the Cockpit, were inhabited by the Earl of Rochester and the Duke of
Montague. Rochester “owned the rooms above the Whitehall Gate, ie the two
gateways near the Cockpit”.
Catherine did not return to
her husband in Ireland immediately after the birth, which Rochester reveals in
a letter several months after, in which he expressed his concern about their
On the 29 November 1705 [lxxxi],
Rochester wrote to Catherine, expressing his opinion: I take this occasion to say to you for fear Mr Obryan should forget
that I charged him very particularly with this message to you and my Godson. I
was very glad to see him (Lucius) again on this side the water, and to hear you
and he were joined together again, after your
long separation, and as I took it, a divorce. I am glad you are not to be
parted again, for wheresoever it is, you had best be together, as long as you
care for one another, pray my service to him. I wish you both a happy passage
with my Godson, and am most affectionately and sincerely and continually a very
true servant to you both; Rochester .
was the last Lady Frances saw of her daughter for many years when Catherine
eventually returned to Ireland with her newborn son, but their correspondence
continued. Commenting on the prospect of her daughter’s remarriage after such a
disastrous marriage, dated 9 Feb 1721/2, Frances wrote: I had a notion that a woman who had mett with all the inhumaine usage
you had gon throu would have bin terrified at the thoughts of a second
marriage.” [lxxxii] Catherine eventually
travelled to London to visit her mother in 1725. Catherine’s eldest son Sir Edward O’Brien (1705-1765) inherited the
title 2nd Bart of Dromoland, in November 1717, as a minor, In later years, Catherine
would involve her mother and eldest son Edward in the misfortunes of her
cousins the Butlers of Munphin (of whom presently).
Dromoland Castle, Co. Clare
In the 1680’s, Thomas Keightley’s family
connections resulted in the Duke of York granting annual rents from his Irish
estate to Keightley for 31 years, while Charles II granted him a sizeable
yearly pension. However, he fell out of favour with James II when he changed
his religion from Roman Catholic and embraced the Church of England. This would
appear to have occurred before his wife left him, and a series of undated
letters between Keightley, his cousin Mrs St Hill, and Lady Clarendon would
suggest his conversion may have been motivated by his desire to gain acceptance
by his wife’s family, being fully cognizant of the advantages of such a
powerful connection.[lxxxiii]
The 2nd Earl of Clarendon, Henry Hyde, wrote in June 1688 about the
reasons why the King was not considering Keightley for a place in the
Commission of the revenue of Ireland:[lxxxiv]
“I now begin to believe what I had been told before, that Keightley would never
have anything, because he had changed his religion.”
Just prior to James II finally fleeing England for
France on the 22nd December 1688, Thomas Keightley, who was visiting
London, was sent by Clarendon to the fugitive king at Rochester on the River
Medway to entreat him to stay in England. William of Orange had ordered James
to retire to Rochester accompanied by Dutch guards, anticipating that he would
make a second attempt to escape. James may not have forgiven Keightley for
changing his religion, but their previously close relationship must have
convinced Clarendon that Keightley was still on a sufficiently intimate footing
with the King that he may listen to his appeal.
On the evening of December 20th,
Clarendon discussed the situation with Keightley:[lxxxv]
I desired him
to go to the King and beseech him not to leave Rochester till he saw what the
Lords did. Keightley was very ready to undertake the journey, but said he could
not pretend to have any credit with the King. I then wished some honest Roman
Catholic would try what could be done, by laying things plainly and fairly
before the King: upon which he mentioned Mr Belson, whom I knew to be both a
discreet and honest man. Belson
resolved to go to Rochester and use his utmost skill to persuade the King not
to stir, and to issue out a declaration to satisfy the minds of his people,
December 22/23: As soon as they
got to Rochester, Keightley went presently to the King and told him, that Mr
Belson was come to speak with him from several of his old friends, upon matters
of the greatest importance. The King told Keightley that he was going in to
write some letters, and that he would speak with Belson this morning. That when
he went this morning to wait upon him, he found his Majesty was gone privately
away in the night.
(Notably, ‘Mr Belson’ was Thomas and Mary
Keightley’s stepfather, of whom presently.)
Clarendon then commented “Good God! What will
become of this poor, distracted and distempered nation? It is like an
earthquake!” James had fled to France- the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688 was
over, but the battle for the throne was about to begin.
Thomas Keightley’s change of religion proved
fortuitous under the new monarchy. Under Rochester’s influence in the court of
William and Mary, Thomas Keightley gained large grants of Irish forfeited
lands. He received, “for 99 years, two grants containing 12,380 acres, as a
portion for his daughter Catherine who had been an attendant on her cousin, the
late Queen Mary, after whose death in 1694 she lost a pension of ₤400 p.a., and
in consideration of her father’s losses during the war”.[lxxxvi]
He then sold a portion of these grants for the considerable sum of ₤5,123. 10s.
Keightley, his wife Frances and their daughter were each paid an annuity from
the Crown under both William and Anne’s reigns.
Keightley’s career appointments, and financial and
property gains:
The Duke of York granted
him two 31 year leases worth ₤108.18s pa. and ₤130 pa. from his Irish estates,
which were renewed for 99 years in 1690 on petition.
Charles II granted him a
yearly pension of £400. [lxxxvii]
In 1686, when his
brothers-in-law Clarendon and Rochester were Lords Lieutenant of Ireland and
Lord Treasurer respectively, Keightley was appointed Vice Treasurer of Ireland [lxxxviii]with full power to meet and assemble in the
Exchequer Chamber with the Chancellor and the two Chief Justices etc… and to
hold the said office during pleasure, with the yearly salary of 20 pounds.
Keightly had commenced
proceedings for recovering the rents and pension granted to him in the 1680’s.
William III granted a
three-year custodian of lands (at a yearly value of ₤674) out of the Irish
forfeitures, and later a lease of 99
years as a provision for his only daughter Catherine. This grant was later
confirmed by an English act of Parliament (1Anne c.18.[1702]0). Many of the
deeds pertaining to the said forfeited estates were primarily in the counties
of Louth, Meath, Kildare, Wicklow and Westmeath.
Keightley was named in the
report by the English parliamentary commissioners of inquiry in December 1699
as one of 16 grantees to benefit most from the 76 grants in being at that time.
He was also one of the 5 named grantees who had sold substantial parts of their
Letter patent of King William dated 17 June 1696, the
lands of Portlick, among several other lands were ‘granted and demised’ to the
Rt Hon. Thomas Keightley, esq., one of His Majesty’s most honorable Privy
Councillors of Ireland. In Sept of that year Keightley sold his interest to Wm
Palmer esq. of Dublin for a value of approx. ₤365. Portlick Castle was part of
the forfeithed lands of the Dillons, staunch supporters of King James during
the Williamtie and Jacobite wars, after which they fled to the Continent, and
held important military ranks in the Irish Brigade of France. [lxxxix]
Although the English Act of Resumption in 1700 caused problems for Keightley, as
the loss of his grant could have been financially ruinous, his brother-in-law
the Earl of Rochester secured a re-grant in 1701 of Keightley's 1680s pension.
In 1702 Keightley succeeded in getting an
English act passed for confirming his grant of forfeited lands.
On the accession of Anne in
March 1702, Keightley continued to remain in high favour with the Crown. In a
Royal Warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord Rochester, dated March
1702 [xc]-
Royal Warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland We have made
the choice of the Earl of Mount-Alexander, Major- General Thomas Earle and
Thomas Keightley, a Privy Councillor and Commissioner of Revenue, to manage the
affairs of Ireland dueing the absence of you, the Lieutenant. Pass a commission
under the Great Seal of Ireland making them Lords Justices accordingly during
pleasure, etc.
In 1700 Rochester was appointed lord lieutenant of
Ireland, and prior to his arrival there in 1701 kept up a regular
correspondence with Keightley, treating him as his personal agent and his
mouthpiece in government. On Rochester's return to England in 1702 his
dissatisfaction with his Irish lords justices found expression on the accession
of Queen Anne in March, when Keightley was appointed as one of two new lords
justices. Rochester now looked to Keightley for advice on all issues relating
to government, while still relying upon him as his private agent and friend. .[xci]
In 1702 the Queen, under
instructions from her close advisors, commanded Rochester “to go to Dublin and discharge his duties as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
He took a week to measure forces, and then intimated that it was his higher
duty to remain in London. Forthwith his resignation was demanded, with no
choice but that of dismissal. He quitted the Queen’s Government accordingly,
and without a day’s delay appeared at the head of the High Tories who sought to
wreck it. This disciplinary act necessarily weakened the Government; but it
made Nottingham, Hedges and Seymour understand clearly where political power
resided. Henceforward they felt that in their conflict with Marlborough and
Godolphin their political resources might prove inadequate.”[xcii]
On Feb 21, 1701/2,
Rochester wrote to his niece Catherine O’Brien (nee Keightley) [xciii]
and discussed his ‘removal’ from Ireland, despite his continuing appointment as
Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, until his replacement by the Duke of Ormond the
following February.
I assure you I take extremely kindly all the concerns you
express me on my account on the occasion of my being to return no more to
Ireland on which subject I can in a very few words tell you all my thoughts
that if I had been allowed to have continued there longer I would have done as
well as I could for the service of the Kingdom and would have been very well
pleased if I could have done any good, of have been useful to my friends but
since it is otherwise ordered, and not by my fault as I know of, I am perfectly
content and extremely much better pleased with my own circumstances there
before; I hope I may still have opportunities of shewing my real kindness and
esteem for you, it shall be always my endeavour and my care to let you see that
I am most faithfully and truly your most affectionate and most humble servant,
He continued to use
Keightley as his eyes and ears in Ireland during this period.
Thomas was suggested for the post of lord justice in
1706, and served for a brief period in 1710 as a commissioner for the great
Thomas was appointed a Revenue Commissioner for
Ireland and a member of the Privy Council in 1692, the Council sending
Keightley to England with an address of condolence on the death of Queen Mary
(Keightley’s niece). He held the post of Revenue Commissioner for 22 years and
continued as a Privy Councillor until his retirement”
Newspaper: Post Man and the Historical Account (London), Sat
Oct 23, 1714 [xciv]
issue 11050
Taken from the Dublin Gazette Oct 12, 1714
List of Lords and others of his Majesty’s most Honourable
Privy Council for the Kingdom of Ireland
Thomas Keightley Esq.
Thomas was a member of the House of Commons from
1695 until the Hanoverian succession in 1714 when he retired on a pension of
₤1000 for his long and faithful service, dying in January 1719.
Following the death of Mary Long nee Keightley’s
husband, her daughter Mary was placed under the guardianship and care of her
brother Thomas Keightley. The arranged marriage between Walter Butler Junior
and Keightley’s niece Mary Long was presumably forged in this political arena
in which Walter Butler Senior and Thomas Keightley frequented, and through
their mutual relationship with James II (Walter’s stepson Lord Galmoy having
married Henrietta fitzJames, illegitimate daughter of James II and Arabella
Churchill, and had been appointed Gentleman of the Bedchamber to both James II
and his heir James III at the Court in exile at Saint-Germain). Despite his
religious conversion, Thomas was always considered a closet Jacobite.
Mary Long appears to have maintained a long and close relationship with her Aunt Frances Keightley and her cousin Catherine Keightley (O'Brien), as indicated by her many letters written to her paternal grandmother Lady Dorothy Long. A bundle of these letters was recently found in the attic of the Wraxall House (the ancestral home of the Longs) and handed to the Wiltshire and Swindon Archives to digitize (ref: 2943B-1-9). They give us an interesting insight into Mary's relationship with her deceased father's family, as well as the gossip in high society at the time. They also indicate that up until her marriage to Walter Butler, Mary Long was living in England and was in close contact with her Aunt Keightley and cousin Catherine Keightley, and that her mother was often residing in London:
Spring not being yet come that I am to learn to present my duty with my own pen, I have with my Aunt Keightley’s leave borrowed hers. She joins her service and wishes of many happy new years to your Ladyship, with those I hope Madam you will accept of from me, which are truly prayed for, for you besides my duty of doing so, the Powders your Ladyship obligingly sent me to the Bath for the Kings Evill have added so much to my health that I now hope to overcome all my weakness and If you please Madam to send me another Paper to take this Spring I will endeavour to deserve your favours; and as soon as I can after I have taken them pay my duty and thanks to your Ladyship at Dracott. My Mama sends me word from London (where she has bin this two months) that both my Brothers and Sister keep their Christmas with your Ladyship. I hope you will give me leave to send my service, and wishes of many merry New Years to them; and to my Cozen Chaworth who I believe is still with you. I do not forget the rest of my kindred, whose number I hope is increased, and that one of them is breeding up for me, which favour I shall be very proud, and careful of and always endeavour to deserve your blessing now begged by
Most dutifull and obedient Grandchild Mary Long
My Aunt begs leave to add her service to my Brothers and Sister, and to my Coz. Chaworth.
April 16th 1698
I hope your Ladyship will look on it as my duty, as I
do, to be sometimes presenting you with it, since you have given me leave to do
it thus.
I know not how Madam to express my grief for the loss
of my brother [Sir Giles Long]. He has often told me he loved me very well and
would be very kind to me, I’m sure I loved him dearly. I shall endeavour to
deserve your Ladyship’s favour and Sr James too. I am almost a stranger to you
Madam and quite one to this brother and sister, but Sr Giles and my sister
Susan know me ever since I was born, tho I can not hope to be loved by
strangers, as I was by them yet I am their sister too, and hope to be known to
them and better than I am to your Ladyship.
I have Madam this month (my Aunt Keightley says) eat
nothing for my breakfast but the preserintion (preservation?) of Bilewort
Porrage, I think I’ve eat them almost twice so long they are very good but I
don’t love Water Gruel. I have just finished your present of Powders and Roots,
which agree very well with me and make me look very mellow.
I hope some time this summer to pay my thanks to your
Ladyship for them at Dracot.
My Mama is still at London and I think means to live
there. My Aunt Keightley begs your ladyships acceptance of the humble service
and I your blessing for
Your most obedient and dutyfull Granddaughter
Mary Long
My Aunt and I beg
leave to send here our services to my Coz. Chaworth.
undated [but content suggests post Queen Anne from
To the Lady Long at her house at Draycott
Honrd Madam this comes with my humble duty
to acquaint your Ladyship that I am come to London tho to my great grief to
leave the sweet Country but it is the advice of good friends to my Mother to
break up house which she has done, and I don’t doubt but it is for the best. I
am certain one may live very private in Town which we must do at present. I
hope if anything lies in my power to serve your Ladyship in you will command me
which I shall take as a great favour. I have bin in town but three days and so
know very little news. Only the Queen has bought a Diamond of the Jews which
she gave 12 thousand pound for, and four others of one thousand pound a piece
to be sett in a Gorge(??) for the Duke of Marlborrow (sic) and by the time it
is set it will come to much more. Last night I saw Sr John Brownlow, he is a
fine youth. I hear he has 15? hundred pound a year fallen to him lately. I have
seen my sister she looks very well. I hope your ladyship will do me the honour
to let me hear how you do this winter which will be a great favour to
Honoured Madam your most dutyfull Grandchild to
I desire my service to my Brother and his Lady as does
my Mother she begs your acceptance and her duty
To the Lady Long at Kew(?) House at Draycott in
Honoured Madam I had sooner beg’d your Ladyships
acceptance of my humble duty as well as my wishes of many happy new years but
have been very ill with a cold ever since I came to town which I hope will
plead my excuse. Here have been a fine Opera which my Sister was so kind to
carry me to which was very fine. And to a …wick? meeting which was so too. I suppose your Ladyship
has heard the Queen of Prussia is dead and that the King of Portugall is like
to die. So here is like to be nothing but mourning. But there is to be a world
of finery on the Queens birthday. They say the Duke of Marlborow (sic) is to be
the finest thing in nature. I hope if I can serve your Ladyship in anything you
will command
Your most Dutyfull and obedient Grand Child
My Mother begs your acceptance of her duty
We both join in our service
To my Brother and Sister and Cozen Chaworth. I beg I
may not be forgot to Mrs Jean
Honoured Madam I am extremely obliged to your Ladyship
for the honour you did me in inquiring after me. My Aunt and my Cozen O’Brien
return you Ladyship their humble service and thanks for the favour you have done
them. My Cozen is better than she was but is very weak yet. I writ to your
Ladyship last week, but I find by your Man you have not received but he has promised
me to see at your Post House in Chippenham so I won’t give you the trouble in
reading the same I gave an account of the Picture in it. And if you will do me
the favour to let me know if you have received it. My Aunt said she did not
deserve the favour of having the good Ch___(?) because she did not return you
her thanks before now. I am very glad to hear my Brother and his Lady got safe
to London. My Aunt and I beg leave to desire my Cozen Chaworth to accept of our
service and I my duty to your Ladyship and am
Dutyfull and obedient GrandChild
I desire my service to Mrs Jean my Aunt writ to my
Cozen Charworth the same time I did to your ladyship
Honoured Madam I have this day sent to acquaint your
Ladyship that my Cozin O’Brien was much out of order which has disappointed her
and my Aunt waiting on your Ladyship Tuesday and now I have received your
letter I will obey your commands and (w)holly put off their desire of waiting
on you. I hope your Ladyship will come to the Bath as you sent me word you
desired which I shall be extremely glad of. The venison your Ladyship sent me
was extremely good. I drank your health at the eatting of it.
My Aunt and Cozen give their service to you as I do to
my Cozen Chaworth and am
Honrd Madam your most dutyfull and obedient
Grand Child
My head aches so violently I can not write this over
again or else I would not send this sad scroall [scrawl] to your Ladyship
To the Lady Long at her house at Draycott in Wiltshire
Post paid
Honoured Madam the Bath being a little more diverting
than it was encourages me to give your Ladyship an account of all the news I
hear to divert you. Here has been three Balls lately given at the Town hall.
The first one Mr Gore son to Sr William Gore gave. The next Mr Hamden who
indeed dances finely and the last my Lord Dalkeith, they talk of more but I
know not when they will be. Here is Plays, often a sad house and very ill Actors.
But any will [do] down here. My Cozen George Smith is here and talks of staying
a week. I hear Mrs Rose Leech is somewhere hereabouts, if I know where I will
endeavour to wait on her as I would[ve] done on Mrs Mountague if I could have
known where she was in town. I asked several folks for her but they knew not
who I meant. My Aunt and Cozen O’Brien are your ladyships humble servants. I
beg your blessing for
Honoured Madam Your most dutyfull and obedient Grand-Child
to command
My Aunt and I desire our service to my Cozen Chaworth
and Mrs Jean
Mary's next letter was in 1705 relating the news of her marriage (see earlier), and her final letter was dated 18 November 1708 (see below).
Mary’s mother, Mary Long nee Keightley, also had a previous
connection with a mutual acquaintance of Walter Butler Junior- Count Wratislaw
the Imperial ambassador. This association may also have played a part in the
arranged marriage. The Secretary
of State James Vernon wrote to George Stepney Esq, English ambassador to
Vienna, dated 3 March 1702, from Whitehall,[xcv]
in which he says
he hopes his Majesty will be abroad
sometime next week, and perhaps come to the House of Lords to pass the
Abjuration Bill (which required Catholics to take the Oath of Allegiance
and renounce their faith). He continued:
I must not omit putting you in mind of procuring positive directions to be sent
to Count Wratislau, that the article about the pretended Prince of Wales (James
II’s son) be made part of our treaty. It is very necessary it should be
dispatched before the Parliament rises. I told you in my last of Count
Wratislau’s concerning himself in solicitations for Roman Catholics. He has
since sent me the case in a petition of the party to the King. It is from two sisters of Mr Keightley, who live in
Dorsetshire (viz.
Athelhampton, the Long estate); one is
the widow Long, and the other unmarried. I understand they are both furiously bigoted, and on that
account their neighbours have no good will towards them. There is now a prosecution carried on against them by a widow
lady, who was married to Mrs Long’s nephew. She had been a Roman Catholic, as
her husband was, but being turned Protestant, she is very desirous to breed her
children up Protestants, which Mrs Long opposes, and has the power of doing it
by being appointed guardian to the children. These feuds have occasioned her being
sued upon the statute of forfeiting ₤20 per mensem for not coming to church. It
would be clamorous if anybody should go about to suspend the laws in favour of
people that appear so obstinate. I have spoken to a Member of Parliament, who
is their neighbour, and knows both parties, that he would interpose and
reconcile their differences. If the
mother were not deprived of her children, the old ladies might live unmolested;
but they keep a busy priest in their
house, who calls in foreign aid. It is much fitter that we should send him
away, and perhaps that will be the end of it.
I am, Sir,
Your most faithful humble Servant,
James Vernon
representing the interests of Emperor Leopold a devout Catholic, the reason for
Count Wratislaw involving himself in the domestic dispute of a Catholic widow
living in county Dorset is rather mystifying, and begs the question: what was
the basis of his association with Mary Long nee Keightley? It may have had
something to do with the accusation that she “kept a busy priest in her house
who calls in foreign aid”. Evidently Mary’s personal actions were now being
brought to the attention of government officials and widely discussed on
account of Wratislaw’s involvement. But why and how was this widow from Dorset
involved in such perilous activities?
The Belson Connection
her brother Thomas, Mary Keightley was an intelligent woman of strong convictions
and personality, traits she inherited from both of their parents. Following the
death of her father William Keightley in c.1674, her mother Amy remarried
shortly after to another man of strong convictions and great intellect, John
Belson (the Catholic gentleman chosen by Thomas Keightley and Clarendon in 1688
to plead with King James, as previously recounted), described in the Oxford
“as an historian and religious
controversialist from an ancient Roman Catholic family with estates in Brill
and Aston Rowant”. He devoted himself to historical studies and moved in a
circle which included Catholic writers and great philosophers such as: Thomas
White, a Catholic priest, the most noted philosopher of his time, and leader of
the Blackloist group of Catholic chaptermen; White’s disciple and close friend
of Belson, the theological and philosophical controversialist, John Sergeant;
John Austin, the author of an influential book of private devotion and of
several hymns; and Belson’s cousin Thomas Blount, lexicographer and author of
“Boscobel: The History of His Majesty’s Most Miraculous Preservation”, the
earliest account of Charles II’s famous escape from the Battle of Worcester in
1662, Belson published a controversial treatise concerning ‘Tradition vs. the
Scriptures’ entitled “Tradidi vobis: Or the Traditionary Conveyance of Faith
Clear’d, in the Rational Way, against the Exceptions of a Learned Opponent
“(viz. Henry Hammond), in which “Belson attacks Bibliolatry, defends Catholic
Councils, and has a concept of Tradition embracing both oral and written
conveyance of scholars and theologians”.[xcvii]
The Blackloists expounded the theory that the long established Catholic
tradition provides the only true ‘rule of faith’, as Protestantism relies
purely on the word of the Scriptures for interpretation of Christian faith, and
that it was not possible that the text of Scriptures should remain uncorrupted
over time due to the changing nature of language and its interpretation, and
mistakes made by centuries of copyists, whereas the Catholic oral tradition is
passed down unchanged through the generations, and is therefore the same as the
word spread by the Apostles. [xcviii]
frequently travelled between England, Flanders and France, living there for
extended periods, either to the Flemish Catholic University of Louvain or to
Douai also in Flanders (near Lille), a centre for education for English
Catholics, containing the University of Douai and the English, Irish and Scots
Colleges. In 1677 Douai became part of France. The close relationship between
the Keightleys and the Belsons no doubt developed when the Keightley brothers,
William and Thomas (the elder), and Augustin Belson (either John’s father or
brother, both of that name) lodged in Rome between 1646 and 1650, their names
recorded in the Pilgrim Book of the English Hospital in Rome, which led to the
conversion of the Keightley brothers to Catholicism.
their marriage, John and Amy Belson continued to live at Hertingfordbury Park,
but frequently travelled to the Continent, sometimes accompanied by Amy’s
brother-in-law Thomas Keightley (the elder) and his wife Catherine Knollys.[xcix] Keightley was considered part of this
literary circle [c],
and in fact, John Belson and Thomas Keightley were witnesses to Thomas White’s
will of 1676.[ci]
In Passes to the following persons in 1678: on December 21, 1678, Thomas Keightley, with Catherine (Knollys) his
wife, William his son, and a maid servant, as also John Belson and his servant
to Parts beyond seas.
In Grants of Denization[cii] for persons during 1679: On Feb 8, Thomas Keightley with Catherine his wife, and William his son, Mrs
Lettice Knollys, and a maidservant, and also John Belson and his servant (to
25 June 1679, Mary Keightley is recorded in “Grants of Denization for persons
during 1679”, as travelling with her mother and stepfather:[ciii]
John Belson and Amy his wife, and Augustin, Maurice, Bridget,
Catherine & Mary his children (by first wife), and Mary Keightley, with their servants
to Parts beyond seas.
this occasion the family stayed and lived in Abbeville in northern France until
1681, about the time when Amy died,[civ]
her son Thomas Keightley selling the family home Hertingfordbury Park in that
same year. From c.1684, John Belson resided in King Street, St James’s
Westminster, very close to the Court, where he came into contact with the Duke
of York and his circle of supporters. During this period between 1683 and 1686,
he corresponded with the King’s Advocate Sir George Mackenzie, discussing the
Penal Laws and the Test Oath, and Mackenzie’s intentions towards Catholics in
his position as King’s Advocate.[cv]
Mackenzie, widely regarded among his peers as ‘the brightest man in the
nation’, opposed the dethronement of James II and retired from public life.
the marital tie between the Keightleys and Belsons was now severed, the
families continued their close association. In the year following Keightley and
Belson’s attempt to dissuade the King from leaving England, Clarendon wrote in
June 1689 that after arrival in London one evening, “Mr Belson came to me, who
was but a few days since arrived from France”; and that his wife “Lady
Clarendon had met with Mr Keightley and Mr Belson in London”, in July 1689.[cvi]
son Augustin had been given a commission in James’s army, and John Belson is
recorded several times travelling to and from Flanders and France, including
Douai in the period 1689 to 1692. This
was the period when the exiled Catholic supporters of James II were plotting to
return their King to the throne. In March 1690, John Belson was given a pass to
travel to Flanders, and three months later, on 11 June 1690, a warrant was
issued to apprehend Augustin Belson (John’s son or brother, both of that name)
“on suspicion of high treason and to
seize his papers”. An almanac maker named Godbury was taken into custody
for dispensing treasonable pamphlets. When questioned he said “he received the pamphlet, ‘Modest
Observations’, and he believes, the late King’s declaration… from Augustine
Belson. Belson is to be sent for in custody”.[cvii]
A warrant was issued for Augustin Belson’s arrest and in August 1690, Belson
was in Newgate Prison. His arrest suggests Jacobite sympathies, and his fate is
March 30, 1691, Viscount Sydney wrote to Lord Lucas:[cviii]
Queen is pleased to give leave that Mrs Kitely and her niece Mrs Belson and Mr
Fleetwood Shepherd (Court favourite and literary wit) should have access to and be private with the Earl of Clarendon.
At the time, Lord Clarendon was in custody in the Tower for persisting in refusing to take the oath for which he was imprisoned for six months as a Jacobite on orders signed by his niece Queen Mary.
Whether this was
a personal visit or a visit to discuss Augustine's situation can't be
determined, however, the fact that they had to get permission from the Queen to
visit Clarendon suggests it was not purely a casual visit. In August 1696,
passes were granted for Mrs Eleanor Belson and several women to go to Holland
on the recommendation of Sir Fleetwood Sheppard.[cix]
Eleanor does not appear to be one of John Belson's daughters, so
possibly the wife of Augustine or one of his brothers.
Fleetwood Shepherd,[cx]a
courtier and literary wit, an important figure in the poetry of the 1680's and
90's, instrumental in the Courts of Charles II as one of Charles's dining
companions, and also in the Court of William & Mary, where he became a
favourite of Queen Mary, ‘making her very merrey’ (Rutland MSS, 2.137). In 1690
Buckhurst 6th Earl of Dorset appointed him gentleman usher and daily
waiter to the King with lodgings in Whitehall Palace. In 1694 he was knighted
and appointed gentleman usher of the black rod, with various responsibilities.
He was also a Protestant who was thought to have embraced Puritism in his
latter years, so why he should be accompanying two devout Catholics to
visit Clarendon is odd. The DNB relates that the poet Matthew Prior (one
of Shepherd’s protegies) made a puzzling remark in a letter to Dorset of 12/22
June 1695 'Sir Fleetwood... went over to the other side'. (Bath MSS,
3.80), by which, his association with Tony Lee a Presbyterian, and Lord Warwick
a notorious Puritan, at Will’s Coffee House at Covent Garden, has been
interpreted as embrasing Puritism. Maybe it had a completely different meaning,
considering his long term support of the Belsons, and he had secretly embrased
Catholicism, but that is speculation.
relationship must be related to the Belson's close association with those in
the literary world. In August 1696, passes were granted for Mrs Eleanor Belson
and several women to go to Holland on the recommendation of Sir Fleetwood
Sheppard (CSPDom). Eleanor does not appear to be one of John Belson's
daughters, so possibly the wife of Augustine or one of his brothers.
They were probably seeking their
influential relative Clarendon’s help in obtaining Augustin’s release.
Whether they were Jacobite
collaborators is not known but the warrant and charges, and their frequent
sojourns to France would suggest so.
John Belson also managed some of the
affairs for the Augustinian Convent of Louvain in Flanders, where it was suggested
one of his daughters was a nun (viz. Sister Constantia Belson). In March 1692,
John and son Maurice were given a pass to return from Douai to any port in the
John Belson died at his home in Westminster in January 1705. [cxii]
Following John Belson's death in
Dec.1704, Augustine Belson and writer John Sergeant wrote
to Augustine's brother Maurice about the death of John Belson and made
mention of printing project of works of John Belson and Thomas White, so
Augustine was involved in the publishing business, which explains his
earlier arrest.[cxiii]
close relationship with this family, and her Jacobite loyalties, probably
accounts for her “keeping a busy priest who calls in foreign aid”, and may have
led to her association with the Catholic Count Wratislaw.
It would appear that Mary Long nee Keightley and
her daughter Mary removed from their home in Dorset to Ireland sometime after
Vernon’s report of Mary’s family dispute, life becoming increasingly
intolerable for Catholics living in England. The rumour mill concerning Irish
officers recruiting Catholics for a renewed invasion to restore the young James
III back to the throne, his father James II having died in 1701, was constant.
This, plus the accusations against her, may have placed them in a dangerous and
treasonable situation which may have prompted Mary and her daughter to seek
sanctuary with her brother Thomas Keightley who owned houses in Queen Street
Dublin and at Leixlip near Dublin. Not long after, her daughter Mary had
married Colonel Walter Butler Junior.
Another key piece of evidence that provides proof of
the connection between the Butlers and the Long/Keightley family is the
document “The English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715”,[cxiv]
taken from records by the Great Britain Commissioners and Trustees for the
Forfeited Estates, Great Britain Public Records Office, being “a summary of the
Register of their Estates, with Genealogical and Other Notes”, which revealed
that Mary Long nee Keightley was living with her daughter and son-in-law at
Munphin in 1715:
Long, of Munphin, co Wexford, in Regno Hibern., widow of James Long, late of
Athelhampton, co Dorset- Manor of Burleston, &c, for life; Sir Giles and
Sir James Long mentioned as lessors[cxv]
- £339 2s 1d.
James Long, who died in the lifetime of his father, Sir James Long, married
first, Susan, da. of Col. Giles Strangwayes, of Melbury, co Dorset, and
secondly, “Mrs Mary Kightley (here registered), and by her had a da. Mary,
married to Col Butler, of Ireland.” (Extinct Baronetage.[cxvi])
A list of Dorset Registered Estates in 1717 (VI.
xiv. 105) has: Mary Long, Manplin
(sic), co. Wexford, widow.[cxvii]
A further piece of evidence confirming the
relationship is contained in a Chancery Court Bill: [cxviii]
14 Feb 1718- Eustace Power v. James Butler (co-exec.
of Walter Butler Snr’s Will), Walter
Butler (Jnr), Mary his wife, Mary Long, Edward Kenney.
Letters written between Thomas Keightley’s daughter
Catherine O’Brien nee Keightley, her mother Lady Frances, and various other
correspondents are preserved in the “Inchiquin Papers” at the National Library of Ireland.
In an undated letter written by Catherine Keightley
to her aunt Lady Clarendon (before her death in July 1700), she reveals that
her father Thomas Keightley would become involved in the care of his widowed
sister’s daughter Mary: [cxix]
We recommend my Cosen Long to my
Fathers care and would have her succeed me in his Love and wish she would
embrace the protestant Religion with as much sincerity as I have done; I have
left the inclosed papers which I hope may not be less effectual to her than it
was to me, part of it is out of that sent me by my Mother. I hope I may put her
upon inquiring a little into the principles of the Church. I beg she may not be
denied the reading it, etc.
Catherine had been brought up as a Protestant.
However, her desire for her young cousin to follow her example did not
eventuate, as Mary Long adhered to her mother and husband’s Catholic faith.
reference in her letter to her cousin Mary, to “leaving the enclosed papers
which she hoped may not be less effectual to her than it was to me, a part of
which is out of that sent me by my mother” probably refers to a small book
of advice composed by Lady Frances Keightley in September 1681 to her four year
old child Catherine, when she awaited the imminent arrival of her sixth child,
commenting that the “time of our life and the manner of our death is so
uncertain, and the condition I am now in seeming to me very dangerous”. The
advice within, shows a woman of intelligence and learning, with a wish to
impart her wisdom and personal experiences to her young daughter to guide her
through life’s tribulations.
book remains as part of the Inchiquin Papers held by the National Library of
Ireland, which is reproduced in an article “‘Advice to a Daughter’: Lady
Frances Keightley to her daughter Catherine, September 1681” by Gabrielle
M. Ashford, Analecta Hibernica, 2012, No. 43, pp.17-46, pub. The Irish
Manuscripts Commission Ltd (JSTOR).
purpose of the advice of Lady Frances to her daughter were the contemporary
issues that were most relevant to females at that time, and to assist Catherine
“to live with ease and credit in the world”. She addressed important
issues at a fundamental level and made practical suggestions concerning female
also drew on her own experiences, such as observing that “one unhappy temper
has brought me first or last into all the great inconveniency’s of my life”,
and urging “truthfulness” and maintaining a “well govern’d tongue”,
and the pitfalls a young girl faced when engaging with society. She gives
advice concerning dealing with men, choice of marriage partners, and female
companionship, pleading with Catherine to take heed of her guidance rather than
learn by bitter experience. “Have no particular friendship with any of the
[male] sex without exception, not that I think there is none good amongst them,
but I believe they are very rare to me met with”. “Tis easier to live in
the pest house free from the plague than to have any familiarity with men and
preserve a good conscience towards God and a good reputation amongst men”. She
also discusses the choice of marriage or a “monastick life”, recognising
that both were decisions made for life “since you can no more quit the
monastery than your husband”, and counselled caution, advising she wait
until “you are past 18 years of age”, and “If you resolve to marry,
submit yourself to the choice of your father and relations, but then take time
to know the man’s humour and temper. If you find nothing in him very repugnant,
take him because your father recommends him. But if you find you can’t love
him, tell your father so and the reasons why and I am sure this as well as all
his other actions, her will shew his prudence and goodness to you”. She
then discusses how to please her husband by “being punctually obedient to
the will of your husband ever avoiding all sorts of disputes with him”.
a devout Catholic, Lady Frances advised her daughter on how often she should
pray and attend Mass, and recommended religious books to read, including John
Austin’s “Devotions in the ancient way of offices: with psalms, hymns and
prayers for every day of the week and every holiday of the year” (1676),
and all the works of Thomas White, and other literary figures of the time. She
recommended frequent confessions, but warned “as for your choice of a ghostly
father (viz. family priest), it must be done with great care and caution, and
therefore beg it of your father. And if he be not near you, of Mr Belson
(Keightley’s stepfather), your Uncle Keightley (Christian), or your Aunt
Frances (Keightley) to recommend you to one who, besides the bare character of
a priest may have discretion and prudence to manage and govern your soul to the
great glory of God and your own soul’s quiet and happiness in this world.”
Keightley discusses the topics of, Religion, Temperament, Propriety, Truthfulness,
Men, Female Friendship, Social Behaviour, Accomplishments and Reading, Charity,
Dress, Marriage, Servants, Religious Practice and Monastic Life.
the subject of reading, she says: “Above all, I recommend reading to you,
for by your books you will more improve yourself than by any other thing in the
world. By reading I do not mean plays and romances, but history and morality,
not that I forbid the first, but, on the contrary, I in some measure recommend
them, for they are usually writ in a good stile, and besides, I know when they
are forbid to young people it always augments their curiosity and the fear they
read them in increases their affection to them. Therefore, I freely allow you
to read them, but then remember, when you have spent weeks and months in
reading the best writ romance that ever was made, that except the names and the
most principle battles, there is not ten words of truth in all those great
volumes. But the good of history and morality are great in many respects. The
first gives you an account of what has passed in former ages, and the applause
govern to the virtuous and good so many hundreds of years after their death
will breed unknown to yourself a love and esteem for virtue. And on the contrary,
the miseries that first or last attend vice will augment your hate to it and
then the reading of morality will fortify and strengthen those good
inclinations which I hope your good nature will prompt you to.” She then
recommends some books, and finishes “Besides, I advise you to make yourself
mistress of some sort of philosophy, and in this I am sure your father, uncle,
or Mr Belson will not be a little pleased to assist you. But I must give you
one necessary caution along with this advice which is to avoid a fault that
most of our sex is subject to whenever it pleases God to give a little more
knowledge that ordinary. They will always be boasting of it and, right or
wrong, throw in hard words to let the world see they are scholars. But I would
have you wise to and for yourself, true wisdom consists not in being taken
notice of, for oftentimes, the world mistakes folly for wisdom and condemns
that for folly which is true sense. True knowledge is what enlarges your soul,
for the more you know in this life the more capable it is of happiness
hereafter, and this ought to be your principle care since your soul will last
for ever, by the body, and what ever perfections you acquire as to it, will
have an end and perish in the dust”.
Frances concludes “For though you may meet with many better advisors, yet I
am sure if you seriously reflect on many things, you will find here it can
never do you any harm. But on the contrary, you may reap some advantage from
it. However, it will let you see that from your infancy I was ever solicitous
for the welfare of both your soul and body and when I am laid in my grave, this
will put you in mind of me, of your duty to God, your neighbour and your own
Following their marriage, it would appear that Walter and Mary lived with Walter’s elderly
father and Mary’s mother at Munphin, raising their family and looking after the
One of the reasons Mary Long nee Keightley
chose to live with her daughter and son-in-law at Munphin, was probably
revealed in a letter dated 22 May 1705 to Lady Dorothy at Draycot from Jodrell:
Mrs Keightley so well approves of the marriage that (as is
said) she is willing to do what she can towards it. It is said there is £200
per Annum payable out of her Jointure to satisfy a Debt of her husbands. And
that there is yet several years to come before the Debts can be cleared, and
that she would sell her Jointure estate, or part of it, and thereby clear the
debt, and raise something for her daughter’s portion and retrench her own
living. (Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre-
2943B/1/27- Letters of Lady Dorothy Long from Paul Jodrell).
Apart from Mary witnessing the deposition about the Holy Relic in his
possession, signed by her father-in-law at Munphin in 1716, nothing is heard
about Walter Junior and Mary until the death of Walter’s father in 1717.
Another letter to Catherine O’Brien from her aunt
Margaret Forde, cousin to Walter Butler of Munphin, revealed the financial
state of their mutual relations. It was written only a few months after the
death of Walter Senior:[cxx]
January 23rd1718
Give me leave to tell you Dear Niece, that you have a
relation in my Cosen Butler of Munphin who is a most deserving worthy young
woman, but not so well favour’d by fortune as she deserves and has a numerous
familie of children, if it lyes in your way at any time to do her or them a
kindness it will be a most worthy action and won I shall be infinitely pleased
at. I know not what condition they are in since the father’s death but they
were in ill circumstances during his life and don’t hear they are much better
Yr most affectionate Aunt and very humble Servt
Marg. Forde
letter certainly revealed the dire financial situation the Butlers of Munphin
were now placed, and had been experiencing for several years.
families were closely connected. Margaret, widow of Matthew Forde, lived at
Coolgreeny, Inch, in Co. Wexford, a few miles from Munphin. Margaret and her
sister Lucia O’Brien (Catherine’s mother-in-law), were the daughters of Sir
George Hamilton 1st Baronet Hamilton of Donalong Co. Tyrone
(1607-1679-of the House of Abercorne; son of James Hamilton 1st Earl
of Abercorn and Marion Boyd) and Lady Mary Butler (daughter of Thomas Butler
Viscount Thurles and Elizabeth Poyntz, and sister to James 1st Duke
of Ormonde, and great aunt to Pierce 3rd Viscount Galmoy’s first
George Hamilton’s nephew’s wife Elizabeth Fagan was Walter’s cousin (through
the White family, their mothers being sisters). George Hamilton’s brother was Claud 2nd Lord Hamilton, Baron
of Strabane Co Tyrone, whose son George Hamilton 4th Lord Hamilton
married Elizabeth Fagan, daughter of Christopher Fagan and Anne White, sister
of Eleanor White. Therefore, Lucia Hamilton, wife of Donough O’Brien, parents
of Lucius O’Brien (Catherine’s husband), was cousin of George Hamilton 4th Lord Hamilton Baron of Strabane Co Tyrone, and therefore his wife Elizabeth
Fagan, who was cousin of Walter Butler Junior.
Margaret Ford/Hamilton was also related to the Butlers through the
Esmonde family, who had a close kinship with the Butlers:
Sir Laurence Esmonde 3rd Bart married Lucy Ford, dau of Matthew Ford and
Margaret Hamilton (viz. the writer of the letter to Catherine), of Coolgreeny,
Inch, Wexford.
Laurence Esmonde's father Sir Laurence 2nd Bt, married 1st Lucia Butler
dau of Richard Butler of Kilcash and Frances Touchet (dau of Earl of
Castlehaven)- Richard was brother of the Duke of Ormond, and of Mary
Hamilton nee Butler.
Laurence 2nd Bt married 2ndly Lucy Kavanagh dau of Charles
Kavanagh son of Sir Morgan Kavanagh of Clonmullen in Scarawalsh, (also related
to the Butlers). When Laurence 2nd Bt died, Lucy Kavanagh married Galmoy's
brother Richard Butler, half- brother of Walter Butler Jnr.
Laurence Esmonde 3rd Bt and Lucy Ford's sons also married
Butlers: Richard Esmonde married Helen Butler sister of 15th Earl of Ormond;
Walter Esmonde married Joanna Butler dau of 5th Baron Cahir; John Esmonde
married Helen Galway dau of Mary Butler dau of Col John Butler of Mountgarrett.
So the kinship relationship between the Hamilton’s, the Forde’s and the
Butler’s of Munphin was a close one.
The next and final chapter
will explore the last years of Walter Butler Junior’s life which was disastrous
for the family.
Contact: butler1802 @ hotmail. com (no spaces)
Link to introduction chapter on Richard 1st
Viscount Mountgarrett
Links to the Butlers of Munphin Co. Wexford on this blog:
Links to all of the chapters in this blog:
Pierce Butler of Kayer Co. Wexford (the elder) c.1540-1599
Edward Butler of Kayer Co. Wexford, 1577-1628
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore (the younger), c.1600-1652, Part I
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore Part II- Pierce Butler's role in the 1642-49 Catholic Confederate Rebellion
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore Part III- Depositions against Pierce Butler of Kayer on his role in the 1642-49 Catholic Confederate Rebellion
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore Part IV- Land Ownership by the Butlers in County Wexford
Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore Part V- Pierce Butler and the Cromwellian Confiscations of 1652-56
Sons of Pierce Butler of Kayer and Moneyhore- Edward, James, John, & Walter
Walter Butler of Munphin, Co. Wexford, c.1640-1717, Part I
Walter Butler of Munphin, Part II
Walter Butler of Munphin, Part III
Walter Butler Junior of Munphin (1674-1725) Part I- exile to France in 1690
Walter Butler Junior of Munphin (1674-1725) Part II- Military record
Walter Butler Junior of Munphin (1674-1725) Part III- Marriage to Mary Long
Walter Butler Junior of Munphin (1674-1725) Part IV- Last years
Younger sons of Richard 1st Viscount Mountgarrett: John Butler of New Ross, Thomas Butler of Castlecomer, James and Theobald Butler:
James Butler of Dowganstown and Tullow Co Carlow- 2nd son of Pierce Butler of Kayer (the elder):
Pedigree of Butlers of Ireland, and Ancestry of Butlers of Ireland, and County Wexford:
The MacRichard Line- Ancestors of the Butlers of Wexford
[i] Sister Mary Puis O’Farrell, Breaking of Morn, by Sister Mary Puis
O’Farrell, ISBN 1-86076-299-9, Pub 2001- p45-46 No. 12- Margaret Butler; and
Sister Pius Farrell’s ‘Positio’-
Chapter 7 The Urseline Foundation p264-271 (a thesis). Archives de la Seine, 30
Quai Henri IV, Registre: 4 AZ, 894 Document 1b- 4 Oct 1763 Marguerite de
Butler; Archives de St Denis, Paris, G.G. 218 (Document 1a) 8 July 1767
[ii] John Burke Esq. & John Bernard Burke Esq., Genealogical & Heraldic History of the Extinct & Dormant
Baronetcies of England, Ireland & Scotland, 2nd Ed,
Genealogical Publications Co. Baltimore, Orig Pub London 1841, reprinted 1977,
pages 321-322- Long, of Westminster.
[iii] John Aubrey, Lives of Eminent
Men, Vol. 1, pp.432-433, London 1813, from originals in the Bodleian
Library and Ashmolean Museum.
[iv] Thomas Seccombe, “Long, Sir James 2nd baronet (1617-1692)”,
Rev. Henry Lancaster, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford
University Press, 2004 (online edn Jan 2008- Accessed 29 Dec 2009)- DNB Ref:
B.D. Hanning “Long, Sir James, HoP
Commons 1660-90”, 2.758
[v] The earliest account of Charles II’s
famous escape, and Strangways role in it, written by Thomas Blount in 1660: “Boscobel or The History of His Sacred
Majesty’s Most Miraculous Preservation”.
[vi] Huntington Library Quarterly Vol. 28, No. 2, Feb 1965, The By-election at Aldborough 1673,
article by Roy Carroll, University of California Press, www.jstor/stable/3816804 , National
Library of Australia, accessed 03/03/2011; Carroll’s ref: Reresby Correspondence, Leeds Central Library, Mexborough Archives.
[vii] My grateful thanks to Cheryl Nicol for sharing
her extensive research of the Long and Keightley families with me.
She has an
interesting book on the Long family -
“Inheriting the Earth: the Long family's 500 year reign in Wiltshire", Hobnob Press, USA, 2016.
[viii] John Aubrey, Brief Lives,
chiefly of Contemporaries set down by John Aubrey between the Years 1669 and
1696, ed. Andrew Clark, Oxford, 1898, Vol. II, page 7; and Letters
written by Eminent Persons & Lives of Eminent Men, London, 1813, page
[ix] Tony MacLachlan, The Civil
War in Wiltshire, Rowan Books, 1997, p218
[x] J.J. Danielle, Wiltshire
Archealogical & Natural History Magazine, XII (1870), p304
[xi] John Aubrey, (ed. Jackson) Wiltshire
Topographical Collection, 1862, page 235
[xii] Janet H. Stevenson, Victoria
County History of Wiltshire, Institute of Historical Research, Vol 14, p77;
and Dict of National Biography p104.
[xiii] Dorset Parish
registers PE/PUD RE 4/1 (no dates of burials given but following page has date
of burials beginning October 1689), and RE7/2; and Somerset & Dorset Notes
& Queries, Vol. 5, Sept 1897, p.52- Lord Lieutenant’s Return May 1688-
James Long questioned.
[xiv] Somerset and Dorset
Notes and Queries, Vol. 5, Sept 1897, p. 305
[xv] Notes and Queries for Somerset &
Dorset- 1915, pp.102-104- An Incident at
Adminston Dorset in the 17th Century.
[xvi] WSRO 947/2101/2: Letter B- Lady Ann Mason to her mother Lady Dorothy
[xvii] The Dorset Parish Registers 1538-1910, filmed by the LDS, film nos.
2427563, images 660 and 665, Parish of Piddletown
[xviii] Thomas Keightley baptised 23 January 1650;
Mary Keightley bap. 23 June 1652; sister Frances bap. 21 Aug 1649- all by Rev.
Thomas Hassall at Great Amwell Hertford .Youngest sister Christian bap. 2 April
1656 at family home Hertingfordbury Park, by Rev. T. Hassall. (Parish records
filmed by LDS, film no. 991303).
William Keightley and Amy Williams, married 22 Aug 1648 (Guildhall, St Michael
Crooked Lane London Register marriages 1539-1723- Marriage Licence 17 Aug
1648). William Keightley (bap.16 April, 1621, Guildhall, St Dunstan in the
East, London, Register 1558-1653) and brother Thomas (b.1622) .William and Thomas
, sons of Thomas Keightley (b.1579 Kinver Staffordshire, d.1662, purchased
Hertingfordbury Park Hertfordshire 17 July 1627-Hertfordshire Archives &
Local Studies DE/P/T833; merchant; sheriff of Herts. 1651) and wife Rose
Evelyn. Thomas Keightley Snr, s/o John Keightley of Trimpley Worcester &
Elizabeth Hill, s/o George Keightley of Trimpley. (Ref: Visitation of London 1633, 1634, 1635). Amy Williams (bap. 29 March
1630, Guildhall, St Andrew Undershaft, London, Register 1558-1623; orphaned by
1648 -Foster’s London Marriage Licences
1521-1869) d/o John Williams, merchant, of London & Mary Turner (Visitation of London 1633 etc). Alumni Cantabrigienses, a biog. list of all students, graduates,
etc. at Uni. of Cambridge from earliest times to 1900, Part 1 (to 1751),
Vol. iii (K-R), compiled by John Venn &
J.A. Venn, Cambridge Uni. Press 1924, pp.3-4- Keightley, Thomas b.1622
and William b.1621; both adm. July 12 1636, matric. 1637. Thomas entered Middle
Temple 1641.
[xix] Gillian Darley, John Evelyn: Living for Ingenuity, Yale University Press, 2006,
pp.107-8 (Darley’s refs: Letter Books, British Library, Add Ms 78298, f.44 JE
to TK, 25 (23) March, 1651; Add Ms 78315, f.98 TK to JE from Paris 5 Feb
[xx] Herts. Co. Records, Cal. Of Sessions Books, 1658-1700, II, 169
[xxi] IGI Records- LDS Family search website, and LDS film 991303- Gt
Amwell Parish Register D/P4 1/9 Marriages Baptisms Burials 1558-1657
[xxii] Joseph Foster, London
Marriage Licences 1521-1869, London, 1887, p783, Keightley, William etc.
[xxiii] London Baptisms, Marriages, Burials
1538-1812 (, which come from the Church of England Parish
registers 1538-1812 London Metropolitan Guildhall Library Manuscripts London- William Keitley, etc.
[xxiv] Although commonly thought that the 1st Earl of Clarendon
was the author of the Clarendon Code, he was not heavily involved in the
drafting of the code and actually disapproved of much of its content. It was
merely named after him, as he was a chief minister (Wikipedia)
[xxv] Oxford National Dictionary of Biography, Keightley, Thomas, has her name as Anne Williams dau of John
Williams of London.
[xxvi] George Dames Burtchaell, Genealogical Memoirs of the Members of
Parliament for the County and City of Kilkenny
Pub. Sealy, Bryers & Walker,
Dublin, 1888, page 94
[xxvii] the
London Baptisms, Marriages, Burials 1538-1812 (, which come from
the Church of England Parish registers 1538-1812 London Metropolitan Guildhall
Library Manuscripts London
[xxviii] Sr Henry St George, Kt, Richmond Herald and Deputy and Marshal to
Sr Richard St George Kt Clarencieux King of Armes, The Visitation of London Anno Domini 1633, 1634, and 1635, Volume
II, page 353, ed by Joseph Jackson Howard, LL.D, F.S.A., London 1883
[xxx] Visitation of London 1633,1634,1635, op.cit- Keightley
[xxxi] Frimpley, now Trimpley a couple of kms NW of Kidderminster,
[xxxii] National Archives UK, Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies,
[xxxiii] Catherine Knollys, dau. of Sir Robert Knollys of Gray’s Court (of
the Rotherfield Greys Knollys line) and Johanna Wolstenholme dau of Sir John
[xxxiv] Alumni Cantabrigienses, a biog. list of all students, graduates, etc at Uni
of Cambridge from earliest times to 1900, Part 1 (to 1751), Vol iii (K-R),
compiled by John Venn & J.A. Venn,
Cambridge Uni Press 1924, p3-4- Keightley, Thos b.1622 and William b.1621.
[xxxv] Records of the Earls Cowper of Cole Green House and Panshanger, in
Hertfordbury, Hertford 1251-1966, held by the Hertfordshire Archives and Local
Studies (Copyright); National Archives UK website; Counterpart conveyance
DE/P/T833 17 July 1627.
[xxxvi] Ibid; Original Surrender DE/P/ T3500 11 Nov 1632. Eston Green may
be East End Green, near Stockings Lane just south of Hertingfordbury.
[xxxvii] Ibid; Schedule DE/P/T3632 24 Oct 1647
[xxxviii] Ibid; Agreement DE/P/T3633 9 Mar 1648/9
[xxxix] Ibid; Order DE/P/T3764 1648
[xl] Ibid; Counterpart enfranchisement DE/P/T842 20 March 1673/4
[xli] Parishes:
Hertingfordbury, A History of the Co. of Hertford, Vol 3, 1912,
p462-468- their ref: Clos, 33 Chas II,, no 34.)
[xlii] Gillian Darley, John Evelyn: Living for Ingenuity, Yale University Press, 2006,
pp.107-8 (Darley’s refs: Letter Books, British Library, Add Ms 78298, f.44 JE
to TK, 25 (23) March, 1651; Add Ms 78315, f.98 TK to JE from Paris 5 Feb
[xliii] Herts. Co. Records, Cal. Of Sessions Books, 1658-1700, II, 169
[xliv] Although commonly thought that the 1st Earl of Clarendon
was the author of the Clarendon Code, he was not heavily involved in the
drafting of the code and actually disapproved of much of its content. It was
merely named after him, as he was a chief minister (Wikipedia)
[xlv] Gillian Darley, John Evelyn: Living for Ingenuity, Yale
University Press, 2006, page 34. Darley’s reference: Diary of John Evelyn,( i
to vi) ed. E. S. de Beer (1955), ii 80n.3
[xlvi] John Evelyn, Diary &
Correspondence of John Evelyn, edit By William Bray esq. Vol 1, London
1850, p74
[xlvii] Gillian Darley, John Evelyn:
Living for Ingenuity, Yale University Press, 2006, page 42
[xlix] Ibid, p106-7. Darley’s ref; Letter Books, British
[l] Edward Chaney: The Grand Tour and the Great Rebellion:
Richard Lassels and The Voyage of Italy in the Seventeenth Century. Slatkine
Geneve, 1985, pp365, 366
[li] Abstracts of English Studies Volume
16, by University of Calgary Eng. Dept. 1872, page 88
[lii] E.M. Johnston-Liik, History
of the Irish Parliament 1692-1899: Commons, Constituencies, Statutes, Vol
1, Ulster Historical Foundation Belfadst, 2002 p11.
[liii] Brit Lib, Add Ms 78315, f.98, TK to JE, from Paris,
5 Feb 1646/7; BL Add Ms 78198, EP to RB, from Brussels, 14 Dec 1647- from
Gilliam Darley, John Evelyn…op.cit, p72
[liv] Diary & Correspondence of
John Evelyn FRS, edit from original by William Bray Esq. Vol 1 London 1850,
[lv] Edward Hyde 1st Earl of Clarendon , born 1609, married 2ndly
Frances daughter of Sir Thomas Aylsebury, Master of Requests. He was called to
the bar in 1633, made keeper of the writs and rolls of the common pleas in
1634; returned to Parliament 1640; in 1641 became informal advisor to King
Charles I, appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer 1643-1646. He lost favour with
the King, but was made guardian to the Prince of Wales with whom he fled to
Jersey in 1646 and was appointed Lord
Chancellor by Charles II in exile in 1658 which he held until 1667; 1st
Lord of Treasury 1660, Chancellor of the University of Oxford 1660-1667. Once
again, he fell out of favour with the King, and was impeached by the House of
Commons and forced to flee to France in Nov 1667, where he spent the rest of
his life working on his “History of the
Rebellion and Civil Wars in England”. He died at Rouen, 9 Dec 1674, but was
buried in Westminster Abbey. His daughter by wife Frances Aylesbury, Anne
married James Duke of York, and youngest daughter Frances married Thomas
Keightley. Source: Wikipedia
[lvi] Samuel Pepys, Diary of Samuel
Pepys, London 1893, Ch. Nov 1667, 11 Nov 1667
[lvii] Antonia Fraser, King Charles II,
Phoenix books ,1st pub 1979, reprint 2002, p.262
[lviii] Historical Manuscripts Commission, 8th
Report. App.i. p.280 (35)
[lix] Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman’s
Magazine and Historical Chronicle, Jan to June 1829, London, 1829, pp.322-323 (April), Volume 99- Mementoes of the Hyde Family,
transcribes contents of Lady Frances Keightley nee Hyde’s BDM entries in her
personal Bible, of all her family members.
[lx] John Evelyn, The Diary of
John Evelyn, (edit. William Bray), London 1895, p.427
[lxi] Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman’s Magazine
and Historical Chronicle, Jan to June 1829, London, 1829, pp.322/23 (April), Volume 99- Mementoes of the Hyde Family (transcript
of family Bible BDM entries- son James b. Feb. 1678 London, son William b.
March 1679 Ireland).
[lxii] Sir Richard
Bulstrode, The Bulstrode Papers,
Vol.1 (1667-1675), printed for private circulation 1897 in The Collection of Autograph
Letters and Historical Documents, formed by Alfred Morrison (2nd
series 1882-1893).
[lxiii] The wreck of the ‘Gloucester’, in which 150 perished including
several nobles, reflected badly on the Duke of York, many blaming his slow
reactions and his poor choice of priorities for the large loss of life.
[lxiv] Correspondence of Henry Hyde Earl of Clarendon and of
his brother Laurence Hyde Earl of Rochester; with the Diary of Lord Clarendon
from 1687 to 1690, etc,
Edit by Samuel Weller Singer, London, 1828, Volume I, pp.76, 106-7, 170-71
[lxv] Ibid, Vols. I
& II.
[lxvi] Ibid, Vol. I, p.491/2; and
General Index Vols.1 & 2, p.532, ‘Clarendon
Vol. I, 491-493 (re sister’s conduct)’
[lxviii] John Ainsworth (ed), The Inchiquin Manuscripts, Irish
Manuscripts Commission, Dublin 1961, pp.62, 63, 68
[lxix] CSP Dom. Anne, [46] p.18, March 1702, Royal Warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of
[lxx] Correspondence
of Henry Hyde Earl of Clarendon, etc, op.cit, Vol. I- p.576: Sept 6, 1686, Clarendon to Rochester; Editor notes, ‘her problem due to excessive drinking’.
[lxxi] Ibid, Vol. I, pp.493, 496, July 14, 1686.
[lxxii] Catherine Keightley born at Hertingfordbury Park, Wiltshire, on Oct
29, 1676, the only child to survive infancy, of seven sons and two daughters
born between 1676 and 1685 including two sets of twins. This may have been the
cause of Frances’s fragile mental state. Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman’s Magazine and Historical Chronicle, Jan to June 1829,
London, 1829, pp.322-323 (April), Volume
99- Mementoes of the Hyde Family (lists
all of their birth/death dates)
[lxxiii] Correspondence of Henry Hyde Earl of Clarendon, etc, op.cit, Vol.1, p.577, Sept 6 1686.
[lxxiv] Rev. R.J. Leslie, M.A., Life
and Writings of Charles Leslie, M.A.,1885. Also, Oxford Dictionary of
National Biography, Robert D. Cornwall ‘Leslie,
Charles (1650-1722)’, Oxford Uni. Press, Sept 2004, which stated Frances
had stayed with the Leslies “during a
period of attraction to deism”.
[lxxv] Sir Thomas Cartwright, The
Diary of Sr Thomas Cartwright, bishop of Chester, Commencing at the Time of his
Elevation to the See..1686 M DC LXXXVI, reprinted form the original in 1843
[lxxvi] Inchiquin Papers, Collection List No. 143, Courtesy of the National Library of Ireland:
(collection of records relating to the O’Briens of Dromoland Co. Clare), MS45,
720.1- 1681 (Lady Frances Keightley to daughter Catherine)
[lxxvii] The book, History of the O’Briens from Brian Boroimhe
AD 1000 to AD 1945, by Donough O’Brien,
Pub. Batsford 1949- Ch XVIII The Pictures and Works of Art at Dromoland
has the following information on paintings of
Lord Inchiquin’s forebears, the Keightleys:
Thomas Keightley by Marty Beal
Thomas’s wife Lady Frances Hyde
Thomas’s sister (called brother in book) Frances wearing a turban, by Richardson 29”x25”
William Keightley by Greenhill 1648 (29”x34”)
William’s brothers Thomas and John by
Vanderhelst and John Reily
William’s wife Amy Williams by Greenhill 1648
William & Thomas’s father Thomas
Keightley Snr by Van Somer 1616
Thomas’s wife Rose Evelyn by Van Somer 1616
Thomas’s sister Kendrick by Cornelius
Janssons 1620
pictures of the Hydes, Edward, & chn-Henry, Laurence and Anne.
[lxxviii] Ibid, MS45, 298/5, 298/6 (Letters re Lucius O’Brien’s death)
[lxxix] John Ainsworth, The Inchiquin Manuscripts, op.cit.,
pp.106, 111
[lxxx] Ibid, MS45, 295/7 - 7 April 1705 (Rochester
to Thos. Keightley)
[lxxxi] Inchiquin Papers, MS45, 295/2- 29 Nov 1705, Rochester to Mrs
O’Brien, Dromoland, Co Clare. NLI
[lxxxii] Inchiquin Papers, Collection List No. 143; NLI: (a collection of
records relating to the O’Briens of Dromoland Co. Clare, including documents
related to Thomas Keightly, related by marriage) MS 45, 348 /5-6; 1721-1724/5;
[lxxxiii] Ibid, MS45, 720/2
(Keightley, Mrs St Hill, Lady Clarendon)
[lxxxiv] Correspondence of Henry Hyde
Earl of Clarendon etc, op.cit., Diary
of Lord Clarendon Vol II, p.175, June 8 1688.
[lxxxv] Ibid., pp.231-234, Dec 19-22, 1688
[lxxxvi] John O’Donoghue, Historical
Memoir of the O’Briens, Dublin, 1860, p.342-343
[lxxxvii] CSP Dom., Charles II, Entry No [225] page no. 59 Date Oct 13, 1680-
the King to the Lord Lieutenant. Warrant for payment of annuity etc.
[lxxxviii] CSP Dom James II Jan 1686 to May 1687, Entry No. 1686., 319, page
no. 80, Date March 22, 1686 Warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
[xc] Cal.SP. Dom, Anne, Entry No. [46], page no. 18, Date March 1702-
Royal Warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
[xci] Oxford Dictionary of Biography
[xcii] Sir Winston Churchill, Marlborough,
His Life and Times, Vol 1, p629, University of Chicago Press edit 2002, 1st
pub. in Oct 1933 by George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.
[xciii] Inchiquin Papers, MS45, 295/2- Feb 21, 1701/2- Rochester to Mrs
[xciv] Newspaper: Post Man and the Historical Account
(London) Sat Oct 23, 1714 issue 11050
[xcv] Letters
Illustrative of the Reign of William III from 1696 to 1708, (Addressed to
Duke of Shrewsbury by James Vernon Esq Sec. of State), Ed. by GPR James Esq,
Vol. III, London 1841, pp.187-188
Stepney (referred to) was in the diplomatic service. Sent to Vienna 1702 as
envoy; in 1705 Prince Eugene requested Stepney’s withdrawal, but demand taken
back at request of Marlborough; removed to The Hague in 1706.
[xcvi] J. & F. Blom, John Belson (1625-1704), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography,
Oxford University Press Sept 2004. Mrs Bryan Stapleton, A History of the Post-Reformation Catholic Missions in Oxfordshire,
London, 1906, pp.263-266, Chapter: Aston
Rowant- family of Belson.
[xcvii] Victor M. Hamm, Dryden’s “The Hind and the Panter” and Roman Catholic Apologetics, PMLA,
Vol. 83, No. 2 (May 1968), p.406, pub Modern Language Association, Stable URL:, National Library of Australia, accessed
[xcviii] Beverley C. Southgate, Blackloism and Tradition: From Theological
Certainty to Historiographical Doubt, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol
61, No. 1 (Jan 2000) pp.97-114, University of Pennsylvania Press
[xcix] Catherine da. of Sir Robert Knollys of Gray’s Court and Joanna
Wolstenholme da. of Sir John Wolstenholme of
Nostell Abbey Yorkshire. Catherine Knollys m.1. Robert Haldenby/Holmby
of Yorkshire (d.19.8.1656), m.2. Thos Keightley 1658.
[c] J. & F. Blom, Austin,
John (1613-1669), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford
University Press, 2004; also see Oxford DNB: Thomas White, Thomas Blount, John
Sergeant, Sir George Mackenzie.
[ci] Belson Family Papers, Box
2, Folders 1-54, Milton House Archives, Georgetown University, Washington.
[cii] CSP, Dom Charles
II, undated., [2992], p.614, Date 1678, Passes
etc. (SP Dom Entry Book 51 p122);
SP29/179 f.82
Nov 26 1666-Licence to John Austin &
John Belson;
CSP Dom Chas II,[1594], p. 326, Oct 6, 1679 Grants of Denization etc. (SP Dom Entry
Book 51, pp168, 261)
[ciii] CSP Dom. Chas II,
[1594], p.326, Oct 6, 1679 Grants of
Denization etc. (SP Dom Entry Book 51, pp.168, 261)
[civ] Amy’s re-marriage and death according to A History of the County of Hertford:
Parishes: Hertingfordbury, Vol. 3 (1912), pp.462-468 (their ref: Close 33
Chas II, pt. vi, no. 34)
[cv] Belson Family Papers, Box 2, Folder 44, op.cit.
[cvi] Correspondence of Henry Hyde Earl of Clarendon, etc, op.cit, Vol 2, p280/1
[cvii] Donald F. McKenzie, Maureen Bell, A Chronology and Calendar of Documents Relating to the London Book
Trade, Oxford University Press, USA, 2005, p. 90-91.
[cviii] CSP Dom, William III &.Mary II,
[1984], p.324, 30 March 1691
[cix] CSP Dom, Wm III, [1440], p.341, Aug 12, 1696. Passes etc.
[cx] Frank H. Ellis, ‘Sheppard,
Sir Fleetwood (1634–1698)’, Oxford
Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [,
accessed 17 Oct 2010]
[cxi] CSP Dom, William III & Mary II, [3392], p.512, Mar 14 1690,
(H.O. Warrant Book 5, p96); [202], p.31, June 11,1690; [1145], p. 197, March 24
1692, Passes etc; [696], p. 97, Aug
15 1690- Warrants to keeper of Newgate
[cxii] Belson Family Papers, op.cit., Box 2,
Folders 49 & 50: John Sergeant to
Maurice Belson re father’s death, dated
Feb. 27, 1704/5 & March 28, 1705.
[cxiii] Belson
Family Papers, Milton House Archives, Georgetown Univeristy Washington, Box 2
Folder 49- Feb 27 1704/5
[cxiv] The
English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715, pub. by Edgar Edmund Estcourt and John
Orlebar Payne,1885, p.44
[cxv] Sir Giles and Sir James Long, as
mentioned, were Mary Long alias Keightley’s step-sons, by James Long’s first
wife Susan Strangways. The property of Burleston was adjacent to the
Athelhampton estate in Dorset, both originally purchased by Sir Robert Long 1st
Bt and granted to nephew James Long, of which Mary was given tenancy for life
under her husband’s will.
[cxvi] John Burke Esq. & John Bernard Burke
Esq., Genealogical & Heraldic History
of the Extinct & Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland & Scotland, 2nd
Ed, Genealogical Publications Co. Baltimore, orig. pub. London 1841, reprinted
1977, pp. 320-322- Long of Westminster.
[cxvii] Somerset and Dorset
Notes and Queries, Vol. 6, 1898-99, p.245
[cxviii] Equity & Exchequer Bill
Books 1674-1850, Court of the Exchequer Ireland- National Archives Dublin:
Filmed by the LDS (Genealogical Society of Utah) 2001 (ref: Equity Exchequer
Bill Books v.19-v.21, 1714-1719- Vault British film [2262646]- Vol. 21, p.99- 14 Feb 1718
[cxix] Inchiquin Papers, Collection List No. 143;
MS 45; Courtesy of the National Library of Ireland: (a collection of records
relating to the O’Briens of Dromoland Co. Clare, including letters to/from
Thomas Keightley, related by marriage), MS 45, 720/2 (last page)- Bundle of Lady Clarendon’s letters.
[cxx] Inchiquin Papers, Courtesy of the National
Library of Ireland, MS 45, 346/4; 23 Jan 1717/18 -Letter from Marg. Forde to Catherine O’Brien